Meeting Minutes
Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 15, 2010
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Bob Oliver
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Kate Briggs, Cecile Todd, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Review of Agenda: Agenda reviewed.
Approval of Minutes of November 1, 2010:
Motion by Tom to approve minutes of November 1, 2010 as written. Second by Bob. All in favor. So approved.
Review/Authorize Payment of Bills: Bills making their rounds for signatures.
Julie reported that the December 1st payment for the State Education tax is in there for 62,000+. She put in a budget report.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Zoning Administrator:
Kate reported that PC has been working on new zoning applications. There will be four.
· Standard permit
· Boundary adjustments
· Subdivisions
· Access roads (driveways)
Kate asked for clarification as to how board would like the access road permit handled and who signs, Road Foreman and/or Road Commissioner. Recommends minimum fee of $10 for recordation.
Action: Kate will provide draft of a form and procedure at next Selectboard meeting.
Kate brought up Sears/Dukette subdivision letter. Some discussion. No action to be taken.
Kate is changing her official office hours to Monday’s from 10:00 – 1:00 instead of Thursday.
Kate went to Zoning Forum through VLCT.
Lister Report:
Board acknowledges receipt of Kate’s letter. No action taken.
Cecile doesn’t want to work full time. Not sure what she will be doing in March. She discussed the possibility of hiring someone professional to do the appraisal part of the lister job, computer entries, grievances and BCA, and someone else, such as herself, doing the data entry, files, etc.
Kate reported about the current system of listing; the software, training and courses, the skills needed for a lister position.
Action: Cecile will get more information and costs and come back to the Board.
Julie reported that on Thursday, the holiday, Ed came in and tried to update the system when Julie wasn’t in and it didn’t work properly and Julie came in Sunday to the problem. The virus protection on Cecile’s computer had vanished. Kate’s virus protection had been turned off. Julie is stating again that she is very concerned. She’s concerned that these other computer problems and someone else’s action is going to impact/interfere with her and her ability to do her job.
Action: Julie will contact Mike Forte and have him go through all of the computers and set them all up again.
Julie offered her services for a few hours a week to do clerical work; printing and making folders for listers at lister rate per hour. Julie will ask VLCT or Secretary of State for clarification so there would be no conflict of interest.
Motion by Ken to hire Julie to act as clerical support for Listers, pending legal advice and approval from Secretary of State or VLCT. Second by Tom. All in favor. So approved.
Kate reported that tax maps are not up-to-date. Kate would like Board to seriously consider new people for tax mapping. Kate has two companies in mind that do mapping.
Action: Kate will do some research and get back to the Board by next meeting.
Action: Kate will contact Kevin at Regional Planning and get some recommendations on wording for sending a letter to the current provider and what data we need to get back from them by next meeting.
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie reported $118,000 in delinquent taxes, totaling $134,700 with interest and penalties. More coming in.
Payment in the bills for first education payment to State.
Need to budget $62,000 to be paid out in June.
Election went very well with 404 voters.
Conflict of Interest Training costs between $400 - $800. In the packet there was a Grant Application. Julie will check into it.
Julie will forward information for a professional audit.
Julie will talk with Mike Forte about a quote and information for a server.
Julie will look up the process/procedure if a town wants to go from just having Listers to an Accessor.
Road Foreman:
Arlan reported they did some grading and hauled some gravel and patched a culvert.
Cemetery Committee: No report
Building 2011 Budget/Preliminary Thoughts:
Chair asked that everyone start thinking about needs for 2011.
Chair shared 5 Year Capital Plan and areas identified. Board requested that Arlan look at Capital Plan and see what has been done and what is still left to be done and bring back to next meeting.
Chair reported she heard from Peter and McKernon will have Meeting House steps done by end of this week.
Limited Public Opinion: None
Board signed the Resolution for Municipal Planning Grant to be used for updating the Town Plan.
Motion by Tom to authorize Treasurer to give Sandy money in anticipation of zoning related postage not to exceed $50 per occurrence effective January 1, 2011. Seconded by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Chair shared mail for meetings, conferences, scholarships for specialized training, etc.
Motion by Bob to adjourn at 8:12 p.m. Second by Ken. All in favor. So approved.
Next meeting, Monday, December 6, 2010.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary