Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

                        Monday, Feb. 2, 2009

**See subsequent minutes for changes.

PRESENT:  R. Oliver, K. Young, T. Barker, R. Fiske,
D. Benware (recorder)
OTHERS:  Donna Pidgeon, Arlan, Pidgeon, John Hughes, Mary Hughes,
Julie Delphia, Cecile Todd

Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. by the Chair.
Flag salute recited and agenda reviewed.

Minutes of Jan. 5, 2009 were approved as written, on a motion by Bob, second by Ken.  Motion passed unanimously.

Minutes of Jan. 12, 2009 were approved as written on a motion by Tom, second by Bob.  Motion passed unanimously.

Minutes of Jan.19, 2009 were approved as written on a motion by Bob, second by Tom. Motion passed unanimously.

Minutes of Jan. 22, 2009 were approved with notation of date of Thursday, not Monday, Jan. 22. Motion to approve made by Bob, second by Ken, motion passed unanimously.

Minutes of Jan. 24, 2009 were approved after the following changes were made:
1).  Under Necessary Action #3: substitute direct deposit for check and 2).  delete item #4 under Necessary Action.  Motion to approve as changed, made by Tom, second by Bob.  Motion passed unanimously.

Minutes of January 26, 2009 were approved as written on a motion by Tom, second by Bob. Motion passed unanimously.



Arlan reported that he has not done anything about the grader.  Rollers for door have been ordered. Repair of overhead door won't happen until spring, unless necessary.

Julie reported that she and Donna have worked all of last week to correct errors in land records, to locate missing items and to correct errors that were noted.  No index
cards have been located for records from April 2008, and will need to be completed.  Dog licenses are ready,
all zoning permits have been verified.  Checking on school finances yet to be done as well as verifying taxes
and checking data entry are tasks to be completed.  

Donna reported that when the land records are complete for 2008 that the index drawers will be very full.  Julie has contacted Bill Dick, Clerk in Brandon, and would
like to create an index book, such as is used in Brandon.  
ACTION:  The Board approved Julie's request to create an index book, for land records, beginning  with 2009 transactions.

Mr. Hughes asked if the $102,000 due to Otter Valley had been found.  Donna explained that she has had numerous conversation with the DOE.  It is not a case of missing money, rather that individuals filing late have caused figures to be altered.  We know thus far,  that $36,000 to $37,000 will be coming back to the town from Dep't of Taxes.   A portion of the $48,000 that is showing at the top of the General Fund can be applied to the money needed for OV.   More research will continue.

Ceil reported that she and Harry may be going to Montpelier to get more information from Property Valuation and Review regarding information used in the re-appraisal.  She wondered if John Hughes should also attend, as his name is on the ballot and he is running unopposed for the position of Lister. No action taken; Board asked to be kept up-to-date about the issue.  


Delinquent Taxes impact on finances:  Chair noted that the amount of delinquent taxes  of about $104,000.00
has a direct impact on the money needed to be raised to pay Otter Valley. Unless a good portion of those
taxes can be collected we will be forced to include the $102,000 for OV in a separate line item on our 2009
tax bills.  It was also noted that the current Delinquent Tax Policy calls for any property more than 6 months in arrears to be considered for tax sale.  Ken was in favor of a straw poll at Town Meeting to determine if voters
would support a measure calling for any property more than 2 years delinquent to be put up for sale.  This will be determined at a later meeting.
ACTION:  Chair asked to contact Beth Ripley to ask her to attend the Feb.16 to discuss measures  to increase collection of delinquent taxes

Appointment of Interim Zoning Administrator:
Members of the Zoning Board/Planning Commission are in favor of Ron Fiske acting as Interim Zoning Administrator. There is no prohibition in the Selectboard Handbook, nor in Statutes, barring him from doing so, nor any prohibition to prevent him  from being compensated for his work.
ACTION:  Bob made the motion, Tom the second to appoint Ron Fiske as Interim Zoning Administrator, which passed unanimously.
Mr. Hughes noted that he feels all Selectboard members should be treated fairly and equitably if they perform a function for the town that goes beyond their Selectboard duties.

Placing ads for Zoning Administrator and Members of the Zoning Board/Planning Commission:
ACTION: Chair was authorized to place ads in local papers for 2 weeks, seeking qualified individuals to serve in the aforementioned capacities.

Signing Loan Paperwork for Lake Sunapee Bank:
Selectboard members and Town Treasurer signed loan documents for the Lake Sunapee Bank, in anticipation
of the need to borrow money before Town Meeting.


Motion to go into Executive Session made at 8:08 p.m. by Tom, second by Ken, to discuss pending legal action.
Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to come out of Executive Session made at 8:22 p.m., by Ken, second by Bob, passed unanimously.
ACTION: Chair authorized to contact Town Counsel to authorize him to represent town at 2/11/09 hearing in VT Superior Court.

Motion to adjourn at 8:22 p.m. made by Bob, second by Ken.
Meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
Next Meeting Feb. 16, 2009, at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:
D. Benware