Minutes - 12-07-2020
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, December 7, 2020*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Brad Lawes, Tom BarkerMembers Absent: John Rouse, Ron FiskeOthers Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Called meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Approval of November 16, 2020 Minutes: Motion by Brad, second by Tom to approve minutes of November 16, 2020 as written. All in favor. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Tom questioned the amount of time sheriffs are spending for only two tickets. He is questioning whether it is worth having patrol. The State Police have been sitting at the Town Shed and Fern Lake Access. Julie will invite the Sheriff to our next meeting for feedback. Motion by Brad, second by Tom to approve bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie reported the Digitization Grant is all done and in and they are reviewing it and they expect town to be reimbursed by the end of the year. The CTCL Grant is complete and paid and Julie just needs to report. The Secretary of State paid the town for the August primary and Julie has submitted her expenses for the November General Election. Town should be paid by the end of the year. Lake Dunmore Fern Lake Association just sent their data to Julie. Milfoil Grant will be out in the next week or two. Money will come in 2021. The LGER Grant is just way too complicated and difficult in Julie’s opinion. Julie ordered air purifiers for the Town Office and for the White Building or Brick Building. She ordered things for remote work, more masks, laminator for signs. She will order more cleaning supplies and maybe a couple more air purifiers and filters. There will still be more money on the grant so she will submit the grant short. Road Foreman: Arlan reported they did some grading. Diane asked about winter sand. Arlan stated it was good. He has the new plow. He inquired about the new guard rail. Julie got the bill and reported the guard rail was replaced. Weight Permits: CORRESPONDENCE: Julie provided the Board with Zoom trainings and grants. Julie recommends the Zoom town meeting brainstorming meeting with VLCT. OLD BUSINESS: Watershed Study Report: Jeff Schumann, Evan Fitzgerald and Dave Johnson were participants on the zoom meeting for the Lake Dunmore Fern Lake Association. Introductions were made. Jeff stated that they wanted to share with the Board one of the initiatives the Lake Association is moving forward on. It is to try to determine why the phosphorous level in the lake is going up. They are seeing a growth of natural plant growth that they haven’t seen before. They have been dealing with the milfoil but all of a sudden natural species have started to really take off. The Lake Association through the efforts of Dave Johnson have contracted with Fitzgerald Engineering to try to understand this whole process and try to come up with some ideas as to how they might move forward. Jeff stated that as they move forward that the partnership with the Leicester Selectboard and the Salisbury Selectboard is going to be really important. Dave thanked the Selectboard for their role in the past with the milfoil efforts. About two years ago their Water Quality Committee noticed that the phosphorous levels have been increasing. They are concerned about the risks and talked with the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation and other experts. They recommended creating a Watershed Action Plan. This plan will list and prioritize a number of actions to take in the future to try to reduce phosphorous loading in the lake. He wanted to highlight some of the risks:
- Lake George had its first sign of bacteria bloom, ever
- Mirror Lake in Lake Placid had blooms; as well
- It will impact tourism, property values
- Moving the date out
- Paper Ballots
- Giving BCA the option of mailing ballots to every voter
- Giving Secretary of State flexibility to offer support & guidance
- No help with postage
- What happens if road crew employees get Covid?
- Some towns are talking mutual aid agreements between towns.
- Some towns are talking with private contractors.
- There are links to VLCTs web-site and Emergency Management.