Minutes - 2-18-19
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, February 18, 2019*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present:Diane Benware, Brad Lawes, Tom Barker, John Rouse, Ron Fiske Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Update on BLSG, MRGP & Finance & Maintenance Agreement Approval of February 4, 2019 minutes: Motion by Tom and second by John to approve minutes of February 4, 2019 as written. 2 abstentions Diane & Brad and 3 yes. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by John and second by Tom authorizing Julie to pay the bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Road Foreman: Arlan would like to see a street light at the end of Jenna Lane due to safety concerns. Julie will research how to proceed to get a street light. There was discussion about salt availability. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie reported she is getting ready for Town Meeting. She is mailing the Town Reports tomorrow. Julie asked for assistance in setting up for Town Meeting. Julie reported that the server is aging out; causing some slowdown in network. Julie requested a quote from Silloway. They quoted $4,340.25 to replace the server, licensing, installation and transferring everything from old server to new server. There was some discussion about the cost and service contract. Motion by Ron and second by Diane to authorize Julie to replace the server; funding to come from the clerk training and software account. All in favor. So, approved. Julie received a call from Amber Lee at Lynch & Foley asking for an email and wanted to send a letter to the Selectboard from the Lake Dunmore Fern Lake Association in support of BLSG. She never received the letter. Reorganization meeting will be March 11, 2019. Cemetery: No report. Weight Permits: Weight permits were signed for New England Woodcraft and D&F. CORRESPONDENCE: Sheriff’s Message: There was a sheriff’s message about overweight permit service sent to businesses. Julie will call the Sheriff’s Department to get clarification of the sheriff’s letter. Rural Fire Protection Program: Received a survey and questionnaire about dry hydrant grants. There is a dry hydrant at Fern Lake. A dry hydrant is needed in Leicester Junction headed west at concrete bridge past Jenna Lane. Diane will complete the application on behalf of the Board. Anna Scheck, Interim ZA, provided a monthly report to the Board. 37thAnnual VT Municipal Highway Association Equipment Show on May 10th. There was a phone call from Lt. Governor Zuckerman’s office wanting to know if there have been any projects providing positive environmental impact. Reclassification of Swamp Wetlands: Diane reported information about a meeting on reclassification of swamp wetlands. Swamp lands are currently Level 2 and they want to reclassify to Level 1. They increase the buffer zone from 50’ to 100’. Currently there are 8 Level 1 wetlands in Vermont. They would like all wetlands made Level 1. A Biologist offered to come for a presentation on the proposal to reclassify. Motion by Brad and second by Ron to authorize Diane to invite Zapata Courage, Department of Environmental Conservation Biologist to an upcoming meeting in April to discuss concern for the potential upgrade. 1 No (Tom) 1 Abstention (John)3 Yes NEW BUSINESS: Town Meeting Prep: Discussion about Town Meeting preparation. OLD BUSINESS: Update on BLSG: Brad reported that there was an article in the Rutland Herald reporting that both parties have agreed to disagree. TAC and BLSG are going for summary judgement. The article said they would have a decision by June. BLSG has a five-year permit in hand until a judgement otherwise. There may be some potential money funding sources. There is a special meeting this Thursday. MRGP Permit: Julie stated that they must file a one-page annual report by April 1, 2019. Diane will complete and sign the report with feedback from Arlan. Bill of $1750 must be paid by June 1st. Finance & Maintenance Agreement – Old Jerusalem Road: The Finance & Maintenance Agreement was sent to Jim Carroll with all concerns for his review. He came back with nineteen responses. Motion by Ron and second by Tom to authorize Julie to contact Jim Carroll and ask him to talk with the State on Leicester’s behalf; in a timely manner. All in favor. So, approved. BUILDING NEEDS: HIGHWAY CONCERNS/NEEDS: Town Shed: LIMITED PUBLIC OPINION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Tom to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m. Next meeting: March 4, 2019 (Town Meeting) Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. TrombleySelectboard Secretary