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A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

 Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes


Monday, November 16, 2009




** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Bob Oliver, Ken Young


Others Present:   Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Tim Johnson, Sandra Trombley, Secretary


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Agenda Review:  Agenda reviewed. 


Liquor License under New Business:


Let the record show that the Board signed two copies of liquor license for Jim Perlee and Dale Counter.


Approve Minutes of November 2, 2009:


Motion by Tom to approve minutes of November 2, 2009 with correction on page 2 to read $138,000 total in delinquent taxes.  Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved.


Review and Sign Orders for Payment:


Bills making their rounds. 


Reports from Town Officials & Committees: 


Town Clerk:


Julie reported that delinquents were now at $133,000.  Julie expects more to come in.


Julie requested permission to pay the recycling orders when she receives the bill and permission to reimburse Brandon Scrap for payment to Windward Petroleum for synthetic oil for the loader and to pay Beth Ripley for her bill received today.


Motion by Bob to give Treasurer permission to pay the Recycling workers when she receives the bill and to pay the bill for Windward Petroleum and to pay Beth Ripley’s bill as Delinquent Tax Collector.  Second by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.


Julie just received a survey request from the Census Bureau due March 1, 2010 called a Boundary Annexation Survey.


Action:  Diane will put it as a future agenda item.


Julie requested that Ancient Roads be an agenda item for January.  There is a February deadline to reclassify roads.


Julie reported on the budget versus income and projected expenses through the end of the year in all departments.  Julie gave printouts to the Board. 


Road Foreman:


Discussion of the ditching on Ferson Road and Ken offered a possible solution to hold the bank from washing out further by pushing stone into the bank and Tom suggested an alternative of putting in another culvert.  It is very wet in that area.  Arlan’s opinion is to wait until things dry out. 


Arlan brought Ken up-to-date on the missing part on the T500M grader. 


Tom made a motion to have Scott advertise the grader again on Craig’s List for $7,500.  Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved.


Cemetery Committee:


Tom reported that they had sold two lots and nothing else has happened.




Tim reported that on November 11, 2009, at 9:05 a.m., John Hughes resigned all of his duties from the Leicester Lister Office.


Diane reported that the Board had a letter of resignation from John.


Tim reported that the Listers are working with Julie to start office reconfiguration.  They are asking for storage space in the white building next door, possibly upstairs.  They would like to clean the area of clutter and make more usable space.


There was discussion on how long things need to be kept.


Let the record show that the Board said, yes, it is ok to store things in the white building as long as they don’t block windows and find a spot and store items neatly.


New Business:


Lister Resignation:


Diane acknowledged the letter of resignation from John Hughes.


Motion by Tom to accept John’s resignation as Lister.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.


Action:  Diane will send a thank you note to John.


Diane put a notice under Leicester News that we are looking for anyone that is interested in serving as a Lister and for them to send their letter of interest by the end of the month.


Tim thinks that he and Cecile can get the job done by working out their schedules and/or the day they will be at the Town Office.


Tim reported that at their last Lister Meeting they changed the standard operating procedure where on their normal business day; one Lister can come in to do the job by themselves and collect pay.  Right now it is Wednesday.


Bid Specifications (roads, cemetery, and green):


Discussion whether to incur the expense and put the specs out to bid.


Motion by Tom to place an ad and put out to bid for the green, cemetery, and roadside.  Information will go into the Leicester News, on the Leicester web-site and a small box ad in the Addison Independent with specs.  Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved.


Record Keeping and Content of Minutes:


Discussion and clarification of what needs to be recorded in meeting minutes. 


Diane reported that according to statute  a record shall be made by audio tape to provide a forum for public comment and public can have access to the tapes.  Minutes shall cover all topics and motions that arise and give a true indication of the business of the meeting.  Minutes will include the following information:

·         All members of the public body present

·         All other active participants in the meeting

·         All motions, proposals, resolutions made, offered, considered, and what disposition is made of the same

·         The result of any votes, record of the individual vote if a roll call is taken

·         They should be available five days from the date of the meeting.


Diane commented that the minutes do not need to be a transcript or play by play account of the meeting.   With the exception of information that some of the town officials have, if someone comes in with an issue, you can talk about what the topic is and if there is a decision made, you can put who voted and what way.  We don’t need everyone’s comment. 


Let the record show the Board was in agreement that the Secretary would use her discretion in transcribing the minutes.




Old Business:


We’ve taken care of road maintenance.


Public Opinion:  None


Executive Session:   None


Other Business:


There is an Indirect Discharge Permit comment period November 16, 2009 through December 15, 2009.  This in regard to manure pits.


Motion by Bob to adjourn.  Seconded by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.


Adjourned by 7:55 p.m.


Next Meeting Monday, December 7, 2009.


 Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley

Selectboard Secretary