Meeting Minutes
Minutes of meeting of 7/9/09
Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Thurs., June 9, 2009
Present: R. Oliver, K. Young, T. Barker, R. Fiske, D. Benware (recorder)
Others: Julie Delphia, Audrey Scarborough, Donna Pidgeon
Meeting called to order by the Chair at 6:31 p.m.
1. Lake Dunmore Road issue: Ron, Bob, Ken and Tom and Arlan met with Al Watson at 7:00 a.m. Tuesday morning to discuss the washout areas on the 3 adjoining Watson properties. A phone call was placed to Al in Bennington to see what he and his cousin
Mark felt about the proposed work to be done. Al reported he was agreeable and Mark was fairly agreeable to the placement of the 2 culverts, crossing Lake Dunmore Road, south of their property, near the intersection with Ember Trail. They are willing to let the Town have time to see if this action will be sufficient. The town will do further ditching, moving water away from Ember Trail.
2. Office security: Julie reported that Royal Lock sent a fax with information regarding 2 options: 1) an alarm/lock/ touch pad for $1,700 or 2) deadbolts with non-reproducible keys for a coat of $422 for the locks and 10 keys. Keys will be numbered and distributed to the Board Chairs and several others. Tom made the motion, Ken the second, authorizing Julie to make arrangements for the deadbolt locks and 15 keys.
Motion passed unanimously.
She will prepare a statement for recipients to sign, verifying which key they have, and indicating that the key is to be returned to the office at the completion of one's term of office.
3. Dog issue: The Selectboard has reason to believe the pit bull, subject of previous meetings, has been moved to another location in town, not out of town, as the Chair was originally informed. The Chair prepared a letter to be sent to the family believed to be harboring the dog, indicating that confirmation is needed as the to whereabouts of the
dog and that it needs to be removed, if it is indeed here in town. Legal counsel advised that the town cannot remove the dog without a warrant, and that to issue a warrant, a judge needs a signed affidavit or statement from someone who has seen the animal or been told firsthand of its whereabouts.
Letter was signed and copies will be sent, via certified mail, to Sally King and the family in an effort to confirm the whereabouts of the dog.
4. Grader: Ken shared cost analysis he had prepared of grader costs for 2008. In the last 3 years we have spent over $16,000 on repairs at Winmill.
Annual costs to run the grader are about $11,000. Ken recalled that he had made a motion on May 4, which was approved by the board, to hire Arlan's grader at $90.00/hour, plus operator costs, starting June 1, and to put the town grader up for sale. Several inquiries about the grader have been received, but no firm acceptable offers. Scott has been running the town grader during June and July.
Ken made the motion to postpone the decision to rent Arlan's grader, until the town grader is sold. Tom made the second to the motion, which was unanimously approved.
Chair asked about setting the tax rate, which will be done in the next 2 weeks.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m., on a motion made by Ron, second by Tom.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Next regular meeting Mon, July 20, 2009
Respectfully submitted:
Diane Benware