Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Minutes - 08-17-2020

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 17, 2020
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Brad Lawes, John Rouse, Ron Fiske
Members Absent:  Tom Barker
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Doug Perkins, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to OrderCalled meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 
Pledge of Allegiance:
Review of Agenda:  
BLSG Representative: 
Introductions were made to Doug Perkins.  Doug stated that the LDFLA is interested in him being their BLSG Representative and the 2nd Leicester representative to the Board.  Doug stated that he purchased his property on the lake in 2008 and has spent every summer until now working outside putting the property together.  He stated he has a very deep appreciation for what the mosquito control district does in the summer time.  He stated that he fully supports their mission and is glad to put in his time to help them out with it.
Motion by John and second by Ron to appoint Doug Perkins as the 2nd BLSG Representative for Leicester.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Julie will send a notice to Mike Blaisdell.
Brad reported that the phosphorus levels have gone up in Lake Dunmore.  The LDFLA has hired an outside consulting firm to do some phosphorus research and trying to figure out why levels are going up.
Doug stated that after they figure out what is going on; they will come up with a management plan.  There are grant funds that the town and LDFLA can tap into for water quality control.  
Approval of August 3, 2020 Minutes:
Motion by Brad, second by John to approve minutes of August 3, 2020 as written.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Review/Authorization to Pay Bills:
Motion by John, second by Brad to approve bills.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Road Foreman:
Arlan did not have anything to report.  He didn’t have time to get any brush cutting done yet or fenders for the loader.
Julie asked Arlan about the paving on Leicester/Whiting Road and whether they were going to finish the center section.  Julie has had some comments of concern.
Arlan stated “no” and explained why it was left that way.
Diane shared her concern and the Board requested that they come back and finish that section. 
Arlan will talk with the paver.
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie reported on the election.  There were 273 voters.  184 were absentee.  Julie stated that it went fine and she feels it’s a good set up for November.
Diane commented that Julie did a lot of background prep work to have it run so smoothly.
Brad asked how the dehumidifier is working.  Julie stated that it’s working well.  She needs a larger collection bucket.  Brad thinks it might work even better if it was more centralized in the room.
Animal Control Officer:
Cemetery Committee:
Access Permit:
The Sherwin access permit that was signed in July, needs to be re-signed because Arlan and Brad’s signatures were in the wrong place.
Julie provided an access permit for Dan Dale on the Leicester/Whiting Road for signature.
BCA Meeting:
The BCA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 18, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. in the Brick Building.
Grant Opportunities:  
  •       *Land Records Grant – Julie has had a change of mind about this grant due to information she has received and feels the Board should take advantage of the grant.  It wouldn’t require an increase in their budget, as the money in their Record Restoration Fund can be used to pay for it.  The state is going to give them up to $20,000.
Motion by Brad and second by Ron to authorize Julie to apply for the Municipal Records Digitization Grant.  All in favor.  So, approved.
  •       *Equipment Grant that they talked about at the last meeting has been sent in and waiting for the letter to go.
  •       *Milfoil Grant has been approved for $27,000 and she sent in the first invoice for that.
Julie reported that Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. there is a free webinar for municipal funding deadlines and grant information to go over all available grants and deadlines. 
  •       *Local Government Expense Reimbursement Grant – On Friday there is a meeting with ACRP to talk about this grant.  This has a September 4th deadline.  This grant helps with costs for hazard pay, sanitation, supplies & equipment, overtime, facility alterations and redirection of staff.  It only covers this, if you apply for the FEMA Grant.
  •       *FEMA Grant – Due September 1st
  •       *Bicycle & Pedestrian Grant from VTrans – could use for flashing speed signs.
  •       Update Website Grant – for accessibility
  •       Municipal Planning Grant – Due September 30th
  •       *USDA Grants – Enhance broadband capacity and preserve historical structures
  •       Ash Tree Management Grant – removing public trees and replacing them with different species.
Board is interested in the grants with an (*).
Board authorized Diane to sign on behalf of the Board.
Windows in Whiting Building:
Julie has someone that might be interested in doing the glazing and painting of the windows in the White Building.  Julie will take photos and send to them and ask for an estimate and/or hourly rate per window.
Brad stated that they may want to come down and look at the windows.
Heat Pumps:
Brad again thinks the time is right to consider the cold weather heat pumps for the town office.  It is currently heated by electricity.  Julie provided the 2019/2020 electric bills.  Brad thinks that they would be able to slash the electric bills almost in half.
He provided two proposals from Crane Plumbing & Heating for heat pump installation.  Heat pumps would solve their moisture problem, they are quiet and efficient.  There are currently Efficiency Vermont rebates and GMP rebates if purchased prior to August 31st.
There are funds on hand in the budget under the building &/or maintenance fund.
Motion by Brad and second by John to accept the $7,908.92 estimate from Crane Plumbing & Heating and authorize Treasurer to pay for the heat pumps prior to August 31, 2020; plus, required electrical work by Glenn Peck Electric, from the monies budgeted in the building &/or maintenance fund.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Diane received a call from Lem asking about cutting roadsides.  
There was some discussion.
Diane will call Lem to do West of Rt.7 now.
Motion by Brad to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.
Executive Session:  
Next Regular Meeting: September 7, 2020
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary