Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Town of Leicester

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 9, 2012
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:  Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Ken Young, Robert Oliver
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Jay Michael, Sue Potter, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to OrderMeeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Review of Agenda:  Agenda reviewed.   
Lake Dunmore/Fern Lake Association Milfoil Control Program Update and Request for 2012:
Jay Michael and Sue Potter came to educate the Board about their milfoil program and ask for more money.  Jay handed out a two page document with a summary of their history with milfoil.
Each year showed the significant rise in bushels of milfoil pulled.  The problem is not gone and they feel the problem with be doubling next year.  The State Grants continue to drop.  In 2005 there were 9.4 bushels harvested and in 2011 there were 1,174 bushels harvested. 
The asset is too important to let go.  Both in the context of the recreation area; as well as, the property value perspective. The lake areas support about 50% of the grant list.  No one wants to see that value go down.
They propose to go forward by increasing the people on the diving crew.  They have hired a full-time professional and acquired a boat.  This will insure a boat is always on Dunmore and one on Fern Lake.  When Fern Lake is controlled, the second boat will move to Dunmore.
They are putting in a grant request to the State.  The State has already told them dollars will be less and requests will be more.  They have long range funding ideas.
Jay explained the funding proposal for 2012.  They are requesting $16,125 from Leicester and Salisbury which is significantly more than last year’s $7,225.  They hope next year to be less.
Information will be put into the Town Report.  Jay will be present for Town Meeting on March 6 to answer questions.
Motion by Ken to add $16,125 as recommended by the LDFLA representatives into the assessments in the budget.  Second by Bob.  4 – yes  1 – no (Ron)
Julie would like to request that no matter what the town approves in the budget that the Town of Leicester be an official member of the Lake Dunmore/Fern Lake Association and get a placard and be on the mailing list.
Richard Humiston’s daughter, Christine Denis, was supposed to attend tonight’s meeting to discuss recycling, but will be attending the January 16th meeting instead.
Julie received a request from the Northern Vermont Resource Conservation & Development Council for $100 and the Vermont Coalition of Municipalities again.  Board decided not to add them to the appropriations.
Discussion of Maple Leaf Farm’s appropriation amount.  Julie will contact them.
Julie reported that three tax bills for 2011 are now changed; the total amount for the three bills has changed by $134.03.  Julie will research abatement criteria in this regard.
Julie provided a new budget printout.  She updated everything as of all the bills she is aware of.  Under assessments, Julie changed the VLCT to $1,790 based on the new census number.  The only number she cannot give an actual on is the Addison County Tax; which they always plug in $13,000, and it generally comes in under that.  All payroll is done. All highway is done.  There might be Sheriff’s Department January fees coming in for 2011 income.
Under the Clerk budget, Julie was waiting for a bill for $1,000 from NEMRC for disaster recovery.  Board will need to sign, but it has been previously approved.
The petitions to request to get on a warning are needed by January 26, 2012.
Julie reported about the bus status as of today.  The bus did not back in to school.  Children are walking.  Julie would appreciate it if the bus  was not an issue on Town Meeting Day.
Julie recommends that the Board review the budget and come back with any questions or changes next week.
The Board was pleased how the budget for 2012 was coming out this year.
Ken reported that F. R. Lafayette could not install the guard rails due to the frost in the ground.  They will be back in the spring.
The Auditors will be looking for the Selectboard Report.  Diane reviewed the topics to report in the Selectboard Report draft.
Discussion of possible sites for land acquisition.  Ken wondered if they should appoint a spokesperson to investigate possible land acquisition.
Motion by Ken that the Town send Robert Oliver to talk with Bucky Shackett about possible land purchase of Fern Lake property east of the power line.  Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved. 
Iin the near future have a discussion how to proceed with the grader topic.
Motion by Ken to adjourn at 8:37 p.m.  Second by Tom.  All in favor.  So approved.
Next Meetings, January 16, 2012 & January 23, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary