Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Emergency Meeting Minutes

SAT., JAN. 24, 2009

**See subsequent minutes for changes.

Present:  R. Oliver, K. Young, T. Barker, R. Fiske, D. Benware (recorder)
Others:  J. Hughes, M. Hughes, D. Pidgeon, later Julie Delphia

Meeting called to order at 9:32 a.m.
Pledge recited.


Kylee's resignation has been accepted, with regret. 


1.  Tom made the motion to appoint Donna as temporary Assistant Clerk/Treasurer, Ken made the second.
Motion passed unanimously, based on recommendation from Sec. of State's Office. Donna accepted, noting she will be away from Jan. 31 to Feb. 13.

2.  At the present time, while research is being done, it is necessary for the Town to put the request in an article in the Warning, for $102,864.00 to fulfill our tax obligation to OV for '08-'09.  This will be a separate line item on our tax bills, similar to the Veterans' Tax Exemption.  This is necessary because we do not appear to have collected enough tax revenues for this purpose.

The error could have originated in one of three areas.  1) state DOE error, 2) RNESU error, 3) our homestead and non-residential values from HS. 122  filings could have shifted significantly.

The numbers Brad James of DOE got from RNESU appear to be correct.  He will have Property Valuation Review Office check their figures.  He has advised that we re-check homestead and non-residential values to see if they have shifted, as compared to the Grand List. He also advised that the Grand List numbers be double-checked to see if they have changed significantly.

This could also be due to an error made at RNESU.  Brenda Fleming, when contacted, indicated she would re-check the numbers as soon as possible.  Donna reported, that earlier this year, the auditors found that RNESU had double charged all towns, which was rectified.

As a precautionary measure, the Selectboard approved the placement of an article in the Warning, before it goes to press 1/27/09, stating that the Town must raise $102,864.00 through a separate tax (separate line item on bills) to fulfill our tax obligation to OV for '08-'09.   Research to determine where error occurred begins 1/26/09, and the amount will be known by Town Meeting.

3.  Donna then reported that the town has received a check for highway funding in the amount of $47,179.25. This represents $13,656.22 (85%) of our usual $16,000 January payment.  The balance of $33,523.03 represents our FEMA payment for storm damage of summer '08. 

4.  The Selectboard has delayed applying for a loan until figures needed are more firm and until the clerk/treasurer issues is resolved.

5.  As is usual and customary, the combination to the vault was changed, and Donna will make arrangements for locks to be changed. It was determined that 12 keys will be needed.


Tom made the motion to contact Julie Delphia to see if she is interested in serving the town as Acting Clerk/Treasurer, with all attendant duties.  Ken seconded the motion and Tom placed a phone call to her.  It was noted that 3 years ago Julie worked with Donna for 2 weeks for no pay and kept the office open for a week while Donna was out of town.

Julie indicated her willingness to serve and arrived to meet with the Selectboard.  Tom made the motion to appoint Julie as Acting Town Clerk/Treasurer, providing her with key to office, effective with the filing of paperwork with the Addison County Clerk Monday.  Ken made the second to the motion, which passed unanimously. Julie indicated that she would work with Donna as her assistant.

Dot, Deb and Donna, as well as Julie have indicated their willingness and availability to complete necessary work for preparation of Town Report and to complete administrative tasks to effect transition for Acting Clerk/Treasurer.   A priority list of tasks needs to be developed Monday (1/26) morning.  Julie needs to file an Oath with the County Clerk Monday, before she can officially begin her duties.   It was estimated that it would probably take the week of January 26 (40 hours for  each of 4 individuals) to complete the clerical tasks, the Town Report, and other related paperwork so that Julie can start with all necessary recording, financials reconciled, etc. 

On a motion by Tom, second by Ron, the Selectboard  unanimously approved $5,000 to compensate the auditors, Donna and Julie for the week's work.  This amount can be amended at Town Meeting.

Bob delivered a letter from Joyce Cameron that she asked him to have included in the correspondence of this meeting.  He indicated that she also sent a copy to each member personally.

Ron will compile a list of tasks volunteers could accomplish for the town.  He will see about having the list included in the Town Report and also to be included in the By the Way section of the Independent as well as the town website.

The Board will recess until Monday evening at 6:30 p.m.  to review the budget and Town Report before it goes to print. 

Mr. Hughes thanked Donna for her willingness to help out, which was echoed by the Board.

Motion to recess the meeting until Monday evening, 1/26/09, made by Bob, second by Tom, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted:
D. Benware, recorder