To contact other officials click on Town Officials at the top of the page and then click on the office.
Town Clerk & Treasurer
Julie Delphia
44 Schoolhouse Road, Leicester, VT 05733
(802) 247-5961
(802) 247-6501 (fax)
Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 9am - 2pm
Diane Benware - Chair - (802) 247-3786
Tom Barker - (802) 247-3160
Brad Lawes - (802) 465-8065
Diane Randall - (802) 247-8023
John Rouse - (802) 247-3135
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Mondays at 6:30pm
Zoning Administrator
Keith Arlund
(802) 465-8098
Hours: by appointment
Dianne Harvey - Administrative Assistant to Assessor
(802) 465-4079
Hours: Tuesdays 9am - noon
Delinquent Tax Collector
Beth Ripley (802) 247-0075
Town Health Officer
Chree Perkins (802) 465-8335
Animal Control Officer
Robbie Devoid (802) 349-6163