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A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Special Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 23, 2012
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:  Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Brad Lawes
Members Absent:  Ken Young
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Pete Fjeld, Donna Swinington, Van Denton, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to OrderMeeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Review of Agenda:  Agenda reviewed.
Meet with Planning Commission:
Diane explained to the two PC members that we need to figure out how we can get what we need from Addison County Regional Planning and maintain good relations with them for the future; making sure we meet our timeline.
Julie explained the difference between the email from Claire that said “no” she wouldn’t give us the document unless they wash their hands of it and the conversation she had with Claire.  When Julie had the conversation with her, Julie definitely had the understanding that if we asked for the file; that we weren’t going to get the maps updated.  The email reads a little different than that.  The email seems to imply that they would still give us maps; and we would be responsible for inserting them into the document, which is fine.
Basically, Claire’s answer to Julie was “No, she would do the updates, you mark them up, I won’t give you any soft copy to do it on, you can do it either on a hard copy or PDF and make comment boxes.  Once you get them to me I will take 3 or 4 weeks to get them back to you.”  She stated, “You are all set for the grant, don’t worry about it”.
Julie doesn’t agree that we are all set for the grant.  She doesn’t believe that we have done #8 or #10 on the sheet.
Diane read that #8 is to prepare the GIS maps and #10 is to complete the final draft of the plan to hand out to the public at warned meetings. 
Julie tried to explain to Claire that there were some changes and a number of grammatical issues.  Julie doesn’t think she understands the extent of these issues.  Julie tried repeatedly to have Claire give us a Word file, but Claire would not have any part of that.
In addition, Julie was looking at numbers and percentages, and there are errors.  She’s not sure where some of the information came from.
Julie’s opinion is that it would be a ridiculously redundant effort to go through with a red pen, which would look like a giant red notebook, and write it all out, to have her type it a month from now to have it come back to us to be re-verified again.  Then take our red line and mark anything that got missed and send it back.
Claire sent us a PDF that is messed up on the disk; as well as, hard copy.  Julie stated that she is not on either Board, so she didn’t feel she could go any further with Claire.  Julie thinks Claire thinks we are not capable of making the changes in Word; which is not the case.
Claire told Julie that Kevin would have the maps done at the end of this week.
Diane explained that the Selectboard wants to work with the Planning Commission to decide what to do to help us meet our deadline.
Donna and Peter agree that; Diane as Chair of the Select Board should contact Adam Lougee and explain to him we are worried about deadlines and inaccuracies.  Diane will contact Adam tomorrow to see if he could help us.  We will explain that we want to help them.
  • Need Word document
  • Need new maps
  • Support us; providing information where statistics came from
  • Final read through
Meet with Van Denton:
Van provided a proposal for the recycling and trash removal.  The proposal was for a month for 1st and 3rd Saturday each month.  He will provide an invoice each month.
Van thought that Christine contacted the Town about the employees.
Motion by Tom to accept Van Denton’s proposal of $610 per month for recycling and trash removal.  Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved.
Meet with Paul Crosby:  Paul did not attend.  Julie will call and remind him of May 7th meeting.
Review/Authorize Payment of Bills:
Bills making their rounds for signatures.
Updated contact information for Select Board.  Julie will do Zoning Board and others.
Sheriff Patrol Scheduling:
Jeannette Wilkey called wanting to know if we were going to start our seasonal Sheriff’s patrol.  In the past we had 64 hours per month for the summer and 32 hours month for the winter.  The rate has now increased from $20 hour to $22 hour and increased from .51 cents per mile to .55 cents per mile. 
We want the patrols to start May 25 with 30 days notice, with 64 hours month, the lake area 3:00 – 10:00 p.m. and weekends in particular.  Julie and Diane will fill out the blue sheet.
Diane will call Sheriff’s Department in regard to the reimbursements.  Some didn’t think we were getting the appropriate reimbursement.
State Police have a web-site that shows criminal activity or accidents that occur in your general area; updated every 24 hours.
Motion by Tom to approve bills.  Second by Brad.  All in favor.  So approved.
Motion by Ron to donate $100 on behalf of the Town in memory of Jim Coons to Foley Cancer Center in Rutland.  Second by Brad.  All in favor.  So approved.
Signing Letter to Commissioner Flynn:
Diane read letter she composed to send to Commissioner Flynn in regard to Vermont Sun races.  Board signed letter. 
Brad recused himself from signing letter due to a conflict of interest.
Brad asked about liability and exposure if someone got hurt on our roads.  Brad feels we should have a copy of insurance policy listing the Town of Leicester as an insured party.
Reminder Green Up Day May 5, 2012:
Discussion of sand pile at Fern Lake access.  Arlan had pushed the second load of sand right to the water’s edge.  Ron will go up and push it back away from the water.
Arlan was going to draw in some gravel for the ruts in the drive.  Half the parking lot is a big hole.
Ray Rheaume left a message with Diane and Ron got a call from Linda Rheaume who live right next door.  They were concerned we were creating a beach and felt it was only a boat access.  Ron feels it is a multi-purpose area.  They were concerned with people using the woods as a bathroom.  He asked about a porta pottie, but they did not like that idea. 
Discussion of putting the recycling trailer for sale; as is, where is.
Discussion about the paint on the white building coming off.  The paint should last longer than a year. 
Discussion about removing old Town Shed building and putting up a new Town Shed at current location.  Discussion of other possible locations.  Discuss at next meeting.
Motion by Tom to adjourn at 7:35 p.m.  Second by Brad.  All in favor.  So approved.
Next regular meeting, Monday, May 7, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary