Minutes - 07-20-2020
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, July 20, 2020*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Brad Lawes, Tom Barker, John Rouse, Ron FiskeOthers Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Called meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Added milfoil grant and access permit review. Approval of July 6, 2020 Minutes: Motion by Tom, second by John to approve minutes of July 6, 2020. 4 yes and 1 abstention by Diane. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by John, second by Tom to approve bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Road Foreman: Arlan reported that they are done on Ferson Road with the Municipal Roads General Permit Grants and Aid Project. Diane will call Mike Winslow to come and inspect. Arlan reported they can probably start the paving in a couple weeks. Julie stated they haven’t heard anything about the Paving Grant. Julie will send an email to the State about the grant and matching funds and ask whether they might receive a grant. VTrans has delayed the funds. Board mentioned they need to be careful not to lose grant money by not having money for matching funds. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie received a call from Tracy Holden in regard to Scott Currier. They would like to honor him by planting a tree, or putting in a bench or something of that sort in town. Tom is for this, but does not want anything at the cemetery right now until they get other things completed. Julie mentioned perhaps some foliage near the town sign, or a bench out by the tree where people wait for the Bus, or a tree out by where they will grind the stump. Julie will have Tracy contact Arlan. Julie stated the reappraisal grievances started today and more tomorrow. Once that is done, they will lodge the grand list. She expects a couple people may go to the BCA. She is hoping to do tax rates by the second meeting in August. She can send out tax bills in September. Julie reported they can’t reinstate the late fees for unregistered dogs due to the State of Emergency criteria. Board agreed that there will be no late fees for dogs in 2020. There are still a lot of unregistered dogs. Julie will send out notices. Animal Control Officer: Cemetery Committee: CORRESPONDENCE: OLD BUSINESS: Town Office Roof: Tom provided an estimate he received for the metal roof from Vantage Point Homes LLC for $9,240.86. Motion by Ron and second by Brad to accept the bid of $9,240.86 from Vantage Point Homes LLC, Jordan Hillman to fully replace the roof of the Town Office. 4 yes and 1 abstention (Tom). So, approved. Tom will contact him about meeting with Julie for worker’s compensation paperwork and choosing a color. Julie prefers the roof repair not happen until after August 11th due to the election. Town Hall Update: Julie reported that Rick Brunet has not forgotten us, he got the windows in, but the windows were dropped and broken and the windows are being re-made. As soon as they come in, he will come back. Tom mentioned that the windows need to be puttied/glazed on the outside of the windows before the storms are put on. Brad suggested contacting Desabrais Glass to see if they know of someone professional that might be able to do the windows. Diane will contact Desabrais Glass tomorrow. Ron and Tom talked about the rubber matting to glue down for the front of the building. Brad may have some. School Parking Discussion: The school met with Tom and Dale Counter and they are going to go out by the right-hand side of the parking lot where the basketball court is and go off onto Dale’s land and make some parking spaces. DRB Julie provided the Board with Sandy’s resignation letter from the Planning Commission/DRB.To date, Diane has not heard from Peter. Julie will email Peter and ask him for a copy of the findings and to ask him to contact Diane to schedule a joint meeting to discuss Sandy’s resignation and the next steps in replacing Sandy. NEW BUSINESS: BLSG Representative: Julie reported that Doug Perkins came into the office and said that someone wanted him to be the BLSG Representative in Jim Bosman’s place. Brad did not know anything about this. Diane and others thought that Jim Bosman resigned. Brad will try to find out who the representatives are and let Julie know if there is an opening. Access Permit: Julie brought Diane up-to-date on a neighbor complaint on the project. Julie stated that they did the permit for the subdivision and the building permit that went to zoning. This is the access permit for Brian Sherwin that has to go through Arlan and the Board and then the Zoning Administrator for pre-approval and then it comes back to the Selectboard for final approval. Arlan needs to go and review it with Sherwin, then the Selectboard has to say their good with it, then it goes to Keith Arlund, ZA for preliminary approval and then owner has complete it, and then it has to be inspected and then the Selectboard gives final approval. Brad mentioned there are driveway access standards that must be met. Land Records & Milfoil Grant: Julie reported they approved the Milfoil Grant for $28,000. It needs Diane’s electronic signature. Julie reported in the Care’s Act, they designated money for digitizing land records and making them available on-line. The Land Records Grant covers 2020 getting a contract with a host provider and getting all the records you can get done by the end of year. Then the money stops and you have to maintain whatever you start. It’s a $4,000 upfront cost which would be covered by the grant. Then it would be about $260 a month for the town to put them on-line. Julie doesn’t feel the town can afford this. Board wants to table this at this time with no action taken. Census: Julie reported problems with addresses for the census. People living in Leicester and address is in another town. People that live on Leicester/Whiting Road, their mailing address is Whiting and people that live on Old Jerusalem Road and Dewey Road, their mailing address is Salisbury. Julie has contacted someone about this problem. BUILDING NEEDS: HIGHWAY CONCERNS/NEEDS: Executive Session: Motion by Tom and second by Ron to go into Executive Session to discuss Confidential CDL Records exempt per 1 V.S.A. § 313 (a) (6) at 8:03 p.m. All in favor. So, approved. Motion by Brad and second by John to come out of Executive Session with no action taken at 8:05 p.m.All in favor. So, approved. Motion by Tom to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. Next Regular Meeting: August 3, 2020 Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. TrombleySelectboard Secretary