2007 Annual Town Meeting Minutes
Leicester Town Meeting March 5, 2007
The legal voters of the Town of Leicester, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Leicester Meeting House in said Town on Monday, March 5, 2007 at 7:30 PM to transact the following business:
Jeffrey Wallin, Moderator, called the Leicester Town Meeting to order at 7:30 PM and introduced the Selectboard to the 58 voters in attendance at the 246th Annual Town Meeting.
Everyone stood for the pledge of allegiance.
The meeting will be run according to Roberts Rule of Order, all motions, remarks and questions should be directed to the Moderator. Articles must be moved, seconded and restated by the Chair before debate can begin. Voters should stand up, give their name and please speak loudly.
The reading of the warning was waived without objection; each article was done separately.
Article 1. To act on the Auditor’s Report.
A motion was made and seconded to approve Article 1.
There was a correction to the highway disbursements on page 12; $4,000, in the 2007 budget, on the line for the galion grader should have been a new line item for the purchase of a new sander.
With no further discussion, Article 1 was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the selectboard to borrow money in anticipation of taxes to defray the necessary expenses and obligations of the Town.
A motion was made and seconded to approve Article 2.
With no discussion, Article 2 was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the selectboard to spend unanticipated funds such as grants and gifts for which they were intended.
A motion was made and seconded to approve Article 3.
Diane Benware explained that the Secretary of State recommended this warning for any grants and gifts the Town might receive.
With no further discussion, Article 3 was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to rescind the previously approved instruction to conduct a professional audit of the Leicester Town books every third year? (2007 books at an estimated cost of $10,000).
A motion was made and seconded to approve Article 4.
Diane Benware solicited estimates from several certified public accountant firms. (see attached handout). Each selectboard member voiced their opinion of the audit; each member agreed that an audit every 5th year would be sufficient. Dot D'Avignon, Town Auditor, spoke in favor of the audit because it was just good business practice and it should be done because it reaffirms that the Auditors and the Treasurer are doing a good job. Town Auditor, Carol Morrison, said there would have to be an audit if the Town had any major projects which would require bonds of more than $300,000.
A motion was made and seconded to amend Article 4 to rescind the audit every third year and conduct that audit every fifth year.
The question:
Article 4 as amended. To see if the Town will vote to rescind the previously approved instruction to conduct a professional audit of the Leicester Town books every third year and conduct that audit every fifth year?
With no further discussion, Article 4 was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to approve a sum of $366,057.00 to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of the Town for the ensuing year, to be divided as follows:
General Town expenses | $167,357.00 | Amount to be raised by taxes: $126,281.81 |
Highway expenses | $198,700.00 | Amount to be raised by taxes: $133,950.00 |
Note: The amount to be raised will have to be increased by the total amount voted on Australian ballot. The Selectmen will set the tax rate at a later date.
Discussion on Article 5:
A motion was made and seconded to approve Article 5.
Carol Morrison made a motion to amend Article 5; on page 8 of the 2007 budget, to increase the amount of the selectboards pay (page 8) from $2300 to $2825, an increase of $525; to be distributed as follows: $625 for the Chair and $550 for each of the remaining members. The selectboard has not had a pay increase since 1996. Deric Miner seconded the amendment.
The first amendment (an increase of $525) to Article 5 was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Deb Miner made a motion to amend Article 5 to increase the professional audit line on page 8 by $2500. annually to cover the expenses authorized in Article 4 above. Deric Miner seconded that motion.
A point of order was called questioning the right to encumber future budgets. After discussion, Deb Miner and Deric Miner agreed to alter the amendment by removing the word “annually”.
The second amendment (an increase of $2,500) to Article 5 was approved by unanimous voice vote.
(Postscript: Though the selectboard is free to propose an annual line item budget for a future expense, the assembly can not encumber a future body by mandating budget expenses beyond the current year being reviewed unless a Reserve Fund is created. Furthermore, without a Reserve Fund the governing bodies are not necessarily compelled to spend accumulated funds for the originally intended purpose. JAW).
Further discussion on Article 5:
Lawrence Felion wanted to confirm that the Town was going to have to pay $9000 a month for 3 years for the new Bridge #6. Diane Benware confirmed that to be the case but pointed out that approximately half the payments have been made. On page 15 of the Town Report is the financial review of monies in reserve for Bridge #6. There is $169,835.37 in reserve and our remaining liabilities are $151,821.96. The Town will have enough money to pay for our bridge.
Julie Delphia questioned the contingency fund for fire expense, she wanted to know why the Town could not get reimbursed by insurance. Diane said the Town pays Brandon and/or Salisbury Fire department for fire bills when there is a fire in Town as we have no fire department. John McDonough said he has talked to Beth Ripley, Delinquent Tax Collector, to see if she is willing to collect monies from the insurance companies for fires. The selectboard has been and will continue to work on this issue.
The Question: Increased by two amendments totaling: $3025.00
Article 5 as amended. To see if the Town will vote to approve a sum of $369,082.00 to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of the Town for the ensuing year, to be divided as follows:
General Town expenses | $170,382.00 | Amount to be raised by taxes: $129,306.81 |
Highway expenses | $198,700.00 | Amount to be raised by taxes: $133,950.00 |
Note: The amount to be raised will have to be increased by the total amount voted on Australian ballot. The Selectmen will set the tax rate at a later date.
Article 5 as amended, was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Article 6. Discussion of articles to be voted by Australian ballot.
Article 1. Moderator, Jeff Wallin, read the list of Town Offices and named the candidates who would be running for that office on the ballot.
Article 2. $10,000 to be placed in the Restricted Equipment Fund. Diane Benware explained that there is $19,765.22 balance in the highway budget, approving this item will not increase taxes, it will come from this balance.
Article 3. Additional $20,000 for road paving.
Article 4. Charitable fund request of $ 10,106.00
There was no one present to speak on behalf of any organization.
Lawrence Felion made a motion to have all money items on Australian Ballot. Jeff Walllin explained to Mr. Felion that he could not make that motion, he would have to petition to have it warned for next years Town Meeting.
Article 7. To do any further business that is proper to be done when met.
Lynn Brooks-Miner asked if the reappraisal would be done for the 2007 grand list. The answer was yes, the 2007 grand list will reflect a common level of appraisal of 100%.
Lynda Rheaume thanked the Town for their support in funding the milfoil program on behalf of the Lake Dunmore/Fern Lake Association.
Diane Benware wished to thank all elected and appointed officials for all their hard work. She asked and received a round of applause for the Auditors who do an excellent job in a short amount of time to get the Town Report ready.
Diane said the Secretary of State's office is offering, at no charge, a voter tabulating machines to Towns with 750 or more on the checklist. The machine would only be used for General Elections, as recommended by the Secretary of State. The Town may not use the tabulator without voter approval.
With selectboard approval the Town Clerk has contacted the Secretary of State's office and add the Town's name to a list to receive such a machine.
A non-binding show of hands indicated that the voters of the Town would be in favor of the tabulating machine.
Diane also has been in contact with the Addison County Sheriff's Department to discuss a neighborhood watch due to a number of break-ins within Town. A committee will be formed and she was asking anyone interested to contact her.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn Town Meeting.
The motion to adjourn was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Town Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Results of those elected by Australian Ballot Voting: (Ballots attached showing blanks and spoiled votes).
March 6, 2007 – Polls opened at 10 AM and closed at 7 PM at the Leicester Town Hall.
of the 706 registered voters – 275 cast votes.
Article 1. To elect Town Officers for the ensuing year.
Moderator Jeffrey Wallin 1 year 240
Select board Tom Barker 2 year 157
Cecile Todd 2 year 106
Select board Diane Benware 3 years 230
Lister Harold Smith 3 years 211
Lister(to fill unexpired term) John Hughes 1 year 227
Auditor Carol Morrison 3 years 244
Tax Collector Beth Swinington Ripley 1 year 253
First Constable Ron Fiske 1 year 222
Second Constable Bill Dutton 1 year 222
Town Agent John Quelch 1 year 236
Town Grand Juror John Quelch 1 year 237
Article 2. Will voters approve $10,000.00 to be placed in the Restricted Equipment Fund?
Yes 167 No 96.
Article 3. Will the Town vote an additional $20,000.00 for road paving?
Yes 166 No 100
Article 4. To approve or disapprove the following allocations from the General Fund. The total amount to be allocated is $10,106.00.
Addison County Community Action Group 1150.00 Yes – 167 No – 94
Addison County Home Health Care 1138.00 Yes – 219 No – 50
Addison County Parent/Child Center 1200.00 Yes – 179 No – 82
Addison County RSVP 285.00 Yes – 179 No – 80
Addison County Transit Resources (ACRT) 350.00 Yes – 183 No – 79
Champlain Valley Agency on Aging 1100.00 Yes – 219 No – 51
Counseling Service of Addison County 1050.00 Yes – 171 No – 88
Elderly Services, Inc. 500.00 Yes – 226 No – 44
Hospice Volunteer Services 250.00 Yes – 219 No – 47
John W. Graham Emergency Shelter 725.00 Yes – 185 No – 75
NeighborWorks 400.00 Yes – 149 No – 110
Open Door Clinic 300.00 Yes – 183 No – 79
Otter Creek Natural Resources 113.00 Yes – 156 No – 104
Vermont Adult Learning 450.00 Yes – 171 No – 88
VT Cares 350.00 Yes – 155 No – 101
VT Center for Independent Living 145.00 Yes – 193 No – 71
Women in Crisis - WomenSafe
600.00 Yes – 197 No – 67
Respectfully Submitted, Approved By:
Diane Benware, Select board Chm.
Recorded, March 9, 2007