Meeting Minutes
Town of
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 19, 2009
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Bob Oliver, Ken Young, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker
Others Present: Arlan Pidgeon, Scott Pidgeon, Kylee Rochon, Cecile Todd, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda Review: Agenda reviewed.
Minutes of January 5, 2009:
Motion by Tom to approve 1/5/09 minutes. Seconded by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Review and Sign Orders for Payment: None
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Arlan reported that they created a berm at the sand to prevent non-resident commercial persons from taking the Town’s sand to make a profit. Kylee reported that there have been a half dozen complaints from citizens that they pay their taxes and are now not able to get their trucks in to get sand for their driveways. During ice storms we can put some sand outside the berms for residents so residents can have access to sand for their driveways.
Scott recommended getting five or six concrete barriers 4’x2’x2’ to do something decent and leave space for residents to get in with five gallon pails. They are about $50 a piece.
Ken mentioned getting windshield stickers; as well. The Board needs to finish putting the budget together before they can decide on the concrete barriers.
Arlan reported the bottom of the overhead door was rusted and needs new rollers at the salt shed. It needs a new bottom section.
Action: Motion by Tom, seconded by Ken to authorize Arlan to get new door rollers for the bottom section of the overhead door and install them. All in favor. So approved.
Kylee reported that Auditors have been in.
Scott reported on the grader. He has issues with the blade on the grader. Scott thinks it’s worn out. The welds are all cracked. The heater doesn’t work. Something needs to be done before spring if Board wants to continue to use it.
Ken stated the subject of the grader requires a lot of thought and discussion before any decisions are made. More than can be discussed at this meeting tonight.
Bob suggests we get someone from Windmill to come up and look at grader and give an estimate of costs to repair grader and is it worth getting it fix. Price needs to justify 15 miles of road.
Ron stated that we need to look at castings.
Repairs this year were $1,116.15 and last year around $8,233. The purchase price of the grader was $15,000. The motor runs good. The transmission makes noise and is very loud so Scott has to wear earplugs.
Action: Arlan will look it over and call Reg to come and do evaluation of overall condition of grader. Need a list of items and approximate costs to make it road worthy.
Ken brought up the conversation about transferring the sander from Arlan’s vehicle to Scott’s vehicle. Ken had concerns about legality of Town’s sander on Scott’s vehicle. The vehicle is registered in Arlan’s name. As long as Arlan’s name is also on the registration there should be no problem.
New Business:
Road Weight Restriction Form: Arlan reported that we have no roads with restrictions. Board is not signing this form.
Legislative Breakfasts: Diane read the report of dates for legislative breakfasts.
Resignation of Zoning Administrator:
Last Monday Board discussed zoning issues. Diane was authorized by the Board to write to ZA indicating the Board expected ZA to be in the Town Office on Thursdays 10:00 – 1:00 and the Town would no longer pay a portion of the ZA’s cell phone as he was expected to be in the office. ZA responded on Thursday, January 15, 2009 by email with his resignation.
Motion by Tom, seconded by Bob to accept the ZA’s resignation. All in favor. So approved.
Motion by Tom, seconded by Bob to appoint Ron Fiske to be interim ZA. Ron abstained. All in favor. So approved.
Kylee reported that Andrew was in Town Office today and asked;
· Did Board want him to work on an interim basis?
· Did Board want him to write up ZA report for the Town Report
· ZA was concerned about getting paid
Motion by Tom, seconded by Ken to authorize Diane to email Andrew saying “thank you, no” to Andrew working on an interim basis, “thank you”, we don’t expect you to write the report, but thank you for asking. We also need his key back or any password information he may have. All in favor. So approved.
Conversation about compensation for Ron as interim ZA. $15.00 per hour.
Bob indicated he doesn’t think a Board Member can get paid for the ZA position.
Action: Ron will look into Selectboard Handbook for legality of compensation for accepting another position while on the Board.
Action: Diane will put notice in paper for interim ZA and hours at Town Office.
Town Positions Open:
2 Selectboard Positions
1 Delinquent Tax Collector
1 Lister
1 Auditor
1 Constable
1 OV School Director
1 Elementary School Director
3 Zoning Board
Deadline is January 22, 2009.
Old Business:
Reviewed draft of Selectboard’s Report. Discussion of topics Chair had listed. Discussion about contract for fire coverage from
Action: All Board to review and let Chair know of any changes.
Public Opinion: None
Executive Session: Not necessary.
Budget Work:
Public Safety
Law Enforcement: $2,000
Animal Control: $500
Dog Census: $300
Dog Licenses: don’t budget for/income fees to State, other funds
Contingency: Fire Expense: $19,716.00 (will come back to)
Fire Warden: $100
Health Officer: $200
Delinquent Tax Collector: don’t budget
Town Moderator: $100
Elections/Payroll: $750
Payroll Tax Liability – FICA/Medicare: $10,000
Payroll Tax Liability – In lieu of Contributions:
Community Development: 0
Loan Interest/Bank Fees: $1,200
Legal Fees: $3,500
Refund-Tax Overpayment: don’t budget/just show overpayment ($11,581.54)
Trash Removal –
Writing & Research Grant $500
Miscellaneous: $200
Requests from other agencies to be included on ballot - Assessments:
American Red Cross $250
Brandon Area Rescue Squad $5,125
Brandon Library $1,000
George D. Aiken Research $100
Green Up
Insect Control District 12,436
Lake Dunmore/Fern
Appropriations as Voted:
Addison County Home Health Care: $1,138
Champlain Valley Agency on Aging: $1,050
Counseling Service of
Elderly Services, Inc.: $500
Hospice Volunteer Services: $250
John W. Graham Emergency Shelter: (nothing has come in)
Neighbor Works of
Open Door Clinic: $300
Otter Creek Natural Resources: (nothing has come in)
Women in Crisis – Women Safe: $600
Maple Leaf Farm (Drug Rehab 2): $645
Boys & Girls Club of
Balance in Highway Fund:
2 for 1 Paving Grant: don’t need to budget
Transfer from Bridge #6: don’t need to budget
Agency of
Agency of Transportation Additional Aid
Current Taxes to Highway Fund
Road Permits $250
Grant for Bridge #6
Grant for Park & Ride
Grant for Signs
No Sales
Reimbursement – Chloride (Arlan needed more chloride than the Town purchased)
Reimbursement – VELCO
Reimbursement – LCS Culvert
Reimbursement – Misc
Transferred $1,500 and $76,229.58 in 2008 from Equipment Fund and Bridge Fund.
Diane will find out about road inventory and storm damage.
Materials: 5,338.45
Paving: $32,615.89
Tree Removal: $7,000
Rental Equipment $17,236
Plus Wages
Equipment Purchases: $0
Dump Truck Repairs: $0
Grader Blades: $1,500
Grader Repairs:
Loader Repairs: $3,000
Sander Hook-Up: $500
Shoes & Blades for Wing & Plow: $5,000
Other Parts & Labor: $1,000
Equipment Rental: $52,000 Total
Salt: $25,000
Chloride: $4,500
Sand & Gravel: $30,000
Motion by Tom, seconded by Ron, to recess until Thursday, January 22, 2009. All in favor. So approved.
Adjourned 9:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary