Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday April 6, 2015
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Brad Lawes, Ken Young
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, John Chandler, Mrs. Morrison & daughter, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair.
Review of Agenda:
Re-Appointment of Representative for Addison County Solid Waste.
Approval of Minutes of March 16, 2015:
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to approve minutes of March 16, 2015 as written. All in favor. So approved.
Meeting with Animal Control Officer:
John Chandler has been doing fine. He has been making himself known in the community. Has had one dog incident on Shackett Road. He saw a stray dog, but was unable to catch it. He has been up and down Rt.53.
Julie will be mailing out delinquent notices next week.
There will be a dog census after May 1st.
Magnets for the car door and door knob hangers will be available by month end.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Road Foreman:
Tom mentioned pot hole on top of hill needs some cold patch. Scott hauled some gravel and did a little grading.
Ron mentioned that he received a complaint that someone knocked down some wooden fence at Tony Neri’s on Hooker Road. Board recommended the Road Commissioner and Arlan take a look at it.
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie mentioned that the signs are here to put up on the buildings. They should be put up soon because people park and makes it difficult for emergency vehicles. She purchased the new lights for the building.
Delinquents are at $104,000.
Julie would like approval of the Board to process a check for the VT Municipal Clerk Treasurer’s Assn Training.
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to approve a check not to exceed $75. All in favor. So approved.
Brian Sanderson, the District 3 Highway Representative, needs two Board Members to come and discuss the Financial Plan at 10:00, Thursday, April 9th. The most recent annual financial plan has to be in order in order to apply for the grant.
Motion by Tom and second by Ken to authorize one board member to sign on behalf of the Town.
Tom stated that the committee will be meeting later this month; April 16th.
Next meeting April 14th. PC is on their final edits for the Plan. Peter will come and see Julie about edits. They need to have a legal review of the document. Diane found out that as long as we have an invoice by May 31st, we could use the grant to pay for the legal review. We need one public hearing. If we go to a DRB there would need to be two public hearings. They need to discuss and make a decision if they want to become a DRB.
Brad reported that there will be a mosquito meeting April 9th at 7:00.
Weight Permits:
Signed and approved.
Review/Authorization to Pay Bills:
Motion by Tom and second by Ken to authorize Treasurer to pay the bills. All in favor. So approved.
Appointment Town Services Officer:
Appointment of Town Services Officer, Kathy Eastwood was made.
Re-Appointment of Richard Reed as our Representative to Addison County Solid Waste District.
Diane is the Alternate.
Signed by three Board members (Ron,
Tom and Brad).
John Flanders, Sr. submitted a job application.
Green up Day:
Lem is willing to pickup for Green up Day for the same price as last year.
Diane stated there is free lunch on the green from 11:00 – 1:00. Bags and gloves are delivered to the Town Office.
The Harvest Program will donate hamburgers.
All Hazard Mitigation Plan Review:
Tim Boutin sent the local mitigation plan review tool from FEMA that indicated where the plan met certain plan criteria and did not meet certain criteria.
Board will read and review it and talk about it at the April 20th meeting.
Application for Paving, Road Work:
Application for paving; road work grant is due April 15th.
Ron and Brad will be here to meet with Brian Sanderson which is the first step to the financial plan.
Re-submit Rt7 to Rt53, 12,165 feet or 2.3 miles.
The culvert on Fern Lake Road – the grant is due April 15th. Arlan will get Diane the information.
The Board signed the Certificate of Compliance.
The Guildrien’s have been talking to Sun Common and are interested in installing a Community Solar Array. They would install a Community Array somewhere on Delorm Road near the farm.
Diane will report on Sun Common at next meeting.
ECI Rep/Old Jerusalem Road Closure Plan:
George Shortsleeves, ECI Project Manager came in. Introductions were made to the Board. ECI is the contract company for the State of Vermont for the update of the northern Railroad Crossing on Old Jerusalem Road next to the Morrison Farm They will be using the Morrison property to dump the crushed stone. George provided copies of the plans.
The roadway will be totally redone. It will be taken down two feet. First step to grind the road out and then taking the gravel.
There will be two lights and arms on either side of the crossing and a light in the middle warning the traffic coming off the field road. The existing 12” culvert get’s replaced with an 18” plastic pipe and catch basin. The field road gets a new culvert.
George is asking to shut the road down as they are working on the road for two week. Also, detour traffic for two weeks.
On April 27th heavy equipment will be brought in and they would like to reclaim the road and signs, etc. They will do dirt work on May 4th; subject to weather conditions.
There are various options to closing the road.
George needs to know what parameters/conditions he needs to work around on a town document to the State.
Message boards would be posted. George would be willing to publish a notice in the newspaper. Notices need to be sent to State Police, Fire Departments, Rescue, Schools/OV, Rutland Herald, Post Office, Renters/Landowners, Salisbury Road Foreman/Commissioner, and Whiting Road Foreman/Commissioner.
Motion by Tom and second by Brad to authorize a two week closure on Old Jerusalem Road, May 4 – May 18, emergency vehicles only for an AOT crossing improvement. All in favor. So approved.
All State message boards will be put up a week in advance and public notice in the newspaper.
George will keep the Board posted on project.
Julie will send out letters.
Public Opinion: None
Executive Session: None
Next Meeting: April 20, 2015
Motion by Tom and second by Ken to adjourn at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary