Cemetery Minutes 8-11-16, Agenda 9-8-16
BROOKSIDE CEMETERY COMMITTEE Thursday, August 11, 2016 Present: Tom Barker, Donna Pidgeon, Pam Gates and Laura DriscollAbsent: Ron Fiske and Donna Swinington The meeting was called to order by Chair Tom Barker at 6:30 P.M. Minutes from July 14, 2016 were approved unanimously as written. Laura and Pam stated that Don Durkee has been in the cemetery working on the stones. Donna Swinington was absent so there was no report on the fencing. Tom Barker had not yet cut down the apple tree at the front of the cemetery. Various plots at the cemetery were discussed and the Committee reviewed the map. Tom stated that on May 2, 2016 the Selectboard approved $350 donation per lot, starting June 1, 2016, all were in favor. Donna Pidgeon was asked to contact Town Clerk, Julie Delphia for a list of those who donated to the Brookside Cemetery in memory of Kupfers and other loved ones. She was also to ask for a list of those who make the $350 donation for plots and number plots. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm. Respectfully submitted,Donna Pidgeon Regular monthly meeting will be on September 8, 2016 at 6:30 PM at the Leicester Town Office. Public is always welcome. Agenda for Sept 8, 2016: To approve and / or discuss any issues pertaining to the Cemetery.