LEICESTER TOWN MEETING MINUTES 2012March 5, 2012 The legal voters of the Town of Leicester, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Leicester Meeting House in said Town on Monday, March 5, 2012 at 7:00 pm to transact the following business: Diane Benware, Selectboard Chair, called the Town of Leicester Meeting to order at 7:00PM. The Chair welcomed 59 voters in attendance to the 251th Annual Town Meeting. Everyone was invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance The Selectboard Chair explained that Non-residents cannot vote. Town Meetings will be run according to VT State Law and Roberts Rules of Order, all motions, remarks and questions should be directed to the Moderator. Articles must be moved, seconded and restated by the Moderator before debate can begin. Unanimous consent will be used. The Chair asked those in attendance to join her in thanking Robert ‘Bob’ Oliver for 40 years of service to the town. Mr. Oliver was presented to a key to the town. He received a standing ovation from those in attendance. Mr. Oliver thanked everyone and indicated that he just enjoys doing what he can for the town in which he was born. The Chair indicated that the first order of business was to appoint a Moderator pro tem. M. Brush moved and H. McDonough seconded to appoint Richard Reed as Moderator pro tem. Motion was passed by unanimous voice vote. The Moderator introduced the Select Board. The reading of the warning was waived without objection.
To hear the auditor’s report.
No auditors are in attendance. Auditor's report is in the town report. No discussion. A motion was made (C. Morrison) and seconded (J. Delphia) to approve Article 1. Diane Benware thanked the Town Clerk and Auditors for their work on the Town Report. Article 1 was passed by unanimous voice vote.
Shall the voters of the Town of Leicester, for this year and all subsequent years, vote to apply any surplus in the General Fund from the previous fiscal year to reduce taxes in the current fiscal year?
A motion was made (J. Delphia) and seconded (C. Carroll) to approve Article 2. C. Morrison asked for clarification on the Article. The Town Treasurer, J. Delphia, explained that this motion would clarify that the Town wants to use remaining funds from the prior year to offset the current year taxes to be raised. If voted no, the amount to be raised in Article 3 would increase. Article 2 was passed by unanimous voice vote.
Shall the voters of the Town of Leicester vote to approve a sum of $501,290.00 to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of the town for the ensuing year, divided as follows:
General Town Expenses
$ 235,790.00
Amount to be raised by taxes: $ 179,136.00
Highway Expenses
$ 265,500.00
Amount to be raised by taxes: $ 201,721.00
Note: The amount to be raised may increase based on the result of the vote on Article 2 & Article 4.The Selectboard will set the tax rate at a later date.A motion was made (J. Delphia) and seconded (M. Brush) to accept Article 3. A motion was made (H. McDonough) and seconded (M. Brush) to amend Article 3 to add $400 for Leicester Little League increasing the General Town Expensed to be raised by taxes to $179,536.00. H. McDonough explained that last year they did not have children to field any teams and this year they have children for a couple teams. G. Moore asked what the money covers. H. McDonough explained that it covers equipment and field preparation. Motion to amend Article was passed by unanimous voice vote. No further discussion. Article 3 as amended was passed by unanimous voice vote.
4. Shall the voters of the Town of Leicester approve an additional sum of $20,000 for road paving?
A motion was made (T. Barker) and seconded (C. Carroll) to accept Article 4. H. McDonough asked what roads this money would be going to. Diane Benware explained that the funds are for resurfacing. The Town hopes to receive a grant from the state for paving and these funds would be used, in addition to the funds approved in the budget, as the Town’s share. $60K would pave roughly 1100 feet. If we receive the full grant from the State, we could pave approximately 2 miles. Article 4 was passed by unanimous voice vote.
5. Discussion of articles to be voted by Australian ballot.
The Moderator reviewed the articles to be voted on by Australian ballot. Candidates were acknowledged.
To do any further business that is proper to be done when met.
L. Adkins thanked the Foxcroft Farm for honoring them with a food basket at Christmastime. J. Delphia thanked everyone who helped at all of the 250th Anniversary celebrations and noted the work that Ann Young and the Foxcroft Farm Harvest Program donated. M. Lapidus thanked Julie Delphia for her thoughtfulness after Hurricane Irene by offering the Brandon Town Clerk room in the vault. Leicester Town Meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM until March 6, 2012 at 10:00am. Results of those elected by Australian Ballot Voting: (Ballots and results attached)March 6, 2012 –The legal voters of the Town of Leicester, Vermont are further warned and notified to meet at the Leicester Town Office in said town on March 6, 2012 between the hours of 10 AM and 7 PM when the polls will be open to vote by Australian ballot on the following articles: Polls opened at 10 AM and closed at 7 PM at the Leicester Town Office. Of the 700 registered voters – 196 cast votes.Article 1: To elect Town Officers for the ensuing yearOFFICE CANDIDATES TERM VOTESMODERATOR RICHARD REED 1 YEAR 31SELECTBOARD BRAD LAWES 3 YEAR 167SELECTBOARD RONALD FISKE 2 YEAR 170LISTER JEFF LEE 3 YEAR 170LISTER CECILE TODD 1 YEAR 160 TO FILL AN UNEXPIRED TERMAUDITOR DEB MINER 3 YEAR 181DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR BETH RIPLEY 1 YEAR 179FIRST CONSTABLE JEFF McDONOUGH 1 YEAR 173SECOND CONSTABLE MIKE RAKOWITZ 1 YEAR 168GRAND JUROR JEFF McDONOUGH 1 YEAR 167TOWN AGENT JEFF McDONOUGH 1 YEAR 167