2008 Annual Town Meeting Minutes
Leicester Town Meeting
March 3, 2008
The legal voters of the Town of Leicester, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Leicester Meeting House in said Town on Monday, March 3, 2008 at 7:30 PM to transact the following business:
Jeffrey Wallin, Moderator, called the Leicester Town Meeting to order at 8:25 PM and introduced the Selectboard to the 102 voters in attendance at the 247th Annual Town Meeting.
The Town Meeting followed the School Meeting this year.
The Town meeting will also be run according to Roberts Rule of Order, all motions, remarks and questions should be directed to the Moderator. Articles must be moved, seconded and restated by the Chair before debate can begin. Voters should stand up, give their name and please speak loudly.
The reading of the warning was waived without objection; each article was done separately.
Article 1. To hear the Auditor’s Report.
Discussion on Article 1: Auditor, Deb Miner made apologies to Tom Barker for not listing him as a Selectboard member and to Cecil Todd for listing her as a Selectboard member on page 2 under elected officials. A hand out of page 16 and 17 shows changes made to those pages; errors occurred in the excel program formula.
Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectboard to borrow money in anticipation of taxes to defray the necessary expenses and obligations of the Town.
A motion was made and seconded to approve Article 2.
Rebates did help defray borrowing in 2007. The State plans to change the process for the upcoming year.
With no further discussion, Article 2 was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to authorize a professional audit of the Leicester Town books for the calendar year 2007? (not to exceed $10,000).
A motion was made and seconded to approve Article 3.
Discussion on Article 3: Connie Carroll asked if this request was to assume a clean record of the books for Donna Pidgeon who is leaving and whom ever is elected as Treasurer. Diane Benware answered yes and added that she sent out 9 requests from various auditing firms and received 2 responses, one for $5900 and one for $7000.
A motion was made and seconded to amend Article 3 to add that if Ms. Pidgeon is re-elected the audit would not be conducted and the money would not be spent.
Amended, Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to authorize a professional audit of the Leicester Town books for the calendar year 2007? (not to exceed $10,000). Should Ms. Pidgeon be re-elected, the audit would not be conducted and the money would not be spent.
Discussion on the Amendment on Article 3: The first ever professional audit of the Town Books was in 2004.
The question: To vote on the amendment to Article 3. Adding, "Should Ms. Pidgeon be re-elected, the audit would not be conducted and the money would not be spent".
The amendment to article 3 was approved by a majority voice vote.
Further discussion on the amended Article 3: The question was voted last year to audit the town books every 5th year. If Ms. Pidgeon does leave and the books are audited in 2007 then the books will be audited again in 2012. The 2007 calendar year will be professionally audited and the town auditors will audit January through March of 2008.
The Question: Amended, Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to authorize a professional audit of the Leicester Town books for the calendar year 2007? (not to exceed $10,000). Should Ms. Pidgeon be re-elected, the audit would not be conducted and the money would not be spent.
With no further discussion, Article 3 as amended was approved by a majority voice vote.
Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectboard to retain an appraisal firm to conduct a town wide re-appraisal in 2012, with the 10% retainer fee to come from the restricted re-appraisal fund?
A motion was made and seconded to approve Article 4.
Discussion on Article 4: Is there enough money in the restricted re-appraisal fund to cover the cost of the 10% retainer fee? Yes, the last re-appraisal cost $66,000 and there is enough money in the restricted fund to cover a 10% or $6,600 retainer fee. There are a limited number of firms to do the re-appraisal so we need voter approval now to get started for 2012. The common level of appraisal now is 114%, we have had 10 sales, and 8 have been higher than the new appraisal numbers. When appraisals drop below 80% then the State mandates an appraisal.
With no further discussion, Article 4 was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to approve a sum of $383,599.20 to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of the Town for the ensuing year, to be divided as follows:
General Town expenses | $179,899.20 | Amount to be raised by taxes: $138,823.71 |
Highway expenses | $203,700.00 | Amount to be raised by taxes: $139,450.00 |
Note: The amount to be raised will have to be increased by the total amount voted on Australian ballot. The Selectmen will set the tax rate at a later date.
A motion was made and seconded to approve Article 5.
Discussion on Article 5: Diane Benware, Selectboard Chair, made a motion to amend Article 5, to increase the Clerk and Treasurers line item by $415 each on page 10 and increase the Addison County Tax by $3100 on page 12 for a total amendment of $3930. The motion to amend was seconded.
Discussion on the 1st Amendment to Article 5: The line item salaries for clerk and treasurer were lowered in anticipation of a new, less experienced replacement for Ms. Pidgeon. Since the budget is based on a calendar year, and Ms. Pidgeon has continued to perform her duties of clerk/treasurer through to town meeting election, the additional money was needed to fully fund her position for January, February & a few days in March. If Donna Pidgeon is re-elected, a special meeting would be conducted to increase the salary of the Clerk/Treasurers position. Omission of the County tax from the budget was an oversight
The question: To vote to increase the budget by $3930.00 to cover the clerk/treasurer salary for January, February and a few days in March, 2008 and the Addison County tax.
The 1st amendment to Article 5 was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Further discussion on Article 5 as amended: On page 9, the Listers line item, why was the rate of pay changed to a flat monthly fee? Diane Benware explained that Mr. Smith would receive less money than he has for the last 2 years. At the time of budgeting the Selectboard had no idea that an interested person would run for the position of Lister. It had been advertised for 8 months with no one showing interest.
A 2nd amendment to Article 5 was moved and seconded to revert back to the previous way of allocating the Listers funds to an hourly basis, not to exceed $16,000.
Discussion on the 2nd amendment to Article 5: If the 2nd amendment carries, an amount not to exceed $16,000 will be allocated at the hourly rate of $10 for new Listers, $12 for second term Listers and Harold Smith at $16 (at present). Mr. Smith stated that the Listers job has changed considerably in the last few years. Listers need to understand appraisals, have knowledge of computers and the system being used. Three years ago Mr. Smith told the Selectboard he would like to get done, the job was advertised and no one came forward. Recently the job has been advertised since August 2007 with no applicants.
Carol Morrison moved to amend the 2nd amendment on Article 5 to remove the cap “not to exceed $16,000” because the Listers have to get their work done. Derric Miner seconded that amendment.
The question: The amendment to the 2nd amendment on Article 5 to pay Listers on a hourly basis as in the past. (Removing the words “not to exceed $16000”).
The amendment to the 2nd amendment on Article 5 was approved by a majority voice vote.
With no further discussion on the 2nd amendment as it has been amended, the second amendment "to pay the Listers on an hourly basis as in the past".
The 2nd amendment to Article 5 was approved by unanimous voice vote.
More discussion on Article 5: The $1800 for Clerk/Treasurer training will not be spent if there is no training necessary. The money in the budget for new clerk training could be used for additional salary for Donna Pidgeon, should she be re-elected.
There were concerns about the roads not being graded often enough. Mr. Oliver stated that they do try to get the roads graded as soon as possible, weather permitting.
The Question:
Article 5: Twice Amended. To see if the Town will vote to approve a sum of $387,529.20 to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of the Town for the ensuing year, to be divided as follows:
General Town expenses | $183,829.20 | Amount to be raised by taxes: $142,753.71 |
Highway expenses | $203,700.00 | Amount to be raised by taxes: $139,450.00 |
Note: The amount to be raised will have to be increased by the total amount voted on Australian ballot. The Selectmen will set the tax rate at a later date.
The Question: As amended to increase by two monetary adjustments totaling: $3930.00. As amended to pay listers on an hourly basis as in the past.
Article 5 as twice amended was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Article 6. Discussion of articles to be voted by Australian ballot.
Article 1. Moderator, Jeff Wallin, read the list of Town Offices and named the candidates who would be running for that office on the ballot. Those who planned to be write in candidates were allowed to introduce themselves.
Article 2. $19,760 to be placed in the Restricted Highway Fund.
Diane Benware indicated that this money is already in the highway's general fund and
would be transferred to the Highway Restricted Fund.
Article 3. Additional $30,000 for road paving.
Diane Benware explained that this request was due to the higher cost of fuel.
Article 4. $30,000 as a 20% match for a Stormwater Mitigation grant for Hooker Road.
Diane Benware stated that there would be money left over from the Bridge #6 Fund when
the final payment on the bridge is made in September 2008. The money left over will be
used for the 20% match.
Article 5. Veteran’s exemption for $10,000 to $30,000.
There are presently 5 Veterans living in Leicester. The amount would be assessed on each
tax bill as a special tax rate to cover the additional cost of the exemption.
Article 6. Charitable fund request of $ 10,131.00
There were several present who spoke on behalf of some of the organizations.
Article 7. To do any further business that is proper to be done when met.
With voter approval, Representative Willem Jewett spoke briefly to the voters.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn Town Meeting.
The motion to adjourn was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Town Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.
Results of those elected by Australian Ballot Voting: (Ballots attached showing blanks and spoiled votes).
March 4, 2008 – The legal voters of the Town of Leicester, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Leicester Town Hall in said Town on Tuesday, March 4, 2008 to transact the following business by Australian Ballot.
Polls opened at 10 AM and closed at 7 PM at the Leicester Town Hall.
of the 701 registered voters – 389 cast votes.
Article 1. To elect Town Officers for the ensuing year.
Moderator Jeffrey Wallin 1 year 336
Town Clerk Timothy Johnson 3 years 121
Donna Pidgeon 148
Town Treasurer Timothy Johnson 3 years 131
Donna Pidgeon 134
Select board Kenneth Young 3 years 109
Leon Shackett 79
Select board Ron Fiske 2 years 79
Virginia Wolf 23
Lister Cecil Todd 3 years 249
Roger Scarborough 76
Auditor Dorothy D’Avignon 3 years 336
Tax Collector Beth Swinington Ripley 1 year 350
First Constable Ron Fiske 1 year 309
Second Constable Heidi Schuerger 1 year 17
Town Agent John Quelch 1 year 331
Town Grand Juror John Quelch 1 year 325
Article 2. Will voters approve $19,760.00 to be placed in the Restricted Equipment Fund?
Yes 272 No 102.
Article 3. Will the Town vote an additional $30,000.00 for road paving?
Yes 263 No 114.
Article 4. Will the Town vote to approve a sum, not to exceed $30,000.00 as a 20% match
for a Stormwater Mitigation grant for work to be done on Hooker Road?
Yes 229 No 144.
Article 5. Will the Town vote to approve an increase in the property tax exemption for
Veterans with 50% or more disability, from the current $10,000 to $30,000
effective for the 2008 tax bill? (32 V.S.A., 3802(11).
Yes 273 No 102.
Article 4. To approve or disapprove the following allocations from the General Fund. The total amount to be allocated is $10,131.00.
Addison County Community Action Group 1150.00 Yes – 263 No – 99
Addison County Home Health Care 1138.00 Yes – 328 No – 49
Addison County Parent/Child Center 1200.00 Yes – 275 No – 88
Addison County RSVP 285.00 Yes – 281 No – 83
Addison County Transit Resources (ACRT) 375.00 Yes – 284 No – 82
Champlain Valley Agency on Aging 1100.00 Yes – 313 No – 56
Counseling Service of Addison County 1050.00 Yes – 275 No – 88
Elderly Services, Inc. 500.00 Yes – 328 No – 44
Hospice Volunteer Services 250.00 Yes – 320 No – 48
John W. Graham Emergency Shelter 725.00 Yes – 288 No – 76
NeighborWorks 400.00 Yes – 241 No – 115
Open Door Clinic 300.00 Yes – 289 No – 73
Otter Creek Natural Resources 113.00 Yes – 251 No – 109
Vermont Adult Learning 450.00 Yes – 264 No – 97
VT Cares 350.00 Yes – 249 No – 109
VT Center for Independent Living 145.00 Yes – 294 No – 68
Women in Crisis - WomenSafe 600.00 Yes – 303 No – 62
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By:
Diane Benware, Select board, Chm.
Recorded, March 10, 2008