Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes


Monday, June 7, 2010




** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Bob Oliver


Others Present:   Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Cecile Todd, Maureen Tierney, Sandra Trombley, Secretary


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Review of Agenda:  Agenda reviewed and adjusted. 


Approve Minutes of May 17,  2010 and May 26, 2010:


Motion by Tom to approve minutes of May 17, 2010 with correction: Monday, May 17, 2010, instead of Tuesday.   Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved.


Motion by Ken to approve minutes of May 26, 2010.  Second by Tom.  All in favor.  So approved.


Review/Authorize Payment of Bills:  Bills making their rounds.


Reports from Town Officials, Committees:


Zoning Administrator:


Kate reported on PC/ZBA information.  The Planning Commission did not get the grant they applied for.  They can re-apply in the fall.   They need to redo the Town Plan without the grant.  We cannot wait.


While we don’t have a Town Plan adopted we cannot redo our zoning.  That is the real issue.  Fairpoint won’t go ahead and upgrade our phone service if we are not zoned properly.


We need to get the questionnaire out to lake residents and schedule hearings.  We already have information from year round residents.


The Planning Commission is meeting Wednesday night.


Zoning has had a lot of activity.  $2300 income and expenses $2600.




Cecile received the letter for extension.  She is all done.  She received  a $300 bill for 6 hours of consulting time.


Cecile received a proposal for our review.  Another person coming on Wednesday.


Board members will review the proposal.


Discussion on inventory.


Town Clerk/Treasurer:


Delinquents are at $51,600.


Registered one dog in May.


The September election is now moved up to the end of August.


June 17th is the deadline for any independent justice of the peace that wants to put in a petition.


Today Julie went to training on elections and she will attend training on treasurers tomorrow.


Request that we find a professional auditor before election time.


Everyone on Maple St. has been notified of the change of address to Maple Run Road.  Arlan has done the sign.


Arlan put up the Hooker Road sign on Friday.


Julie had some people ask why Brandon Police are patrolling in Leicester.   May 31st they were parked across from Roger Scarborough’s and June 1st they were on Fern Lake Road and someone was pulled over on Cram Road.  Maureen stated they were also seen on Delorm Road.


Action:  Diane will call the Brandon Police Department and report back.


Road Foreman: 


Signs have been repaired.


Scott has graded Hooker and Shackett Road.


Three beavers were caught in the damn.


Discussion on workers compensation insurance and further work liability.


Discussion of the FEMA work.  The extension stated the work would be completed by August 31st.


Cemetery Committee:


Some of the stones have been cleaned.


Donna was checking prices on fencing.




Class IV Roads:


Report on Isthmus Road which is a three rod road. 


Julie reported about a camp that burned near their camp during the last lightning storm.  A tree next to it was hit by lightning and caught the camp on fire.  The Fire Department could not fit their trucks down the road.  The only truck they could get down was their old truck which has been requested to be decommissioned.   It is the only truck that can fit on some of these roads, so Bob has hesitated to retire it.  This fire went straight up in the air because everything was soaked.  A propane tank went off and shot sparks 50 feet in the air.   If it had been dry or windy there would have been devastating loss of 3-5 camps on that road, if not life.  There is no way one truck could have handled the fire.


Bob Kilpeck reported to Julie that roads need to be 15’ wide x 11’ high in order to fit these new fire trucks down them.  Julie asked how we get these roads up to standards to accommodate emergency and rescue vehicles to handle our town.


Hideaway Trail and South Cove Trail come off of Isthmus.


Julie’s request to the Board is that they seriously consider enlarging that road and others that might need it to accommodate emergency and rescue vehicles that the Town is currently paying for the services.


Julie asked how we notify residents that live on private roads that the fire trucks have been upgraded and may not fit down their roads. 


Action:  Arlan and Bob will look at trees on Isthmus Road. 


Recommendations to notify property owners, put notices in Fern Lake/Lake Dunmore Association newsletter and notices in tax bills.  Contact tree services for quotes.


Central Vermont Public Service sent petition for pole and wire location on Shackett Road for Michael Shackett.   Board signed the petition.


The Board completed their information on the update sheet from Regional Planning.  Other town officials need to update their information.


The Secretary of State’s Office sent notice of workshops for BCA training.  Let Julie know if you wish to attend.


Discussion of Jeff Smith’s letter.  Board is not signing at this time.




Discussion of the culvert on Old Jerusalem Road that needs to be done.


Julie reported that the work at the White Building is completed.  One clapboard has been replaced.  Looks very nice.


Julie also reported that 7-8 students from Otter Valley Interact Group came May 30th and spent time picking up the grounds, washed all the windows in the Town Office and worked on re-doing the bulletin board.  They did it all as volunteers.  Julie will send a letter to their advisor expressing the Town’s appreciation.  Julie explained that this group of students does  fund raising  and volunteer work  for communities or organizations.


Bob reported that the Historical Society spent $295 on flowers, potting soil, fertilizer, beetle bags, etc. to beautify the Green.  Diane reported that Bob and Peg did all the leg work and Diane helped plant.


Diane has not had a chance to check on the grant information for the Meeting House steps.  There was further discussion on the steps.


Limited Public Opinion:  None


Motion by Bob to adjourn at 7:56 p.m.  Second by Tom.  All in favor.  So approved.


Next meeting, Monday, June 21, 2010.



 Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley

Selectboard Secretary