Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes


Monday, May 18, 2009




** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Diane Benware, Bob Oliver, Ken Young, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker


Others Present:   Arlan & Donna Pidgeon, John & Mary Hughes, Cecile Todd, Tim Johnson, Matt Brush, Sandra Trombley, Secretary


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Agenda Review:  Agenda reviewed. 


Approve Minutes:


The minutes for May 4, 2009 meeting were reviewed.  Ken noticed that in the motion to go into Executive Session the motion was made and seconded by Ken.  Tom was the member that made the motion and Ken seconded the motion.


Motion by Tom to approve minutes of May 4, 2009 with the correction.   Seconded by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.


Review and Sign Orders for Payment:


Bills making their rounds. 


Weight Permits:


No weight permits.


Reports from Town Officials & Committees: 




Julie was not able to be at meeting tonight but prepared a written report.  Diane read the report.  Julie reported that she had been working with Brian Webb regarding dog licenses.  She has been calling delinquent owners and offering to waive the fee provided the dogs get registered within a limited time frame.  Julie will be providing Brian with an updated list this week.  He will begin contacting people who do not respond to my request to assess the fines.  We are currently at 200 dogs licensed. 


Under her budget report she has attached the beta version of the budget vs. the actual report.  She would like the Board to let her know what they think.


Otter Valley payment:  we have now passed mid May and Julie needs to process the remaining Otter Valley payment.   Julie has asked Donna to help her verify the correct amount to be transferred from the highway fund previously approved by the Board.  After this transfer and the receipt of the overpayment from the elementary school, I will be borrowing the appropriate amount to complete the Otter Valley payment.  I hereby request that the Board approve the Treasurer to pay the remaining Otter Valley payment due.


Action:  Motion by Bob to authorize Treasurer to pay Otter Valley payment.  (transfer $47,000 from the highway fund to repay general fund, the $36,000 from taxes the State owes the Town and borrow around $20,000)  Seconded by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved.


Delinquent taxes are down to $61,691.77.


Computer Set-up:  Julie has reviewed the computer network set-up in the office, paying special attention to the NEMRC databases and network security.  Based on her concerns of duplicate databases and the Lister’s desire to access NEMRC and CAMA on more than one computer at a time, Julie contacted NEMRC to discuss options. After discussing database properties and conversion concerns, Julie would feel more comfortable having NEMRC on site to assist updating the network infrastructure.  The time and mileage costs for NEMRC to be on site would be approximately $400.  They do have the availability in the next couple of days should this cost be acceptable to the Board.  Julie does have experience in networking, but did not create this database and believe it to be of benefit to have NEMRC here to prevent major glitches.


Julie requests that the Board approve an amount not to exceed $450 to have Nimerick come on-site to assist the updating of the network infrastructure.  Julie also requests that the Board approve a Network Security Policy for Board review.


Listers are in agreement with Julie’s request.


Action:  Motion by Ken to authorize an amount not to exceed $450 to have Nimerick come on-site to assist in updating the network infrastructure.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.


Action:  Motion by Ken to authorize Julie to develop a Network Security Policy for the Board’s review.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.


Office arrangement:  Julie is uncomfortable having her back to the door and not a welcoming set up.    Due to space limitation and heat registers, turning the desk is not a viable option.  Space for people reviewing records is sometimes scarce and they end up using the tables under the shelves with the auditor’s computer on it.


Suggestions:  moving the ZA desk, the Lister desk and the Lister filing cabinet south approximately five feet.  Move the desk I currently have into the new space between the filing cabinet and the wall.  To move the Auditor’s computer from under the shelves to this new desk.  This leaves the table free for people reviewing records.  It would allow the Listers to work beside each other once the computers are linked.  This would allow the ZA and two Listers to work on computers at the same time without conflict.  To purchase and/or build a counter on the east wall of the Clerk area between the vault and the current counter.  This would allow for proper heat ventilation, proper orientation of computer for both safety and appearance.  She believes it would cost less than $200 with materials donated.


Board agreed to let them re-arrange the office to everyone’s satisfaction.  No motion necessary.


Action:  Motion by Ken to approve a sum not to exceed $200 for materials for reorganizing the Clerk’s counter area.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.    So approved.


Road Foreman:


Arlan reported that Paul Kelly, on Hooker Road, wanted more top soil and seed put on the steep bank that Arlan seeded in front of his house.  Some washed away. 


Action:  Motion by Bob that if it needs fixing, fix it.  Authorize Arlan to get what’s needed to fix it.  Top soil, mat, seed.  Second by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.


John Hughes asked about the Town’s responsibility.  The Board explained that this was a project that the Town worked on, and we need to get a good seed bed in there so soil will not erode.




Cecile indicated that the Listers wanted to request a 30-day extension to file preliminary grand list due to the amount of work required to complete the grand list accurately and replacing two Listers.  We may need the extension, we may not.  It has to be done by June 4, 2009.  The Listers prepared a letter for the Selectboard’s approval tonight.   


Action:  Motion by Bob to approve the 30-day extension from June 4th to July 4th to file the preliminary grand list and circulate the letter for the Board’s signatures.  Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved.  Application circulated and signed.


Donna Pidgeon asked when grievances would take place.  Cecile stated it would depend on when the grand list is done.


Old Business:


Matt Brush came to speak about CVPS utility poles and give an update on school mergers.  The Town requested CVPS to move some poles on Leicester/Whiting Road.  He got a rough plan and sketch from CVPS.  They want to move the pole further in toward his property which will change the angle in which they go from the pole on the east side of his driveway and it goes through a Locust tree, a Maple tree and to the school.  When they move it, they are going to do more butchery to the trees, so my logic is, while they are moving poles, I propose they take the pole and move it further down the line and it will be in direct line to the school.  It would still go through his property, but it wouldn’t go through the trees.


The Board stated it would be mostly up to CVPS and you as landowner.  


Matt gave a School Board update:  Whiting decided they did not want to go to a new school and ended the conversations.  We have continued are conversations with Salisbury.  They are optimistic.  Next meeting is Wednesday night.


Bob asked what has to be done to Leicester’s school.  We have about half the kids that we had.


Matt stated there are 60 kids right now.  Throughout the winter, the kids were taking classes with hats and mittens and gloves on because the heating system continued to fail.  When it rains hard there are buckets in the hallways catching rain, which leads you to believe there may be mold in the building.  There’s no ventilation return or supply.  A mechanical engineer provided some estimates of heating and ventilation systems.  The estimates were roughly $300,000 for heat, ventilation and return air and a new roof configuration would be another sum of money.  Any sort of bond added to our current budget, puts our town in penalty and raises our taxes because of our number of students and per pupil cost.  Bob thinks there is a heat exchanger in there that was covered up when they lowered their ceilings.


Matt mentioned the proposal would be a joint school board. People from Salisbury and people from Leicester.   It would be a community school/a joint school.  We would propose it would be Leicester Salisbury School.  It would still be part of the Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union.  We would still send our kids to Otter Valley.  We would still be part of the district.   Salisbury has 100 students.   We are looking for a merger not tuition.


Bob asked what would happen to the current school building.  Matt stated that would need to be conversation but we are nowhere near that conversation yet.


Next step:  a small committee will meet Wednesday.   We will create a somewhat larger committee with maybe five people from each town, including a school board member or two, a parent, non-parent, a regular town’s person from each town, to come together to gather facts.  We will invite both supervisory unions.  There is a lot of contention.  There will be tough conversations.  Before we go to the town’s we need more information and needs to be able to save some money.  Before we have a special town meeting, we need to gather facts.


Bob spoke with Paul Francoeur and the price will remain the same as he quoted.    Bob talked with Paul about taking the putty out and put in quarter round wood then paint.  If there is any change in the quote, it will be because of the quarter round.


Action:  Motion by Tom to approve Paul to put quarter round on windows and paint.  Second by Ken.   All in favor.  So approved.


Bob talked with Cal Loven and he suggests that he just put mulch in for now.  Bob agrees.  Bob will report back to him.

New Business:


Addison County Regional Planning is doing their annual update of contact information.  Julie will have the Zoning Board and Planning Commission check their own information.  The Selectboard information seems to be accurate.


Regional Planning is looking for a delegate to serve on Regional Planning for the Town of Leicester.  It had been Charlie Makovec and Kathleen Ramsey.   Kathleen gave up the position when she started a new job.  Charlie is in Florida from the November to April.  Let’s leave as is.


Diane serves on the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) and will continue to do so if the Board would like.


Action:  Motion by Tom to appoint Diane for another year on the Transportation Advisory Committee.  Second by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.


Regional Planning keeps copies of tax parcel data if available for municipal plan development and regional planning activities. The Town would like to continue to reply on Regional Planning for data distribution after a request and person contacts the town.  All were in agreement.


Donna Pidgeon reminds the Board that when Judy Bond or whoever the Listers choose to upgrade the tax map, they need to make sure that a copy of the newly upgraded mapping gets to Regional Planning.  


Tom recommends another workshop on capital budget planning.  He thinks it’s very helpful for grant writing.  He has already talked with Regional Planning for Salisbury and would like Leicester to request something also. 


Questions about ZBA and PC meetings and having separate meetings.  Board will invite the ZBA and PC to the June 1, 2009 meeting to see what the Board can do to help.


Action:  Diane will contact Gerry & Donna.


The Department of Public Safety reporting requirements for hazardous materials in the workplace. 


Action:  Diane will review paperwork and report back. 


Legislative Policy Development:  There are four Legislative Committees, if anyone is interested in serving on one of the committees:

·        Finance, Administration and Inter-government Relations (FAIR)

·        Public Safety

·        Quality of Life of Environment

·        Transportation


Tom asked about the invoice for Sheriff’s report.  He stopped five speeders and gave out two warnings for 400 cruiser miles and over $700.  There is much more going on out there than that.  Tom was amazed at the amount of hours and so few tickets. 


Grant Update from Tom Roberts:


Letter from Tom Roberts May 14, 2009 stating that the Grant Application in the amount of $45,000 State funds has been recommended for approval by him and has been sent to Montpelier for final approval.  This is the Grant Donna wrote for culvert upgrades on Jerusalem Road.  The local match is 10%.


Stimulus Fund/Impact Roads Grant:


Addison County towns had been left off the list; therefore, the time has been extended.  The only two roads that qualify are Leicester/Whiting Road, and Rte.53.  The local match is 20%.   Minimum size of grant is $300,000 in federal funds.    No motions to proceed.


Public Opinion:


Donna Pidgeon asked about the Honor Roll Report.  Whatever happened to that and do you remember who was responsible?  Diane remembered that Bonnie Johnson, Dick Bullock and Tweeter Felion were the persons responsible for the Honor Roll Report.  Let’s see if we can find out about this project.  There is money in the restricted fund.


Donna also asked about Sid Glassner’s gazebo on the Green.  What happened to that project?  There is money in the restricted fund.  Let’s see if we can find out about this project, as well.


Motion by Tom to accept proposal as submitted by Town Counsel Re:  McFadden.  Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved


Motion by Bob to adjourn at 8:21 p.m.  Second by Tom.  All in favor.  So approved.


Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.


Next regularly scheduled meeting Monday, June1, 2009, 6:30 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley

Selectboard Secretary