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Meeting Minutes - PC

Planning Commission Meeting
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
6:00 P.M.
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Donna Swinington, Chair, Peter Fjeld, Jeff McDonough, Bill Shouldice
Others Present: Jeff Biasuzzi, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order/Roll Call:
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair and roll call.
Review Agenda: Agenda reviewed.
Approve minutes of April 14, 2015:
Motion by Jeff and second by Bill to approve minutes of April 14, 2015. All in favor. So approved.
Interview Zoning Administrator Applicant:
Introductions were made. Jeff Biasuzzi was asked by Board to tell them a little bit about himself.
Jeff explained that he is a native of Syracuse, New York and graduated from Syracuse University in Forestry. He has been a forester for about forty years and came to Vermont to be the Forestry Department for Mill River Lumber. He has been in real estate development and general contracting. He currently serves as zoning administrator for Wallingford, Castleton and Pittsford.
Jeff has experience with ZBA’s, Developmental Review Boards and Planning Commissions.
Jeff finds the differences between the towns interesting. Each town handles things a little differently.
Jeff McDonough asked if he has experience with lake properties. Jeff B. explained that he has that experience.
The Board explained where they are at in the process of revising the Town’s zoning regulations.
Jeff McDonough asked him how he handles domestic situations. Jeff B. explained that he encourages the parties to work things out amongst themselves. He recommends getting rid of the complaint as quickly as possible.
Jeff B. has read Leicester’s zoning regulations.
Bill Shouldice talked about Jeff’s time constraints and, how could this work with the Leicester Town Office hours and meeting and hearing times.
Jeff B. would be able to be available on Thursday’s from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. and would also make himself available when necessary for ZBA meetings.
Jeff B. asked how the Town deals with violations and how much time they want to spend on them. His policy is to usually call people in and talk to them about the violation and a fine if they don’t conform. Most of the time; that will work. There are expenses if you want to enforce a violation through legal channels.
Bill’s thought is that if you have rules, regulations and fines, they need to be enforced.
Jeff B. is familiar with the Shoreland Protection Act. He thinks the State has done an admiral job with processing applications quickly.
Jeff B. finds that not being a citizen of the Town can be a working advantage. No nepotism or residency complications.
Jeff B. thanked the Board for the opportunity to come and speak with them. He will wait for someone to get back to him.
Tom checked Jeff B.’s references and they all gave him high marks.
The PC Board has no objection to this applicant as zoning administrator. There is an ad in the Rutland Herald for this position, with a deadline of June 1st. The Selectboard meets again June 1st. Board will know more at that time.
Ken thought Jeff B. would be qualified and would be diplomatic and work well with people and keep the Town out of court.
Other Business: None
Public Comment: None
Motion by Jeff and second by Bill to adjourn to ZBA meeting at 7:00 p.m. All in favor. So approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary