Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes - PC Special

Town of Leicester

 Planning Commission & Selectboard Meeting

Town Plan Revisions

Thursday, May 31, 2012



** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Donna Swinington, Chair PC, Pete Fjeld, Jeff McDonough, Diane Benware, Chair Selectboard, Ken Young, and Tom Barker


Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Kate Briggs, Sandra Trombley, Secretary


Call to Order & Roll Call:  Donna called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. with roll call.


Julie had mailed to the boards, in advance, a revised copy of the Town Plan.  Julie would like to go through section headers and page by page in the land use section.


Kate explained how she and Julie and Diane went about the changes and revision; reflecting things that were discussed and Leicester’s philosophy and vision.  She tried to incorporate things that residents mentioned at the public meetings.  They got back together for grammar, spelling and language.


Julie stated that the Plan says the same thing, but smoother.


Table of Contents:


Julie commented that the Table of Contents is very different than before.  This is a real one.  They fixed some capitalization and consistency with proper spacing.


Leicester’s Past, Present and Future


Kate would like to write a paragraph to describe a little more about what actually happened at Silver Lake; the building of the road, people coming in the railroad.  It would be historically more accurate and complete the page.


Julie stated that we don’t need to do this now.  We can do this after the public meeting for the Planning Commission.


Page 3

Last paragraph, 2nd sentence, lake area, not are.


Population & Housing

Julie combined population and housing and graphs flow better.  They corrected the numbers and re-verified the numbers.


Page 4

Last paragraph, change to “these population levels”.


Under vital statistics, 4th sentence down, in-migration.


The phenomenon.


Page 6

Under households, it talks about households all the way through, but in the last word in the first paragraph says “occupied housing”.  Change to households.


Page 8

It talks about chart to the “left”.  It should be chart to the “right”.


Page 9 Economy

Spacing was fixed.


Page 10 & 11 Maps


Page 14 Solid Waste

Reword that they are open two times a month.    Open for drop off first and third Saturdays.  Independent contractor will collect garbage for a fee.


Telephone & Internet

Last paragraph, 1st sentence, infrastructure is needed.  In 2nd paragraph, take “high cost” out.  Further assistance programs could be possible through the Vermont Public Service Board.  Visit their website for more information.


Water & Wastewater Systems


Emergency Management


Community Facilities Page 19

Added the places of worship. 

Under Leicester Four Corners, last paragraph, such as.

Recommended Actions, #2, routinely should be at the beginning of the sentence.


Page 20 Map


Hard to see the line for Jenna Lane.  It looks like part of Jerusalem Road is Jenna Lane.  Maybe we can have a couple color maps for the office.


Recreation Page 21


Page 22, 23



Transportation Page 24 - 27

Page 25, Transportation Challenges, #3, Rights of Way.  Period at the end of sentence under private roads.


Energy Page 28 - 30

Goals:  provide our community with information (not resources) regarding energy and cost efficient homes.


Natural Resources Page 31 - 42

Forestland, Groundwater, Stormwater and Childcare have been changed to one word throughout.

Page 40, 2nd paragraph, manage land in ways that minimize erosion.

Page 41, recommended actions, #1, on steep slopes.  Take based on out.


Historic Resources Page 43

Recommended actions, #2, National should be capitalized.


Page 44 Map


Land Use Plan Page 45, 46

Kate expanded and explained why.  She referenced the districts.

Lakes District:  add Salisbury Planning and Leicester Planning Commissions completed worked on the Leicester Lakes Area Pattern Book.


Page 47

1st paragraph, next to last sentence, State of Vermont’s


Under Illustration, box, Guidelines found in Leicester Lakes Area Pattern Book


Page 48

Leicester Village Center should be capitalized.

#4, Recommended Action, Leicester Lakes Area Pattern Book


Industrial & Conservation Page 49


Residential & Agricultural Area Page 50


Page 51 – 53

Every sentence was rewritten.  It says the same thing, but every sentence was rewritten.




Kate explained that an absolute requirement was to address economic development in any new plan.  Goals and recommended actions had to be in the plan.  Land Use, of course.  Kate explained that they left all of the topics that ACRP had in the Plan.  The content is different.  Took out PACE things.  Left out business names and home occupations because the list was incomplete.


Julie asked if everyone is happy with the Plan with the changes tonight.  The Board was happy.


Kate gave kudos to Julie for all the time she spent on this Plan.  Tremendous vote of thanks to Julie.


Julie informed the Boards that when she makes revisions, we need to mail a copy of this plan to all the PC Chairs of all the adjoining municipalities, the Executive Director of Regional Planning, Dept of Housing, Julie gets a copy, and any interested persons.  We have to do this 30 days prior to the first hearing which is the Planning Commission’s public hearing.


Julie would like to look out 45 days and set a meeting date for the public hearing.  15 days before that meeting, we need to do one of two things:

  • Publish in the paper and in 3 places; the date, time, place and purpose of the hearing with either a full text of the material or a summary including a statement of purpose, geographic areas affected, table of contents, and a description of the place within the municipality where the  full text or maps can be examined; or
  • Mail a copy to every single voter and landowner on the grand list.

Julie is voting for option 1 with the summary.  Julie can check with some other towns to see how they have done theirs.


Julie has all the documentation she needs for the grant.  Julie and Diane need to fill out the form and project summary.  We will get this mailed out by June 11th.  PC Meeting on July 11 at 6:00 P.M.  It will have to have a special warning 15 days before meeting.


Motion by Jeff to adjourn at 7:05 p.m.  Second by Pete.  All in favor.  So approved.



Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley

PC & Select Board Secretary