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Meeting Minutes - ZBA

Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
7:00 P.M.
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:  Peter Fjeld, Chair, Donna Swinington, Jeff McDonough
Members Absent:   Bill Shouldice
Others Present:  Diane Benware, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order/Roll Call: 
Meeting called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chair and roll call. 
Review Agenda: 
Approval of Minutes of September 29, 2015:
Motion by Jeff and second by Donna to approve minutes of September 29, 2015.  All in favor.  So approved.
New Business: 
Kelly Churchill came to talk about a complaint of a neighbor’s fence.
Chair explained to Kelly that any complaints of violations need to be reported to the Zoning Administrator for her investigation.
Kelly stated that he had not made a formal complaint to the Zoning Administrator; and that is what he needs to do.
The notice of appeal for Kelly Churchill’s permit application was received by the Board.  Interested parties have 20 days from the date of the letter to respond.
Diane will let Jim Carroll know.
Diane explained to the Board that when the Zoning Administrator was hired there was never any mention of a probationary period. 
Peter explained that our Zoning Administrator was already hired, but in their discussion with Jim they thought perhaps in the future there should be a job description and/or possibly a probationary period.
Diane thinks they need to step back and look at the whole process and how it works; and who has responsibilities for what.
Peter stated that in the last minutes, they were referring to assigning responsibilities, so everyone was on the same page.
Diane explained that the Zoning Administrator is independent of the ZBA and somewhat independent of the Selectboard.  Her job is to help the person making out the permit application and make sure it is as complete as possible.  As a Selectboard, we want it to be very clear what the ZA’s responsibilities are, and what the various Boards’ responsibilities are.  The Selectboard needs to know what everyone’s parameters are.
Peter mentioned that the League of Cities & Towns may have some sample job descriptions.
Diane stated that Jim Carroll explained to her what other town’s do. 
Diane stated she hoped the meeting with Jim Carroll was helpful and the ZBA has a direction to move forward.
Peter stated that the ZBA is hopeful that the Selectboard and the PC can meet together, like they did with the Town Plan, and wrap things up with the zoning regulations.  Maybe just a couple members of the Selectboard meet with the PC for working sessions.
Donna explained that Jim looked at the list of questions the ZA presented, and stated that they were not questions for the Board to answer.
Peter stated that they would try to do a better job with communications; as they did not respond to the ZA’s questions.
Old Business:  None
Public Comment:  None
Motion by Jeff and second by Donna to adjourn ZBA meeting at 6:45 p.m.   All in favor.  So approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary