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A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes


Monday, February 16, 2009




** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Diane Benware, Bob Oliver, Ken Young, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker


Others Present:   Arlan & Donna Pidgeon, Julie Delphia, Beth Ripley, Sandra Trombley, Secretary


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:35 by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Agenda Review:  Agenda reviewed. 


Reports from Town Officials & Committees: 


Action:  Motion by Tom, seconded by Bob to accept Heidi Schuerger’s resignation from the Planning Commission.  Diane will send a thank you note.


Julie & Donna reported that Town Reports went out Friday.


Julie reported that things have been going really well.  All of the land records are now up-to-date.  There is one change since we talked about the card index. The card index  goes to the end of 2007 and the printed index starts at the beginning of 2008.  There were some issues with some of the cards that were already done.  It would take too many hours to complete the card index.   All the school records are entered into Quick Books up to current.  The next project will be the permanent record for the Town Meetings, etc. 


Road Forman:  Arlan stated that someone from Wind Mill might be here tomorrow.


Approve Minutes of February 2, 2009.


The minutes for February 2nd meeting were reviewed.  Motion by Tom to approve minutes.  Seconded by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.


Review and Sign Orders for Payment:


Bills making their rounds.  Discussion on the 9.7 gallons fuel delivered to Meeting House.


Tom will check on Meeting House light in case furnace goes out again.


 Julie has 9 volt batteries for smoke detectors if needed.




Old Business:


Loan Paperwork:  Needs Board’s signatures.


Delinquent Taxes:  The Board requested Beth Ripley to come and bring them up-to-date on her success in collecting delinquent taxes; one large delinquency in particular.


Beth sent the notice.  When she contacted the bank/investors, they hadn’t received her letter because they had moved and had no phone and mail service.  The bank/investors recommended Beth move forward with the tax sale.  The taxpayer is aware and is irate.


Beth said the lag was that she didn’t get the tax bills until November 25th.  Since then, she’s collected $57,000 since January 1st she’s collected $22,000.  She has many people calling and sending letters and making some payments.  Economic times are having an impact.


Action:  Board advised Beth to initiate tax sale on Carroll and O’Neil/Gittens property based on the length of time of delinquency.


Board approves Beth to talk with Attorney Carroll, if necessary.


Board suggests Beth to send certified letters to taxpayer and to their bank, as well.   Board recommends staying in touch with the taxpayer without badgering.


Update:  Donna has not had any further discussion with Brad James.  Donna received an explanation from Brenda Fleming and will get a copy to everyone. 


Diane stated that of the $102,000 in the Town Report that shows that we owe, the $36,000 - $37,000 is one known factor from the State, it looks more like it would be around $66,000 which could then possibly be reduced by $40,000 from the Town’s General Fund.  We would still be $25,000 - $26,000 short.  We have been paying bills so we would probably still need to borrow some money.


Zoning Administrator Info:  Board reviewed letter from an applicant interested in the Zoning Administrator position.  The Board is waiting on more applicants.


New Business:


Checking Account for Clerk Fees:  Kylee had opened a checking account at Lake Sunapee (First Brandon) for her fees.  The latest statement shows there is a balance of $23.58 in that account.  Kylee has the checkbook. 


Action:  Motion by Ken.  Seconded by Tom.  Selectboard to authorize Julie to inquire with Bank about account balance and do whatever the Bank suggests closing account.  All in favor.  So approved.


Donna compiled an update with a list of what has been done each day and what still needs to be completed.  Donna asked that the last paragraph of her letter be read aloud.  Donna asked that her letter be part of the meeting minutes and filed with those minutes.


Diane read the last paragraph: 


“Kylee was paid for the whole month of January.  She did not work on January 23rd and the week of January 26th.  She left at a critical time of year and made the Auditor’s job very difficult.  She also collected $8 per page for a recording that she never finished.  Kylee also charged the Town $8 for each zoning permit she copied but never did the index for them and she should reimburse the Town.  I feel as a taxpayer the Selectboard should invoice her for the wages and some amount for the recording that had to be completed by someone else.  Probably she will never pay but at the very least it will documented and an example set for the future.  I would ask that this letter would be part of your meeting minutes and filed with those minutes.


Julie noted that they are currently between 106 and 110 hours of clean up of that list.  We don’t have the information from the Auditors.  It will take some time to go through the tax bills. 


Action:  Motion by Tom to not attempt to recoup the money Kylee paid herself.  Seconded by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.


Road Grants:  Tom asked about road grants.  Shovel ready projects.  We could use some culvert money.  Applications are due March 17.


We need to get some pricing before applications are completed.


Action:  Bob will talk with Highway Commissioner at State level.


Action:  Motion by Ken.  Seconded by Tom to pay Ron $100 for setting up sound system for Town Meeting.  All in favor.  So approved.


Public Comment:  None


Executive Session:


Action:  Motion by Ron to go Into Executive Session at 8:02 p.m. to discuss pending legal action... Seconded by Tom.  Passed unanimously.


Action:  Motion by Tom to come out of Executive Session at 8:07 P.M. with no action taken.  Seconded by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.


Discussion about dates for next meetings.


Julie will prepare highway paychecks if all board members come in to sign the payroll.  Julie will call when ready.


Next meeting:   Monday, February 23, 2009, 6:30 P.M. for the purpose of preparing for Town Meeting.


Special Selectboard Meeting Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 6:30 P.M. for the purpose of re-organizing.


Motion by Bob to adjourn.  Seconded by Tom.  All in favor.  So approved.  Adjourned 8:09 P.M.



Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley

Selectboard Secretary