Minutes - 07-06-2020
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, July 6, 2020*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Brad Lawes, Tom Barker, John Rouse, Ron FiskeMembers Absent: Diane BenwareOthers Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Called meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Approval of June 15, 2020 Minutes: Motion by Brad, second by John to approve minutes of June 15, 2020. 3 yes and 1 abstention by Ron. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by Ron, second by Brad to approve bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Road Foreman: Arlan had little to report only that they had done some grading. Arlan asked if Julie had heard anything about the paving. She had not. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie explained that between 6:45 and 7:00 the Board will need to call Adam Lougee to talk about the Communication Unified District under new business on the agenda. He will explain what this is; about towns coming together for internet/broadband access. Julie brought up the late fees for dogs. The Board had extended the time to July 1st allowing people to get to their vet during pandemic. Vets have been open and they have been able to get to their vets. Julie asked what the Board would like to do about charging late fees. Board agreed it is time to start charging the late fees. Julie will send out notices to delinquent owners. Julie brought up the bills and she wasn’t sure of Tom’s rate of pay. There was discussion on the rate of pay and all felt Tom should be paid the same as what Scott gets. Motion by Ron and second by Brad that Tom would get $24 per hour for grading. 3 yes and 1abstention by Tom. So, approved. Julie provided the letter in the Board packets from the Sheriff’s Department. Effective July 1st they are going from a rate of $28.50 to $31.00 per hour. Since the pandemic, they have not charged for mileage, but it will be starting up again. There was discussion about the contract and whether to continue with it. Brad suggested they continue through the summer and look at it again later in the fall. Motion by Brad and second by John to accept the increase in the hourly rate and mileage for the Sheriff’s Department. 3 yes and 1 abstention by Tom. So, approved. Julie provided a copy of a letter and voice mail from a town resident who is unhappy about an adjoining property owner and possibility of building next to them. Julie did not respond. It is not a town issue. Board agreed this is an issue for the Zoning Administrator and Development Review Board to address. Animal Control Officer: Cemetery Committee: CORRESPONDENCE: OLD BUSINESS: Town Office Roof: Tom reported that the notice to bid is going to be put in the paper again. They are considering going with a good quality metal. Board will review it again at the next meeting. Working with Zoning Administrator: Julie reported things are going very well with Keith. NEW BUSINESS: Communications Unified District (CUD) Possibilities: Julie called in to Adam Lougee. Adam asked Leicester to consider being a part of the Communications Unified District in Addison County. Adam explained that the way to address issues with communications such as the internet would be to form a CUD. He has received a $60,000 grant to do a feasibility study. There is very little municipal liability to the town. Taxpayers cannot be liable. There is a lot of grant money and Covid money for this project due to the State of Emergency Order. During the State of Emergency, the town does not need to go to a town vote. Julie provided the FAQ provided by the Public Service Department that was a link in Diane’s email. Motion by Ron and second by Brad to join the Communications Unified District. All in favor. So, approved. Brad offered to be a representative and Tom offered to be an alternate. Tom will sign and Julie will send form in. School Parking Discussion: Julie reported about the parking from the school employees. There are too many people for the amount of parking that is available. There are issues for Town Office parking and voter parking. Julie gave them some recommendations and the response she received is confusing. There are issues with school staff parking off the tar which puts them over the septic system. BUILDING NEEDS: Tom reported that the Senior Center is done. The contractor is waiting on the storm windows. Tom and Ron looked over the door and they have a plan to repair it. HIGHWAY CONCERNS/NEEDS: Executive Session: Personnel: Motion by Tom and second by Ron to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel at 7:40 p.m. All in favor. So, approved. Motion by Brad and second by John to come out of Executive Session with no action taken at 7:55 p.m.All in favor. So, approved. Motion by Tom to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Next Regular Meeting: July 20, 2020 Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. TrombleySelectboard Secretary