Meeting Minutes
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2013*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Brad Lawes, Tom Barker Members Absent: Ken Young Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Kate Briggs, Jim Russo, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Review of Agenda: Approval of April 1, 2013 Minutes: Motion by Tom and second by Brad to approve minutes of April 1, 2013 as written. All in favor. So approved. Review/Authorization to pay bills: Bills making their rounds for signatures. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Health Officer: Jim Russo reported Claire McDonald was going to court against the renters because of the way they left it. Her insurance agent went up to take pictures of junk and garbage. She reported that everything is being taken care of. She has a contractor going in to clean everything up. Listers: Jim reported that property transfers done before April 1st were all entered. They are reviewing for proper names and addresses on properties. He will give a report to Julie for her review. Everything has been appraised as of April 1st. Grievances are going to be held May 21st from 9:00 – 5:00. There were 40 changes of appraisals. Jim doesn’t think there will be too many grievances. Jim was subpoenaed into court last Friday for the Parker/Potter case. Jim explained the calculation of taxes. Diane Harvey and Ruby Carter Lewis are interested in the Lister vacancy. Diane will contact both parties to work out a schedule to come in to meet with the Board and Jim; possibly Wednesday. Town Foreman: Arlan reported they have been sweeping and hauled some gravel. Markowski gave them 10 tandem loads of gravel. The water is still too high to look at the culvert above the town shed. Tom Roberts is supposed to get hydraulics information. Diane contacted Mr. Meza and explained the Board denied paying the invoice for the damage to his vehicle because the grate is in the State’s right of way. Arlan talked with Kurt at the Brandon garage about the grate, but hasn’t heard anything. Arlan reviewed the weight permit. Brad signed the weight permit. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie reported they had the election. There are about 40 delinquent dogs. She sent out notices and will be sending out another batch of delinquent notices. There was discussion how to handle delinquent dogs and possible fines. Cemetery: Tom reported that they have done a couple grave sites. Tom ordered a new flag pole and flag for the cemetery. The Board agreed to pay for the flag pole if Tom would put in the flag pole. Tom will need to put in a new base because there is a size difference; in order to put in the new flag pole. There will be a cemetery meeting next month. Tom would like to talk about getting some more stones cleaned. Zoning Administrator: Kate reported that John Anderson called her about the Dunkley-Gill property and asked if the Town might be interested in buying the property. He would like to sell the property for what he has into it. She told John that she would bring it to the Selectboard. Kate reported that they are making progress on the zoning regulations, making clarification of language. The shoreline protection will have to be in the new regulations. The town, by adopting certain things, can protect itself from certain things. Kate reported that at the last PC Meeting, they had a sketch plan review of a subdivision for Mike Shackett. Other towns have minor and major subdivisions. We need to address this in the new regulations. Kate anticipates a lot of busy summer activity on Lake Dunmore. Kate reported them Lem Palmer agreed to do Green Up this year. Motion by Tom and second by Ron to go into Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. pending legal action. All in favor. So approved. Motion by Tom and second by Ron to come out of Executive Session at 7:55 p.m. with no action taken. All in favor. So approved. The Board members in attendance signed the loan documents for $200,000. NEW BUSINESS: Planning for VT Gas Discussion: Diane will contact VT Gas to schedule a public meeting for next Monday, April 22nd at 6:30 p.m. in the Meeting House. Ron has the routes if anyone is interested. The pipeline is 12” buried pipe. If they go through Leicester, there are two possible routes. One route would be right down by the Ag store. The route would go down the Bullock Road and then go down below the trestle. The other would go south to Shard Villa Road where it goes to the rail spur in Leicester, follows the spur to Whiting, then to Shoreham, and proceeds to Lake Champlain. The odds of the pipeline going through Leicester are slim due to the money needed to do it. CORRESPONDENCE: Sukie Fredericks sent a letter of request to the Board requesting to be an additional delegate and attend meetings when possible and receive site committee communications. Brad & Ron are delegates. OLD BUSINESS: Julie brought up the anonymous donation. Another option for the Board to consider is for “Welcome to Leicester” signs on Rte 7. The Board would be amenable to having the signs and would install them. Tom stated that there were some casters for furniture movers at $20 each that might be available from Mitchell’s. Julie could use these in the office and vault. Motion by Ron and second by Tom to authorize Julie & Arlan to go look to purchase up to 15, if needed. All in favor. So approved. Motion by Tom and second by Brad to approve the bills. All in favor. So approved. Motion by Tom and second by Ron to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. Passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned 8:35 p.m. Next Meeting May 6, 2013. Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary