Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 4, 2013
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:  Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, Brad Lawes, Ken Young
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Kate Briggs, Diane Harvey, Jeff Lee, Michele Lee, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:27 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Review of Agenda:
Approval of October 21, 2013 Minutes:
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to approve minutes of October 21, 2013 as written.  3 yes in favor and 2 abstentions.  So approved.
Review/Authorization to pay bills:  Bills making their rounds for signatures.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie reported that delinquents are at $147,467.  That is high.
Julie called the Department of Education and asked them to consider re-evaluating the town’s payment requirement.  She is waiting for them to call back.  She is not holding out too much hope.
Jeff and Diane were present.  Jeff reported that they received the three appraisers proposals.  The listers recommended LaRose as the best choice for re-doing the maps even though his quote is higher for the initial correction.  LaRose would need to do more work to take the data and enter it into their software; where Grass Roots already have the data.  They also asked LaRose for different sized maps.  Grass Roots and Turner were the other two appraisers.  Grass Roots have been very difficult to deal with.  They also didn’t have a lot of confidence in Turner.
Julie commented that listers are not surveyors, deed readers and are not trained to do this type of work.  LaRose seemed to really understand this.  The listers can assist, but they can’t do the work.  The listers need someone experienced.  LaRose is also willing to spread out the cost.  He is willing to work with the listers.  He is quite responsive.
Kate explained in her one year experience as a lister, there was a two or three month period where they tried to get in touch with Grass Roots.  They never called back.  Her experience is very negative.
Julie suggested we allocate the $2,000 in the budget this year, possibly budget $3,000 more next year.
The Board would like to have a conversation with LaRose prior to signing the contract. 
Jeff will contact LaRose and invite him to come down next Tuesday and meet with Julie and the listers and discuss exactly what needs to be done.  Once he had the complete picture, he could come back with a second proposal for the Board.
Kate commented how important it is to have accurate tax maps.
Kate talked about the Hazard Mitigation Grant.  ACRP claims we applied for the grant; but Kate and Diane were not aware that they even applied.   Tom shared the problems he had run into with this grant.  It amounts to only 5% or 10% on the bill in the event of a flood.  Tim Boutin, Regional Planning is coming December 2nd with information.
The Board took a brief recess from the Selectboard Meeting at 7:00 p.m. to conduct a meeting to hear about interim zoning regulations.
Kate Briggs explained the proposed zoning revisions to correct an oversight in earlier regulations in regard to administrative review of boundary line adjustments.  Also single-lot subdivisions and giving the zoning administrator the right to approve alterations to nonconforming structures.
  1. Boundary line adjustments
  2. Single-lot subdivisions
  3. Alterations to nonconforming structures not increasing the degree of nonconformity with respect to dimensional requirements
Motion by Tom and second by Brad to accept #'s 1, 2, and 3 proposed interim regulations; as written.  All in favor.  So approved.
There was discussion about whether there was going to be changes to our Town Plan.  Kate explained that it takes the whole, long process.  You cannot do interim town plans.  Tom and Ron commented they were not aware of any changes.  Kate explained that there had been proposals tossed around due to the pipeline and community members coming to a PC meeting; suggesting defining organic farming and utilities. 
Julie explained that there is a long process to change a town plan, which has to go through her, posted, warned, meetings, etc.  It can’t just happen.  Diane explained there was a suggestion that the Town Plan have an addition or amendment to it that says that it would prevent the gas line from coming within 300’ of a principle dwelling.
Ron asked if zoning regulations could do that a lot easier.
The interim zoning hearing ended at 7:42 and reconvened to Selectboard Meeting.
Motion by Tom and second by Ken to approve the bills.  All in favor.  So approved.
Road Foreman:
Arlan reported the shoulders were done on Rte 53.  Melvin Cutting cut some brush.
Ken thinks the culvert on Fern Lake Road should be done as soon as possible in spring.
Arlan asked about the cemetery.  Ken mentioned that the scrubs at the entrance of the cemetery need to be removed and put in some top soil, seed and mow next spring and perhaps put in a memory tree or two in the future.
Chair asked how much time would be involved. 
Motion by Ken and second by Tom to authorize Arlan to remove two trees and move marble pillars to the back of cemetery.  All in favor.  So approved.
Arlan reported he called for some salt.
Road Commissioner will call the railroad person in Montpelier about the railroad crossing on Jerusalem Road.
LDFLA Request:
There is a letter from Allen Wilson on behalf of the Lake Dunmore Fern Lake Association requesting a letter of support from the town for the Greeter Program to finalize their grant this week for $12,040. 
Motion by Tom and second by Ken authorizing Chair to write a letter of support of the Greeter Program on behalf of the Town.  All in favor.  So approved.
ACEDC Request:
There is a letter from the Addison County Economic Development Corporation seeking financial support in the town budget in the amount of $550.
Motion by Tom and second by Ron that Julie informs ACEDC that they will need a signed petition with at least 5% of Leicester’s registered voters.  All in favor.  So approved.
Julie will inform them.
Verizon Tower Info:
Julie had a concerned landowner come in about construction that is proposed to happen on Hutchison’s property on Shackett Road. 
Julie received a packet with information that Verizon Wireless is going to put in an application to the Public Service Board to put in a 100’ tower with twelve antennas, three remote radio heads, a 50x50 compound with an 8’ fence with barbed wire, a 12x30 building on Shackett Road.  They have not applied to date.  Julie encouraged the concerned landowner to call the Public Service Board or the lawyers that sent the letter, with their concerns.
Arlan Training Confirmation:
Arlan completed his training.
Dog Concern:
Joyce Jackson reported that Kathy Mathis went to the Lackard house and their dog lunged at her, but she wasn’t hurt.  Chair will contact Kathy Lackard and let her know that the town is aware.  The town will not get involved, but Chair will give her information.  If a dog does anything within the confines of the owner’s house, it’s a civil matter. 
Planet A:
Planet A would like to know if the town would consider putting a box at the Town Shed.  Board does not want a box.
Autumn Trail/Rte 53 Intersection:
Julie reported that where Autumn Trail meets Rte 53 the drop off has become considerable due to all the paving. It is Road 3 on Fern Lake.  Arlan will look at the drop off.  Tom said it is a very easy fix.
Arlan mentioned that Dunmore Acres driveway is steep.  Arlan stated that no one has complained, but he has noticed that it is very steep.
Board authorized Arlan to check out Autumn Trail.
Senior Center Building Needs:
Ron reported that Bob put in all new sills across the front and putting in floor joices.  Ron told him about the signs and Bob said he would do it.
Arlan will try to contact Bob about signs.  Arlan and Scott will help Julie put up Town Office signs on building on Thursday.  They will purchase what is needed to complete the project.
Motion by Tom and second by Ken to adjourn at 8:25 p.m.
Next Meeting November 18, 2013.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary