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Meeting Minutes - ZBA

Town of Leicester
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:   Pete Fjeld, Chair, Jeff McDonough, Donna Swinington, Connie Carroll
Others Present:  Kate Briggs, ZA, Douglas Sprigg, Aaron Harris, Steve Newkirk, Mickey Bartlett, Carol Betz, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call ZBA to Order & Roll Call:  Peter called the ZBA Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with roll call.
Reviewed Agenda:  
43-12-ZBA, Applicant Aaron M. Harris & Landowner Douglas Sprigg #202122, 404 Indian Trail, Lake Zoning District:
Chair read the warning.  
All notices were posted and notices to adjoining property owners were sent out.  The newspaper missed the 15 day requirement and notice was published on October 18th.  Consensus of Board was to have hearing and if application for permit was approved, would not be valid until November 2, 2012, covering the 15 day requirement.
Warning was read by Chair.
No conflicts of interest.  No abutters responded.
Mickey Bartlett, Aaron Harris and Douglas Sprigg were sworn in.  Mickey explained the drawings.  He explained that the house was in L1 and the garage was in L2.  The setbacks for the existing garage are not in compliance.  The L2 setbacks apply to this particular structure.  They would like to add 11’ to the back of the garage.  A finished area on 2nd level.  There is water and electricity at the garage currently.  The current garage will be torn down.  An outside stairway was not included in the plan, so needs to be kept off.
No public comment.  No written correspondence.
Chair explained the process to the applicant and decision will be effective November 2, 2012.   Kate explained the appeal period. 
38-12-ZBA, Applicant Carol A. Betz, #202039.2, 1914 Hooker Road, L2 District:
Warning was read by Chair.
No conflicts of interest.  No abutters responded.
Steve Newkirk and Carol Betz were sworn in.  Steve is the builder.  He explained the drawings and the limits to where they can build the enclosed pole barn shed.
No public comment.  No abutters responded.
Chair explained the process to the applicant and Kate explained the appeal period.
Motion by Jeff to go into deliberative session at 6:45 p.m.  Second by Pete.  All in favor.  So approved.
Motion by Donna to adjourn ZBA meeting at 7:10 p.m.  Second by Jeff.  All in favor.  So approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Zoning Board of Adjustment