Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 19, 2013
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:  Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Brad Lawes, Ken Young
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Review of Agenda:
Approval of August 5, 2013 Minutes:
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to approve minutes of August 5, 2013 as written.  All in favor.  So approved.
Review/Authorization to pay bills:  Bills making their rounds for signatures.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie reported that delinquent taxes were at $56,700.  New tax bills went out.  Some tax money is already coming in.
Julie hasn’t received a bridge cleaning bill yet.
Julie has updated the web-site and she asked that everyone go on and look at it.  There were not a lot of choices of pictures to reflect Leicester’s community.  She has the EEE information on the site with the email address of the Town.
Health Officer materials were returned to the Town Office.
Lister meeting is Thursday for the appeals of property valuations and the Accessor will be there.
Zoning Administrator
Julie reported that Kate could not come tonight.  Kate stated that she has some really good prospects for assistance with zoning and compliance things.  She is feeling much better about continuing on as Zoning Administrator.  She feels comfortable that she has a couple of people that will be able to come on board to help.
Julie reported that Kate would like Diane to contact her for signatures for legal paperwork that has to be done by Friday.
Diane thought Kate also wanted to talk about the Municipal Planning Grant.
Town Foreman:
Arlan reported that they hauled some gravel, and did some grading.
No one had contacted Arlan about smashing the rocks; so he thinks the best thing to do is to rent the smaller machine.  Arlan will call Greg one more time.  Brad will try calling again, as well, and try to put this to rest.
Ken asked about the bump in the road on the Bullock Road.  Arlan said he would take care of it.
There was discussion about the light pole at the Town Shed. Arlan said that the light is a big help in the winter time; so now that the sand has been moved back, they might need to move the light to the back of the salt shed.
Ken asked if the board would like him to ask Lem Palmer to bush hog the weeds and brush this side of the grave yard fence.  He could do it on his contracted hours.  It shouldn’t be more than an hour.  It makes the appearance of the town look much nicer when it’s mowed.  Arlan thinks it is a good idea.
Board authorized Ken to contact Lem.
Brad went down to see Sue Sweeney on Hooker Road about the culvert.  The silt is coming down and going right straight out the pipe.  They are starting to get a sand bar in front of their house.  They want us to divert the water 90º so it puts the sand right in front of their camp and make a beach.  Arlan went down with Brad.
Julie mentioned that someone from the State had been down and toured around the lake looking for violations where people have created beaches. She believes violations may have been given.
Brad told her he would get back to her.  The Board does not feel they can do anything more.
Ron reported about the bids for work on the white building.  He only heard back from one which was Mr. Munger.  The other two, Francoeur and Miner, did not get back to him. 
They need to do something about the water immediately to save the building.  It was agreed to make a provision for a sump pump for this year.
Ron will talk and clarify bid with Mr. Munger.
The culvert on Fern Lake Road needs to be done.  Arlan thinks he will work on it on a Saturday or Sunday after Labor Day.  Arlan will put up the signs and close the road for two days..
Tom reported that Don Durkee should be pretty well done in the cemetery.
Green Mountain Power sent a public notice about a project of re-constructing 5,742 feet of line on Town Farm Road and Delorm Road.
A notice of the business meeting for VLCT, Thursday, October 3, 2013, if anyone would like to attend.
Town Fair notice if anyone would like to attend.
Vermont Protective Coating is performing bridge reconditioning work on the bridge over Leicester River.
Motion by Brad and second by Ken to approve the bills.  All in favor.  So approved.
The Secretary’s recorder is no longer working properly.  It will no longer download to the computer.  She has worked with two different Olympus technical support and they cannot fix the problem.  They have provided two free new versions of the software, but to no avail.
Motion by Ken and second by Brad to authorize Treasurer to purchase a new digital recorder for Secretary.  All in favor.  So approved.
Motion by Tom and second by Brad to adjourn at 7:25 p.m.   
Due to the September 2nd holiday, next meeting will be Tuesday, September 3rd.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary