Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 6, 2013
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:  Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, Ken Young
Absent:  Brad Lawes
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Kate Briggs, Trooper Cathy Cappetta, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Review of Agenda:
Approval of April 15, 29, 2013 Minutes:
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to approve minutes of April 15 & April 29, 2013 as written. All in favor.  So approved.
Review/Authorization to pay bills:  Bills making their rounds for signatures.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Town Foreman:
Arlan reported they washed up the equipment and cut some trees at the end of Shackett Road where they need to take the ledge out.  He needs some help with the trees.  Julie reminded them about protocol for independent or private contractors.  Arlan will probably wait to get Steve.
Trooper Cathy Cappetta stopped in.  She stated they are trying to get around to various town meetings and she is a Leicester resident.  Introductions were made.
Tom brought up Branbury Beach and the college kids parking all along the road.  Trooper Cappetta said she would check into it.
Julie asked how the Town could be notified of incidents in the Town that might be good for the town to know; such as accidents, suspicious people in the area, thefts in the area, drug busts in the area.  Julie thinks the governing body of the Town should know before people start calling them.
Trooper Cappetta said most is done by press release and in the newspaper within 24 hours.  There is a list serve that she will ask to see if the town could get on it.
Julie had someone comment on the amount of activity at the location of the heroine bust on Fern Lake Road.  She called the Sheriff’s Department and they said they would notify the State Police and Vergennes Police.  Trooper Cappetta said to call the State Police.  The Sheriff’s Department handles corrections transports and traffic control.
Green Up Day Report:
Kate reported about Green Up Day.  Lem said there was the same amount as last year, but Kate didn’t think so.  There were quite a few tires.  There are spots that people used to do that are not happening now.  Next year, Kate is going to talk with Otter Valley to see if there are any service clubs that would sponsor a kid to help.  It was a nice day.  Kate thinks we need to expand our younger helpers.  We used a huge amount of green bags. 
Diane reported the raffle went very well and just about everyone got a prize.  Diane thanked Kate for getting all the prizes.
Zoning Administrator:
Kate called Mike Magoon and he said he had no conflict of interest and could represent the Town.  She talked with Jim Carroll and he is writing the letter to Jeff Smith. 
Kate had a complaint this weekend by somebody who lives out of state, but had been told by a neighbor on Fox Lane that someone had built a deck.  Kate went over to look at the deck and they did build a deck, the deck is right on the property line, right at the lake and part of the deck is in the lake.  This is all without permits.  They cleared the shoreline and threw the brush onto their neighbor’s property.  Jim Carroll said to pursue aggressively.  Kate will be dealing with it.
VT Gas Update:
Kate reported that as part of the Public Service Board’s criteria, one of the criterion for evaluation of proposals is whether it is consistent with Town and Regional Plans.  There is a movement afoot to give towns more standing in the process is to make sure Town Plan’s have something about things such as gas lines.  It is an opportunity to participate or require that there be additional information provided by people putting in the gas line.  They would need Town Plan revisions.  There is great concern for the organic farmers and losing their certification.  Kate thinks we should just focus on agricultural issues and economic development.   Kate hasn’t given the changes to the Planning Commission yet.  PC meets on Wednesday.
Julie had a conversation with Selectboard Chair, John Philips of Milton.  He said there is a lot of misinformation out there.  He felt sometimes they were being misled.  Their route has gone through six different versions.  They requested that there be no line within 300’ of any residence or well.  There are only two properties that are < 300’.  Vermont Gas would tell you what the properties are worth.  Vermont Gas has to go through the Agency of Natural Resources because there are some wetlands.  He felt for us, it is too early to take a stance for or against.  He thought it would be another two or three years.  He suggests that someone from the town go to every meeting there is; even in other towns.  He gave Julie a contact at the Public Service Department to ask what the plans are for our town.  They have no organic farms.  They have a wildlife crossing.  They hired a lawyer and did do a memorandum of understanding; which has to be included with any decision made by the Public Service Board.
Julie stopped in to see Sue in Cornwall.  She talked with Sue about the web-site.  She said at the beginning it was a lot of work, but not now.  It is for information only; notices of meetings, links to articles in paper.  She makes the decision.
Sukie stopped in to get a copy of all the addresses from the grand list.  They are going door to door with a petition.  Julie confirmed a petition can go on the outside bulletin board and not inside the Town Office.
Diane stated that there is a timeline put out by VT Gas and it is their intention to select a route through Addison County by the end of May.
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Julie reported that she sent out delinquent notices on the dogs and has received a few more back. 
Julie was wondering when the septic tank was last pumped.  Tom stated it has been about 4 – 5 years.  The Board doesn’t think there will be a problem.  Julie will call Clark’s to see when it was done last.
Julie stated that the school is going to have lines painted and Julie wanted to know if the Town would be interested in doing parking spaces lines at the same time.  Arlan will talk with Gary to get some recommendations.
Julie got new flag for the flagpole. 
Julie asked about the back stop out on the ball field being in disrepair.  There have been two inquiries/concerns about it.  Some people think the Town is responsible.  It is school property and the school board is responsible.
Julie reported that the copier contract runs out at the end of the month.  Julie has received quotes from Riko & Canon.
Motion by Ron and second by Tom to authorize Treasurer to sign a 5-year lease with either Riko or Canon not to exceed $140 month as budgeted.  All in favor.  So approved.
Tom reported that Cemetery Committee will meet on Thursday.
Weight Permit(s):
Weight permit was incomplete.
High Risk Rural Roads:
Julie reported on the accident that happened on Leicester/Whiting Road between Mayhew’s and Hogan’s.  The truck came over the dip and caught the side and sucked the truck down over the culvert.  Hit the telephone pole with the back of the truck.  Broke the telephone pole.  The last accident that happened there, the vehicle was coming the other way, went air born, cut the car in half.  Julie pulled out the High Risk Rural Roads Report and there is nothing on it besides some signs.
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to pay the bills.  All in favor.  So approved.
Motion by Tom and second by Ken to go into Executive Session at 7:46 p.m. for pending legal issue. All in favor.  So approved.
Motion by Ken and second by Tom to come out of Executive Session at 8:10 p.m.; no action taken.
Motion by Ron and second by Ken to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. All in favor.  So approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Next meeting May 20, 2013
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary