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A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 16, 2012
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:  Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Ken Young, Robert Oliver
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Jim Russo, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to OrderMeeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Review of Agenda:  Agenda reviewed.  
Chair is hoping to wrap things up next Monday. 
Julie requested that the Board sign the warning with the date of January 26th; pending any possible petitions.  They have until the end of the day on January 26th to submit them.  Should that happen, the Board would need to have a special meeting to sign the warning.  
Approval of Minutes of January 3 & January 9, 2012:
Motion by Tom to approve minutes of January 3, 2012 as written.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.
Motion by Tom to approve minutes of January 9, 2012 with correction on page 1, third paragraph under Lake Dunmore/Fern Lake Association “grand list” not “grant list , and on page 3, third paragraph “In” not “lin”.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Town Clerk/Treasurer Report:
Julie reported that she has been working on the Town Report and Budget.  She registered her first dog for this year.
Lister Report:
Jim reported that the 411 was signed and sent out both electronically and hard copy form last week. 
There were a few changes to the tax bills for three parcels.  Errors and Omissions was not needed to be signed. 
Re-appraisals are still being done and entering data.  Re-visiting some properties.  MLS listings should have been emailed over today for listings out of Brandon, Leicester, and Salisbury for comparisons.
 Jeff will hopefully be back next week.  Jim and Jeff need to start riding around checking on permits that have been granted to see where they are at.
Health Officer Report:
Jim had a call out last Tuesday to check on a hazardous waste oil dump on Hooker Road.  Someone who had changed their oil in probably a couple vehicles just dumped it out side the road.  There was a cooler full of oil with a couple buckets in it.   There were two 5 gallon cans with tops on them.  A 5 gallon gas can with no top; and when they dumped it out, the lid came off the cooler, and the oil filter went onto the ground.  Less than two gallons spilled out.  It appeared the leaves soaked up what little oil did spill. 
Julie made a call to Addison County Hazardous Waste and they said if there was less than two gallons spilled, just pick it up and clean up the top part of the surface.  Scott was called to go down and clean it up.
In regard to the garbage complaint, Jim stopped by last Saturday, January 7th, to the residence on Stove Pipe with the garbage in the pickup truck on their property.  He talked with the lady at of house at the residence.  The husband was not home.
Tuesday, Jim mailed a certified, return receipt letter confirming their conversation and the 15 days they had to clean it up.  They have until the 23rd to clean things up.
Jim reported the other person had already cleaned up their mess.
Tom asked about two others residences that had bags of garbage.  Jim reported the trailer was gone.  Jim also reported that one stores their garbage and takes away each week.
Road Foreman Report:  None
Tom would like to see them drop a little sand on the Lower Bullock Road.
Cemetery Committee:  None
Zoning Administrator Report:  None
Recycling/Trash Removal:
Christine did not show for discussion.  Julie will contact Christine to see if she could attend next Monday’s meeting.
Request from FLCS:
Heather LaPorte, representing Friends of Leicester Central School asked Julie if a paragraph could be put in the Town Report asking residents if they would be willing to drop off a recipe or send a recipe to the school.  They are trying to put together a cookbook.
FLCS are not technically a town group or a school group.  They work with the school.  They are connected with, but not associated with the school.
Motion by Tom to allow FLCS permission to include a paragraph requesting recipes in the Town Report provided they get it to Julie in time.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.
2012 Budget Review II:
Julie provided the 1/16/12 version of the budget spreadsheet.
 Julie clarified with the Board that the expense for printing and postage for the books for the reappraisal will come out of the reappraisal line item. 
Julie reported that the ACRP Grant has already been spent for our Town Plan and the Town Plan isn’t completed.  Board felt printing the Town Plan should come out of the Zoning/Printing budget; even if it doesn’t cover all of it.
Julie reported there are three elections this year.  Postage will go over under office expenses.  Board recommended raising postage from $2,100 to $2,500.
Julie would like any mark ups that the Board might have by next Monday or preferably before so she can have the final budget.
In the Selectboard Report, Chair will add a paragraph about the level funded appropriations.  They are not separated this year, like in the past.  Julie recommended putting a little note at the end of the budget.  Chair will add something about the dog problem and wording about the Dog Ordinance.
Board discussed the parts of the warning.  Also, they need to find a Moderator.
There was discussion about equipment repairs.  The expense was for a chain, seal kit, and three tire truck chains. Board recommended they re-name line to “Truck” instead of “Dump Truck”.
Julie shared the 250 theme cover design which will be in color. 
There was some procedural discussion for Town Meeting.
Chair shared an invitation from the Assistant Judges of Addison County, next Monday at 9:00 a.m. regarding the Addison County Budget.
Motion by Tom to approve bills.  Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved.
Town Shed:
Ron mentioned that it might be a good time of year to throw some stoney, bank run gravel in behind the Town Shed.  It’s 50 x 140-150.  20 – 25 truck loads for now; maybe more later.  It would make the land more usable and to our advantage down the road.  In the future, we could get our sand pile back away from the road.
Ken will do some research.  Everyone will keep their eyes and ears open.  There is some money in the restricted fund.
2012 Certificate of Highway Mileage was signed by the Board.
Bob talked to Bucky and reported that Bucky has two parcels of land he would sell.  One by the power lines and one on Shackett Road north of the old barn.  Bucky said we should have a get together.  We would need to decide on more details.
Knowing that Bucky is interested and the option is open, we will wait to see what the Brown’s have decided first.
Bob reported that on Old Jerusalem Road, up by the railroad tracks, in the creek, there is debris and is supposed to be gotten out of there.  There is a problem on Hooker Road; as well, per Tom.  He thought the road crew could take care of it.  The thought is to wait until spring for the debris in the creek.
Motion by Bob to adjourn at 8:10 p.m.  Second by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.
Next Meeting, January 23, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary