2021 Annual Town Meeting Results and Informational Hearing Minutes
2022 Leicester Town Informational Meeting 02-28-22The Selectboard for the Town of Leicester held a public informational meeting to precede Town Meeting by electronic means on February 28, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss Australian ballot articles on the 2022 Town Meeting Warning. The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.There was a short pause to show compassion for Ukraine.Doug Perkins asked if the representatives for the mosquito district could be added to the Town Report. Julie will include next year.Kate Williams discussed a meeting on pollinator pathways. Article I was read and reviewed: The election of Town Officers for the ensuing year:A Moderator for a one (1) year termA Selectboard Member for a three (3) year termA Selectboard Member for a two (2) year termAn Auditor for the remaining one (1) years of a three (3) year termAn Auditor for a three (3) year termA Delinquent Tax Collector for a one (1) year term No further discussion. Article II was read and reviewed: Shall the voters of the Town of Leicester vote to approve a sum of $762,265.64 to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of the town for the ensuing year, divided as follows:General Town Expenses $ 325,675.64 Amount to be raised by taxes: $ 247,683.50Highway Expenses $ 436,590.00 Amount to be raised by taxes: $ 347,913.42Note: Selectboard will set the tax rate at a later date. Diane Benware (Chair) explained that the Selectboard worked hard to level fund and that BARS was the major contributor to the increase this year.Doug Perkins asked about ARPA funds. The Board discussed the need to ensure that all ARPA spending is correctly determined and reported. The Town will not be allocating any funds until after the 4/1/22 reporting requirement.Jaap Ketting asked for clarification on the tax amount and amount to be raised by taxes. Julie Delphia (Town Clerk & Treasurer) clarified.Lesley Bienvenue asked for clarification on the PILOT payment. Julie Delphia (Town Clerk & Treasurer) clarified.No further discussion. Article III: Shall the voters of the Town of Leicester authorize cannabis retailers and integrated licensees in town pursuant to 7 V.S.A. § 863? Was read and reviewed.Rich Schneider asked why it was on the ballot and Doug and Chree Perkins asked about tax revenue. Diane Benware and the Board indicated that the article was required by the State for Towns to receive tax revenue from cannabis. Diane (Chair) thanked all for participating in the virtual Informational Meeting. She thanked the Road Crew, Town Clerk, and town employees. She mentioned open positions on the DRB, Planning Commission, Mosquito District, and Hazard Mitigation Team.Diane Benware discussed the progress of the Old Jerusalem Road Culvert/Bridge project.Richard Reed moved (ceremonially) and Carol Reed seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion by Tom, second by John, to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. All in favor. So, approved.