Meeting Minutes
Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 19, 2009
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Bob Oliver
Absent: Ken Young
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Tim Johnson, Cecile Todd, John & Mary Hughes, Bucky Shackett, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda Review: Agenda reviewed.
Leicester School Parent Group Request:
Angela Willette, representing Friends of Leicester School, requesting to be able to put up their own sign when something is going on for special events, community events and school events. The sign would be a black and white sign about the same size as the Town puts out now. It would be put out on the road where the Town usually puts theirs.
Tom was in agreement as long as it doesn’t impede the plowing in the winter time.
Diane stated that she has the Selectboard’s blessing to put the sign out as you need it.
Angela reported that there was a hunter’s breakfast on November 14 from 5:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. They just started talking about a food drive for sometime in November.
Diane offered to put this information in the Leicester news for them.
Approve Minutes of October 5, 2009:
The minutes for the October 5, 2009 meeting were reviewed.
Motion by Tom to approve minutes as written. Second by Bob. All in favor. So approved.
Review and Sign Orders for Payment:
Bills making their rounds.
Reports from Town Officials & Committees:
Road Foreman:
Arlan reported that he got the culvert in on Hooker Road.
The two driveways on Hooker Road come right together and there is no room. He is going to dig back and use the material that is there.
Arlan cut quite a few trees up there, Oak and Hemlock. His plan is to cut one further south.
Before snowfall the dumpsters need to be moved. We need the identity of owners across the road. Diane will send a letter to them in regard to the dumpsters.
Nothing more done on Ferson Road.
Tom mentioned that we need to get someone to trap the beavers on the Bullock Road.
Tom made a motion to have Arlan or Tom contact Kurt Kimball to trap/remove the beavers. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
The Town needs to keep the creek clean of trees.
Arlan said the guy called him about the grader and Arlan thought he would be coming tonight.
Ditching on Ferson road to be done.
Tom mentioned that there is a big hole on Rte. 53 that needs some cold patch.
Town Clerk:
Julie has been doing nothing but collecting taxes. It looks like the delinquents will be about $130,000 and delinquents from 2008 and before is about $39,000. Julie thinks we need to be aggressive on delinquents because of the education bill that is due in December. Julie will be paying off Leicester School and then we are probably going to have to look at getting a loan to pay the rest.
Julie talked with Beth and will get her a list of delinquents this week.
Tom asked Julie for the delinquent list from last year.
Diane stated that the policy is that 6 months delinquent can be brought to tax sale.
Julie recommended that we have Beth come to the next meeting November 2nd in regard to delinquent taxes.
Beth brought in $95,000 in delinquent taxes.
Julie will give updates at our next meeting.
Cecile reported that they have two errors/omissions certificates for the Board to sign. They are both mobile homes. Cecile gave an explanation; as well as Julie’s explanation.
Cecile also brought up the Bissette’s on Lake Dunmore will file to the Board of Abatement for 2008 taxes. They need to send something in writing.
Tom asked Julie about the Workers Comp. Julie stated it was coming. She still hasn’t heard from them yet.
Julie has an overpayment of $70 for current taxes.
Motion by Ron to authorize Town Treasurer to refund overpayment of $70 for current taxes and also an overpayment due to errors/omissions. Second by Tom. All in favor. So approved.
Health Officer:
Bucky Shackett reported that the Department of Health reported to him that there were three cases of West Nile virus in the Town of Leicester. Some in Brandon and Cornwall. He doesn’t know how they determined this, by mosquito, bird, etc.
Tim asked if the State knows there is a health risk in Leicester would they help with spraying next year, knowing there is a health problem. Bucky didn’t think so. Tim thought election time would be a good time for the citizens to bring some of these things up.
Julie is having a flu clinic on the 27th in the white building. She is waiting for some verifications of the type of flu shots being available. When she has the information she will post it. Medicaid and Medicare patients should bring their cards; as it will be covered.
Bucky asked for a budget printout.
Old Business:
ACRPC Appointment:
Mr. Maroney extends his apologies through Diane. He got word of a very important meeting at the Echo Center in Burlington on water quality issues. He wanted to attend.
Tom’s concern was that before when he was doing this, no information ever got back to the Town or the Board.
Diane will invite him to the November 2nd meeting.
Sheriff’s Department Coverage:
There was discussion about no control of hours or where they were patrolling. In mid September Diane wrote a letter requesting them to cease patrols for October, November, and December. Jim called and said he wanted to have an opportunity to talk with Board because he thought there was misinformation and that there was a contract. Diane left messages for him, but had not heard from him.
Bucky spoke about the Town’s effort to make a speed ordinance on the roads. They made money every month. Since it’s been patrolled for so long, there are fewer speeders. Bucky thinks he’s done a hell of a job and has made the roads a lot safer for the general public and everyone and their families. He thinks it would be a disaster if you threw it out with all the effort that has gone into this. If you are speeding, you’re speeding, whether you are going to work or praying.
This is not just because the Town is not making money. There have been questions on mileage and patrolling. The Board would like some answers to their questions and have invited him to come.
Diane will invite Mr. Coons to our November 2nd meeting.
Public Opinion:
Tim thanked the Board for their decision to suspend the Sheriff’s patrol for three months. It was a losing money issue for the Town. He has come to the meetings and listened to the concerns and discussions about the Sheriff’s Department and he doesn’t feel the public safety has been put in jeopardy over the last 15-19 days. The Board talked about it in great detail. The Board has asked them to come here. Tim thinks the Board did a good job in their decision. Tim stands behind the Board.
Ron mentioned the State is dumping on us in the Education Department, comprehensive insurance and things like this. We are going to be running in the red permanently. We have got to find ways to change things.
There was discussion about changing the payment of taxes to quarterly. Would it be cost effective? The bigger towns that collect quarterly have extra people to collect the payments.
Could they consider budget years of 6 months or 12 months? Fiscal year versus annual.
Julie thinks the emphasis should be on collections and not have so many delinquents. She also mentioned perhaps an incentive to mail your tax payments in instead of coming in personally. She had lines of people. If someone came in to review maps or something, there would not have been room to get in.
If Mr. Jozwiak shows up with a check for the grader in the agreed upon amount, Julie will provide him an as is, where is, bill of sale.
Motion by Bob to adjourn. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Adjourned by 7:55 p.m.
Next Meeting Monday, November 2, 2009.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary