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A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday June 15, 2015
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Ken Young, Brad Lawes
Members Absent: Diane Benware
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair.
Pledge of Allegiance:
Review of Agenda: Additions
New Junk Yard Permit under New Business
Financial Questionnaire in Clerk’s Report
Approval of June 1, 2015 minutes:
Motion by Ron and second by Brad to approve minutes of June 1, 2015. All in favor. So approved.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie reported that the broken glass in the window will be fixed tomorrow.
Julie advised that there is a new junk yard permit to sign.
Julie reported that delinquents are at $96,000.
Julie informed the Board that in the packet is a Financial Management Questionnaire that she is required by law to submit to the Board before June 30th.
The Board reviewed and accepted it. Tom signed on behalf of the Board.
Julie informed the Board that she received the Milfoil Grant from the state for $55,960.
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to have Diane as Chair sign on behalf of the Board. All in favor. So approved.
Julie reported that the listers will be lodging the grand list tomorrow. They had some grievances. No one went beyond that to the BCA. As soon as they can get some information from the State, as far as, the education rates, they will be able to set the tax rates.
Julie mentioned that on the next agenda, they need to have a vote as to whether or not to waive the late penalty for late filers.
Julie mentioned that she is at a point where she needs to start borrowing from the loan to pay bills.
Julie reported that animal control is already going over budget. He hasn’t started the census yet. She just wanted to make the Board aware because they will need to find money from somewhere to proceed.
The Board has been pleased with the work John has been doing and they want to continue to support his work.
Road Foreman:
Arlan reported they did some ditching on the Cram Road and have been grading and has hauled gravel to get the roads back in shape.
Ken asked where they stood with chloride. Arlan got 2,000 gallons about a month ago and has used it. There is 1,000 gallons still in the truck. He called and ordered another 2,000 gallons.
There was more discussion about building up the roads, shoulders, grading and graveling.
Ken wanted to discuss the need for a new culvert above the town shed. Thoughts were that the road would be closed for about 3 days. Ken thought there should be a quote estimate for truck, excavator, labor and materials. Arlan thought it wouldn’t be much more than he quoted last fall.
Motion by Ken to replace culvert during the week of July 13th, weather permitting.
There was continued discussion about the budget and whether money was available to proceed.
Julie mentioned that it will be a couple hundred dollars to advertise and probably they would need three week’s notice.
They would need to advertise and post the road closure with Front Porch Forum, Addison Independent, Brandon Reporter, Town Web-site, Emergency Services in surrounding towns, notifications in writing to residents in that section of road.
Motion tabled. No action taken.
Arlan will call Sanderson from Brandon to discuss. Arlan will report back at next meeting.
Cemetery Committee:
Tom reported that the Cemetery Committee met last Thursday. Mike Magoon has never completely finished. The lots are made out, but they need to be numbered.
Julie will call Mike to invite him to come to the next cemetery meeting in July.
Tom reported that they looked over some rules and regulations and they found one that might work for them. They need to look it over a little more.
Ken asked about the cemetery and asked where they were at with removing pipes, excavating and clearing.
Tom said he was working on something right now to get some free, black, plastic coated line that they might be able to use and it would last forever.
Ken was concerned about the old, bent, leaning posts and maintaining the property this side of what is there now. Ken asked what happened to the $5,000 in the budget for beautifying the cemetery. He thought this money was going to be used to clean up the scrub trees, move the posts, put in some fill and possibly starting a memorial. He recommends that they do what they can with the $5,000 and maybe next year ask the taxpayers for another amount of money.
Motion by Ken and second by Brad to begin to clean up the north side of the cemetery.
Tom wasn’t comfortable voting on this motion without input from the other cemetery committee member’s input.
Ken withdrew his motion for now.
Ken will come to the next cemetery meeting on July 9th at 6:30 p.m. and they will all look at the cemetery together.
Weight Permits:
Two weight permits were signed.
Review/Authorization to pay bills:
Motion by Brad and second by Ken to approve the bills. All in favor. So approved.
Junk Yard Permit:
Motion by Tom and second by Brad to approve the junk yard permit. All in favor. So approved.
Zoning Administrator Vacancy Update:
Tom reported that two applicants interviewed with the Planning Commission for the ZA position. The Planning Commission came to a split decision with the two applicants.
Motion by Ron and second by Ken to accept Mary Anne Sullivan as the new Zoning Administrator. All in favor. So approved.
Julie recommends that someone from the Board sit down with the new administrator and explain the way the Board would like them to operate and lay out the process/procedures/expectations. This position can make things easy or it can make things difficult.
Julie reminded Tom that Mary Anne will need to come with the proper identification to complete the   I-9 form; a passport or two other forms of identification such as; driver’s license, social security card or certified birth certificate. She will need to complete the W-4, as well.
Tom will notify Mary Anne of their decision.
Board would like Diane to write a letter to the other applicant; letting him know that a new ZA has been chosen.
Ron will help prepare a complete packet for Mary Anne. Ron will explain the Board’s expectations and the way Leicester operates.
Tom and Ron will meet with her next Monday in the Town Office.
Codes and Standards:
Codes and Standards were signed by the Board.
Public Opinion: None
Motion by Tom and second by Brad to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.
Next Meeting: July 6, 2015
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary