Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
 Monday, January 23, 2012
** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Ken Young, Robert Oliver
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to OrderMeeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Review of Agenda:  Agenda reviewed.  
Authorize Payment of Bills:
Bills making their way down the table for signatures.
The agreement with the Brandon Fire Department to provide Leicester fire protection for $20,000 per year for both 2012 and 2013.  They would appreciate four equal installments without interest to be paid. 
The first payment is included; provided the Board approves the contract.
Tom made a motion to sign the contract with the Brandon Fire Department for $20,000 for fire protection for the next two years.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.
The Board signed the contract.  The first installment to be paid.
The State of Vermont, Agency of Transportation has completed the final document and payments for Leicester Junction Road, Town Highway 1.  The Agency would like to know if we would like to retain project parcel files.  The Board will ask that the documents be sent to us and we will determine what we need to keep. 
Town Shed:
Ken reported that he and his wife measured the depth between the telephone poles on the Shackett property.  They mapped it out and found out how much land there is.  Total acreage of approximately 26.8 acres from the brook down through the wood lot and meadow.  The open land is approximately 18.3 acres.  Ken thinks the grade is a lot higher when you stop and walk the property.
Ken provided a colored, hand drawn map he made of the property.
Action: Town is interested in the open land.   Bob will ask Bucky his price per acre and how much he wants to sell.
Julie reported that it’s wet near the power lines and that VELCO came in to talk about the power lines and what you can and can’t do by the power lines.
Motion by Tom to approve the bills.  Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved.
Final Review of 2012 Budget:
Julie shared the cover for the Town Report with the Board.  Julie printed the town portion of the Town Report because the school portion is not done yet.  She still needs the cemetery report.
Julie confirmed town officials.  Julie confirmed Energy Coordinator, ZBA/PC appointment dates.
Discussion on James Maroney’s letter.  Tom made a motion that we let Mr. Maroney know the Board doesn’t agree with him.  Tom withdrew his motion and will keep the topic for next meeting on February 6th.
Julie reported that they haven’t found a Town Moderator.  Julie recommended that whoever they get must know Robert’s Rules, not be intimidated by crowds and not involved in any drama within the town.
Julie called the Secretary of State’s Office to find out what they would do if they didn’t find a Moderator in time for Town Meeting.  Julie was told that they need to be a resident of the Town.  If we don’t have someone by Town Meeting, the Selectboard will call the meeting to order.  The first item for discussion will be to elect a Moderator Pro Tem.  They need to be a registered voter of the Town.  If there isn’t someone, the Selectboard runs the meeting.  Same with the School Board.
Action:  Diane will check with Richard Reed to see if he would be interested in being Town Moderator for Town Meeting.
Julie discussed statistics and removed the year of birth, death, marriage.
Julie provided the Board with a budget comparison sheet to keep for Town Meeting and reviewed the numbers with the Board.
Article II in the warning needs to pass or the dollar amount to raise will go up.  The article means that the positive balance at the end of the year can be used to offset the next year’s taxes.  People need to vote “yes”.  If they vote “no”, they don’t understand the article.
There is still money ($2,700) in the restricted fund for a professional audit five years from now.
Diane read dog portion written by Julie for Town Report.
Under Listers; the $600 for consulting was for the re-appraisal firm to be able to attend grievance meetings.
Review of Warning/Town Report:
Reviewed for grammar and typos.
Diane read the warning.
Motion by Bob to sign the warning pending any receipt of articles.  Second by Tom.  All in favor.  So approved.
The Board signed the warning dated January 26, 2012; pending the possible receipt of any petitions for articles to be added.  If there are any articles to be added, there would need to be a special meeting to re-approve the warning.
Recycling/Trash Handling:
Julie spoke with Christine and Christine identified that she has difficulty meeting in the evenings.  Julie told her she would give her contact information to the Board so she can be contacted.
This morning Julie sent out the independent contractor forms.  Julie can’t pay the business because the business is under Richard’s social security number; so until they can give her the new W-9 for the business with the new social security number and the signed independent contractor form, Julie can’t pay them.  Julie is also stuck in sending out the W-2’s and 1099’s because she doesn’t have the estate number to complete the paperwork.  Julie will place a call to the IRS tomorrow to find out how to proceed.  It is holding up all the W-2’s and 1099’s.  Right now we can’t pay that business until we have the information.  Julie needs the W-9 for new owner, Independent Contractor Form and Estate Number for the payroll side.
Action:  Diane will try to reach Christine Denis.
Other Business:
Julie asked about the Honor Roll Fund and the Glebe Fund.  Julie asked if we were done with the Honor Roll Fund.  Julie had someone that was interested in applying for some of the Glebe Fund.
Diane’s understanding is that the Glebe Fund was established back at the time of our charter, there was a parcel that was set aside for the Church of England and the land would sit.  The land no longer exits. The funds attached to it were only to be used for education and religion.  As far as Diane knows, the fund has been there ever since. 
Julie reported that an educational facility is interested in requesting some of the funds.
Action:  Diane will contact the attorney for information on how to access it.
The Honor Roll Fund of $100 was to be used to maintain the Honor Roll.
The Board received a note from Mrs. Oliver requesting to purchase a couple picnic tables and a couple benches for our town green.  She mentioned a drop box for donations.  Tom recommended that maybe the Town could purchase the lumber and maybe students could build the tables.  Ken will research and report back at our February 6th meeting.
The Board received a letter from John Castle, RNESU Superintendent responding to the bus issue.  Diane read the letter where the Superintendent states they will load and unload in their current manner.  Their main concern is kids and safety.
Action:  Diane will ask lawyer about legality of blocking road and buses.
No meeting next Monday unless necessary.
Motion by Tom to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.  Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved.
Next meeting, February 6, 2012.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary