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Meeting Minutes - ZBA - 4/26/16

 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
6:00 P.M.
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:  Peter Fjeld, Chair, Donna Swinington, Jeff McDonough
Others Present:  Jim & Sandra Robinson, Diana & John Forgues, Mary Anne Sullivan, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order/Roll Call:  Meeting called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Chair and roll call. 
Review Agenda:  Reviewed agenda. 
Approval of Minutes of March 29, 2016:
Motion by Jeff and second by Donna to approve minutes of March 29, 2016.  All in favor.  So approved.
New Business: 
Permit application #07-16-ZBA for a waiver for landowners James C. & Sandra M. Robinson, 1364 Hooker Road, Parcel # 212001 E911.
Chair read the warning and explained procedures.  There were no other conflicts of interest on the Board.  Interested parties were sworn in.
Jim explained that they would like to build a modest year round home.  They currently live in Jeffersonville.  They have a disabled son.  They purchased the property to live closer to his two older brothers who live in Saratoga Springs to help build a good relationship with them. This makes more of a plausible distance to get back and forth.  Sandra also just got a job in Middlebury.
Jim stated the lot is narrow and steep and they don’t have a lot of options with the power lines.  They need a side lot variance.  There is a little plateau and is the only level spot to try to build.  They would like to build a two bedroom home.  The lower cabin will be removed.
Jim stated that paperwork has been filed with the State for the septic system.
Jeff asked if there were any contacts from abutting landowners.
Diana and John Forgues were present as abutters.  Diana mentioned that they received a notice from Jeff Kelly that part of the waste water and septic does come down a little bit and infringe on their property.
Jim stated that it was called, shadowing. 
Diana explained the history of their property.  She asked to see the diagram.  She asked their intention about the little cabin.
Jim stated the camp down by the lake is being removed and they will be improving the driveway.   Robinson’s and Forgues discussed the map.
John asked what other things the overshadowing would effect. 
No one could really answer for sure.  Peter thought it had to do with the soil conditions and the acquifur.  Jeff stated that the State has to approve this, so Jeff Kelly might be able to answer the question better.
Diana stated that the size of the project makes her feel a whole lot better.  It will fit into the locality and not change the character or the history of their area.
Peter stated that the Board looks at whether it fits into the character of the neighborhood.  Jeff stated that it is important how the abutters feel about the project.
Peter explained the procedure.  The Board will go into deliberative session and make a decision within 45 days.
Motion by Jeff and second by Donna to approve the waiver.  All in favor.  So approved.
Old Business:  None
Public Comment:  None
Motion by Jeff and second by Donna to adjourn ZBA meeting at 6:35 p.m. and go into PC meeting.  All in favor.  So approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Zoning Board of Adjustment Secretary