Meeting Minutes
Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 3, 2010
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Bob Oliver
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Kate Briggs, James Maroney, Audrey Scarborough, Tom from Dido Trucking, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Review of Agenda: Agenda reviewed and adjusted. Trucking from Brandon gravel pits on Leicester roads added to the agenda.
Grave Stones Repair Estimate:
Audrey Scarborough reported about the stones to be repaired at the cemetery.
Motion by Bob to authorize Cemetery Committee to proceed with stone restoration with funds to come out of cemetery fund not to exceed $1500. Second by Tom. All in favor. So approved.
Peg Oliver explained history eight generations past for the Leicester Meeting House She explained all the work that went into the meeting house and grounds.
Peg heard that brick steps were being considered and was very concerned that brick was being considered for the new steps; and hopes that the Board would not approve brick. She would prefer wood. Peg thought that whatever is done that it would need to be approved by the National Registry of Historic Places.
There was discussion of marble steps. The steps are on the agenda for later discussion. The Board will take Peg’s concerns under consideration.
Ken mentioned that the Vermont Community Foundation awards $25,000 grants each year. His wife will contact them for the Board and she will forward information to the Board.
Approve Minutes of April 5, 2010 & April 19, 2010:
Motion by Tom to approve minutes of April 5, 2010. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Motion by Ron to approve minutes of April 19, 2010 knowing there is a small missing piece under Executive Session due to technical difficulties which will be added. (see below) Second by Bob. All in favor. So approved.
Addition to April 19, 2010 minutes:
Motion by Tom at 8:45 p.m. to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel issue. Second by Ken. Passed unanimously.
Motion by Ron to come out of Executive Session at 8:57 p.m. Second by Tom. Tom will look into the situation and report at the next meeting.
Motion by Ken to adjourn at 8:58 p.m. Second by Ron. Passed unanimously.
Next meeting, Monday, May 3.
Weight Permits:
Julie reported there were two weight permits for review, Dido Trucking and Randy Abair.
Tom from Dido Trucking was present. He reported that they have a single dump truck and not a fleet. They were applying for a single truck permit.
Ken reported that he hadn’t heard from MacDonald’s and asked Tom if he knew why he didn’t.
Tom didn’t know why and said they had talked with them. Barrett’s had already had their permits in place. Tom said Dido filled out all their paperwork and that was why he was here tonight.
Ken asked how long a process this hauling gravel was going to be.
Tom did not know, but he thought as soon as Brandon lifts posting, they will go to Brandon and haul down there.
Ken reported that today was quite a deal. There was quite a safety issue on Delorm Road and Ferson Road today.
Ken explained that they were not happy and will be doing everything legally to prevent another load drawn through Leicester.
Barrett’s took their half right out of the middle today. These roads were not built for this much volume of traffic and the heavy vehicles. Markowski’s are in there, D & F Paving, Beldon’s, along with all the regulars. Truck traffic has increased tenfold on that road. It’s a safety issue.
It’s not an issue with the truckers or truck owners as much as it is with the Town of Brandon. You have 53’ trailers. The trucks need to go the best and safest route, and that is Brandon.
Trucks are not supposed to be on Ferson Road.
Bob and Ken signed permits.
Ken will be looking into posting the roads due to safety issues, with Selectboard’s approval.
Motion by Tom to authorize Ken and Arlan to post Delorm & Ferson roads at 18,000 lbs, until May 15th, notifying DMV within three days. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Bob feels Board should negotiate with trucking companies to repair the damage that has been done to Leicester’s roads.
See more discussion under “other”.
Energy Coordinator Discussion:
James Maroney explained that he was interested in the Energy Coordinator position. Discussion about the Town’s energy; street lights, school, town buildings. He discussed what his approach to energy conservation would be, for Leicester to be a model. He recommends the Town review these issues.
· School year calendar
· Outside lighting
· Energy audit
· Pollution issues – fertilizers
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Zoning Administrator:
Kate reported that Green Up went well. There was an incredible turnout this year.
There are some zoning violations she is pursuing.
Kate went to some excellent Lister training last week. She thinks we need a new process of doing listing. Her opinion is that the way we are doing it is not very productive. The Town should probably do a town-wide reappraisal as soon as possible.
Kate reported the Town Municipal Grant Proposal for Town Plan is in.
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Delinquents are at $54,300.
Registered 248 dogs.
The computers had some issues today. There is a folder with bills. She couldn’t print checks today. Hopefully, the computer will be back tomorrow.
Motion by Bob to authorize Treasurer to pay bills in absence of computer. Second by Ken. All in favor. So approved.
Middlebury is not ready for the bridge beams so they are changing the date to the week of May 17th – 21st.
Motion by Bob to authorize Julie to talk to Francine that dates are ok with Board. Second by Ken. All in favor. So approved.
Julie reported about concerns of loitering in the turnaround, vehicle under the tree in front of the brick building, using a wireless. The car is here seven days a week and here when the kids are being dropped off and leaving school. They are aware of who the person is, the vehicle and plate number. The school has some concerns. There is no loitering ordinance.
Diane will contact the VLCT to see if we can get free advice or copy of ordinance. There may not be a thing we can do.
Last Wednesday Cecile and Julie attended the Town Offices Training in Rutland. Julie attended things intended for Treasurers and Cecile for Listers. In their Lister’s Forum, the last thing of the day, they talked about contiguous property issues. Julie spoke with the assessor from the Town of Essex. He was incredibly helpful. They had direction and clarification.
Road Foreman:
Arlan reported that they repaired Bullock Road and lower Bullock Road. Bob recommended that they put two or three more loads of gravel on Bullock Road.
Arlan hopes to get over to Jeff McDonough’s this week with gravel.
Keep FEMA Grant in mind.
Liquor License:
Motion by Tom to approve liquor license for Leicester Properties. Seconded by Ken. All in favor. So approved.
Damage to Senior Center:
It looks like a ball hitch backed into it. Julie called Bob and he had Julie call State Police. Julie called Paul Francoeur for an estimate to fix it. She called VLCT to get a claim form. State Police gave Julie a case number. Waiting for the estimate.
Meeting House Steps:
McKernon’s estimate came in at $6,250 which includes getting the permit.
Action: Diane will call the Department of Public Safety about permit.
There is a concert at the Meeting House on May 12th.
Motion by Bob to authorize Arlan to get diamond plate for four steps and concrete anchors. Second by Tom. All in favor. So approved.
Grader Offer:
Mr. Jozwiak called to see if we had sold the grader. Diane gave him Arlan’s number. It has been advertised for $8,000.
Arlan talked with Reggie about the blade cylinders and he recommended a line lock.
Arlan recommended that we run the grader as is.
Limited Public Opinion: None
Ken will get posters for posting the roads first thing in the morning. Arlan will help.
Ken will contact gravel pits, Mr. MacDonald and Markowski’s advising them of the posting of Leicester roads per Selectboard authorization. Arlan will go with him.
Diane will contact Sheriff’s Department to inquire about hiring a Sheriff to patrol the roads.
Motion by Ken to institute a $100 fine per violation for operating vehicles on posted roads. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Connie Carroll has agreed to act as an alternate on the ZBA.
Motion by Bob to name Connie Carroll as alternate on the ZBA. Second by Ken. 1-Abstention (Tom). So approved.
Motion by Tom to adjourn at 8:47 p.m. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Next regular meeting, May 17, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary