Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Hearing Notice & Minutes 04-11-23


Town of Leicester

***Notice of Public Hearing***


The Leicester Development Review Board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at the Leicester Town Office at 6:00 p.m. to consider the following applications:


(07-23-DRB) Linda Brogan, 1512 Hooker Road for the conversion of seasonal dwelling to year round dwelling,  Section 2.4.3 C of the Leicester Unified Regulations.  Parcel ID #202051, 1512 Hooker Road Leicester, Lake 1 District, submitted by Linda Brogan.


(08-23-DRB) Cory and Tammi Lumbra, 108 North End Point for 26’ x 32’ 2 car garage (setback waiver).  Section 2.4.3(e) of the Leicester Unified Regulations.  Parcel ID #212146, 108 North End Point, Lake District 2, submitted by Cory and
Tammi Lumbra.


Applications are available for inspection at the Town Clerk’s Office, 44 Schoolhouse Rd., Leicester, VT during regularly scheduled hours.


Participation in this proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. 


Jeff McDonough

DRB Chairman

03/ 16/23



Town of Leicester

Development Review Board Meeting

6:00 P.M. Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Leicester Town Office




  1.     Call Meeting to Order / Roll Call
  2.     Review of Agenda
  3.     New Business including the following applications:


(07-23-DRB) Linda Brogan, 1512 Hooker Road for the conversion of seasonal dwelling to year round dwelling,  Section 2.4.3 C of the Leicester Unified Regulations.  Parcel ID #202051, 1512 Hooker Road Leicester, Lake 1 District, submitted by Linda Brogan.


(08-23-DRB) Cory and Tammi Lumbra, 108 North End Point for 26’ x 32’ 2 car garage (setback waiver).  Section 2.4.3(e) of the Leicester Unified Regulations.  Parcel ID #212146, 108 North End Point, Lake District 2, submitted by Cory and
Tammi Lumbra.


Applications are available for inspection at the Town Clerk’s Office, 44 Schoolhouse Road, Leicester, Vermont during regularly scheduled hours.

Participation in this meeting is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal.

  1.     Old Business
  2.     Public Comment
  3.     Adjourn


Town of Leicester

Development Review Board

Public Hearing April 11, 2023

Members present:  Jeff McDonough, Chair                          Participants:  Linda Brogan

                                       Donna Swinington                                                        

                                      Sarah Jane Von Trapp                                                   

                                       Jay Michael

                                       Bill Shouldice


  1.        The Chair opened the hearing at 6:00 pm.
  2.        The agenda was reviewed and approved.
  3.        The Chair swore in all participants.
  4.        New Business:
  5.         Permit 07-23 DRB Linda Brogan Convert Seasonal Camp to Year-round dwelling.


 Mr. Arlund reviewed Section 2.4.3 C of Unified Zoning Regulations that requires a hearing before the Development Review Board for the conversion of seasonal to year-round.


Linda Brogan described her plan to remove the old camp and construct a year-round two (2) bedroom dwelling on the same footprint of the old camp. She has obtained the required State of Vermont Water and Wastewater Permit.


Motion by Michael, second by Swinington to approve the conversion to year-round dwelling.


The motion passed unanimously.


  1.         Permit 08-23 DRB Cory & Tammi Lumbra application for Section 2.4.3 (e) Waiver of Setback for construction of two (2) car garage.


The applicants did not appear at the hearing since the State of Vermont had requested additional information regarding the potential increase in impervious surface from the garage.


The DRB recessed this portion of the hearing until the additional information was available.


Mr. Arlund review the criteria for a setback waiver.

  1.        Disability access is not required and there will be no impact on fire safety, energy conservation and renewable energy structures.
  2.        The use is permitted in the district.
  3.        The use conforms to the Town Plan.
  4.        The use will have no impact on the character of the area.
  5.        The use will not impact any neighbors.

       Motion by Michael, seconded by Von Trapp to approve the setback waiver.  Motion passed unanimously.


The DRB closed the hearing at 6:45 pm and adjourned.


Respectfully submitted.


Keith O. Arlund                                                                                 Jeff McDonough, Chair

Zoning Administrator