Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

(Monday Holiday)




** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, Bob Oliver, Ken Young


Others Present:   Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Harold Somerset, Sandra Trombley, Secretary


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Review of Agenda:  Agenda reviewed. 


Mr. Somerset asked to speak for the Lake Dunmore side of Isthmus Road project.  He relayed that they are happy.  They are happy it was done so quickly and it was a real good job and Arlan was very accommodating getting people in and out as needed.


Isthmus Road Update:


Arlan reported they are done on Isthmus Road.  He has submitted his bill for $18,248.34.


The oak tree by Neri’s on Hooker Road has been taken down by Vaillancourt for $500.


Ken confirmed our class 4 roads.  We have three class 4 roads; Lower Bullock, Stove Pipe Lane, and Isthmus Road.


Approval of Minutes of August 16, 2010:


Motion by Bob to approve minutes of August 16, 2010 as written.  Second by Tom.  All in favor.  So approved.


Review/Authorize Payment of Bills:  Bills making their rounds for signatures.


Weight Permits:  None


Reports from Town Officials, Committees:



Road Foreman:


Arlan reported the culvert needs to be done just past the Town Shed.  There is a hole in the middle of the road due to the culvert.  Arlan will mark the road to be cut.  Arlan will get the culvert and dig it out.


There is a culvert on Old Jerusalem Road to be done at some point by Jane Fjeld’s house.


Arlan reported the loose fence outside Town Office on the property line needs to be tightened up.


Arlan cut some brush on Shackett Road.  Arlan will patch some holes on Hooker Road.


Town Clerk/Treasurer:


Julie reported delinquents are at $46,500.  She has taken in $130,000 - $140,000 toward new taxes.


Julie would like a motion to pay the cemetery fence bill from the restricted fund.


Ken made a motion authorizing Treasurer to pay the cemetery fence bill from money from the cemetery restricted fund.  Second by Tom.  All in favor.  So approved.


There is a recount for the election.  Julie and Audrey brought the ballots to the Court House to be recounted.


Bob made a motion authorizing Treasurer to reimburse general fund from the restricted highway fund to pay for the total Isthmus Road work.  Second by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.


Julie received letter that FEMA dollars will be coming.


Brandon Police Chief called Julie and asked about the complaint letter and letter in the Brandon Pittsford Reporter about Brandon Police patrolling Leicester.   He assured Julie that they do not patrol Leicester unless they are asked to by another authority or unless they are in pursuit or investigating a case.


Voters made comments about the Sheriff’s Department who happen to sit at the cemetery on voting day and pulled people over in the circle on voting day.  They are sitting there at the time people come home from work.  They are not patrolling other areas in town like Rte.53.  Sheriff has also been sitting over by Tim Johnson’s.


Further discussion about Sheriff Department patrols. 


Action:  Diane will send a letter to Sheriff Coons in regard to numerous complaints of the Sheriff patrols.



Cemetery Committee:


Tom reported the cemetery fence is up, thanks to all the volunteers.  The volunteers were:

Allen Pidgeon, Donna Swinington, Rob Cole, Dickie Dutton, Tom Barker. 


The fence was $3,874.40.  Tom has the sign which was $16.00 for the cemetery.  He will put it up.




Errors/Omissions Listers:


Julie reported that someone filled out their HS122 business use % incorrectly, and when they corrected it, it changed values.  The Listers are required to do an Errors & Omissions and it requires Selectboard approval.   It went from $135,200 - $80,500 because it was a homestead value and not a business.


Selectboard signed the E&O Certificate as recommended by Listers.


Julie had a request for abatement.  


Julie reporting for the Lister news.


The State Advisor came down and did the sales study with Cecile.  Julie asked her about the trend and what could Town do. 


Terry advised that when Town receives their CLA, appeal to them using a shorter or tighter time frame.  Rather than taking three years, look at two years or one year. 






Julie hasn’t had a chance to go to Rutland to buy an air conditioner. 




Bob Morin provided a new estimate for steps for $2,800.  Form and pour and put handrails.  This does not include removal and disposal of old steps or construction permit.


Diane has public safety application.


Recap McKernon’s estimate which includes application for permit, remove the stairs, remove existing trapezoidal walk, install code compliant precast steps with railing attached, pour a new sidewalk to the new steps from the driveway, clean up old materials, reseed the disturbed grass area.


Motion by Ken to award contract to McKernon for $6,200.  Second by Bob. 

·         Ken – Yes

·         Bob - Yes

·         Tom – No

·         Ron – Abstained

·         Diane – Yes

Motion carried.  Bob will notify Peter to begin project.


There is $2,000 that Historical Society donated and there is $4,500 in the building repairs fund to pay for the steps.


Motion by Tom to authorize Treasurer to pay McKernon’s out of building repair funds and the $2,000 from the historical society.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.


Limited Public Opinion:  None




Community Advisory Board Meeting, 6:30 pm, New Haven Fire Department


Letter from Terry Wilkins from Salem, Oregon:  Compiling recipes for a cookbook.


Candidates Forum Memorandum from VLCT


Draft VLCT Municipal Policies


CVPS Substation Hearing Salisbury Town Office


Next meeting, Tuesday September 20, 2010.


Motion by Ken to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.



 Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley

Selectboard Secretary