Meeting Minutes
Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 15, 2010
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Bob Oliver, Tom Barker, Ken Young
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda Review: Agenda reviewed.
Approval of Minutes February 1, 8, 2010:
Motion by Tom to approve minutes of February 1, 2010 as written. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Motion by Ron to approve minutes of February 8, 2010 as written. Second by Tom. All in favor. So approved.
Review and Sign Orders for Bill Payment:
Bills making their rounds for signatures.
Weight Permits:
Newport Sand & Gravel and Barrett Trucking for signature.
Reports from Town Officials & Committees:
Town Clerk:
Julie requested approval to pay the road crew, Giddings, recycling crew, Ron Fiske for the sound system and Selectboard and if bills need to be paid prior to next meeting three board members will come in and sign bills.
Motion by Tom to authorize Treasurer to pay road crew, Giddings, recycling crew, Ron Fiske, Selectboard and if bills need to be paid prior to next meeting three board members will come in and sign bills. Second by Ken. All in favor. So approved.
Delinquents are at $76,700. She took in another dog registration.
Diane will do an article for the paper about dog registration, rabies clinic and new Town Office hours.
Julie reported that Town Reports would be labeled and mailed tomorrow.
Julie has quotes for the steps.
VLCT’s will come down and answer questions if the Board is interested.
Julie has everything ready for 2009 Workers Comp audit with VLCT. Julie will see if she can send the paperwork to them.
Road Foreman:
Arlan reported the inspection of the buildings went well.
Arlan talked with Nop’s Farm about cleaning up the manure spill on Fern Lake Road.
Selectboard authorized Treasurer to send a bill to Nop’s Farm on behalf of the Town.
Discussion about tractor trailers traveling Leicester Roads.
Julie reported that Terry came and went over items with Cecile on Common Level of Appraisal. They have heard from two out of three property owners that received revised tax bills.
New Business:
Boundary Annexation Survey due March 1st. If we have made boundary adjustments we need to report them. Julie doesn’t think that there are any. There is a no change form. Julie will send in the paperwork.
Prepare for Town Meeting:
Reviewed the new Town Report. No need for another meeting.
Julie contacted Carrara’s who does not do steps and S. D. Ireland out of S. Burlington who does do cement steps. They do not have anything stock size and the widest they make is 72”.
Julie contacted Paul Francoeur for a quote for pressure treated steps.
The Town Hall is in the historical register. Diane will check on possible grants.
Motion by Tom to authorize Arlan to get 1/4” diamond plate steel and a couple bolts as a temporary measure for the Meeting House steps. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
They will think about a more permanent measure later.
Old Business:
Ancient roads discussion.
Motion by Tom for Chair to sign agreement for the FEMA extension. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Motion by Ron to approve a one year extension for the Planning Commission to complete the Town Plan. Second by Tom. All in favor. So approved.
Motion by Tom to authorize Planning Commission to re-visit the ZBA applications and fees. Second by Ron. So approved.
No Public Opinion
Motion by Tom to adjourn at 8:06 p.m. Second by Ken. All in favor. So approved.
No meeting March 1, 2010 due to Town Meeting. Next Reorganizational Selectboard meeting March 4, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary