Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

2014 Annual Town Meeting Minutes

The legal voters of the Town of Leicester, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Leicester Meeting House in said Town on Monday, March 3, 2014 at 7:00 pm to transact the following business:
Richard Reed, the Moderator called the Town of Leicester Meeting to order at 7:03 PM. The Moderator welcomed the 34 voters in attendance to the 253rd Annual Town Meeting. Everyone was invited to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Moderator explained that Non-residents cannot vote. Town meetings will be run according to VT State Law and Roberts Rules of Order, all motions, remarks and questions should be directed to the Moderator. Articles must be moved, seconded and restated by the Moderator before debate can begin. Unanimous consent will be used.
The reading of the warning was waived without objection.
  1. To hear the auditor’s report.
No discussion.
  1. Shall the voters of the Town of Leicester vote to approve a sum of $527,497.08 to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of the town for the ensuing year, divided as follows:

General Town Expenses

$ 270,662.08

Amount to be raised by taxes: $ 230,948.40

Highway Expenses

$ 256,835.00

Amount to be raised by taxes: $ 194,779.14

Note: The amount to be raised may increase based on the result of the vote on Article 3 &
Australian Ballot Article 2.
The Selectboard will set the tax rate at a later date.
A motion was made (C. Carroll) and seconded (D. Callum) to accept Article 2.
J. McLaughlin asked about the difference between the amount to be raised and the total amount. J. Delphia explained that the amount is offset by anticipated income.
Article 2 was passed by unanimous voice vote.
  1. Shall the voters of the Town of Leicester approve an additional sum of $20,000 for road paving?
A motion was made (T. Drew) and seconded (C. Morrisson) to accept Article 3.
M. Lee asked where paving would occur. A. Pidgeon said that was unknown at this time. It would be evaluated in the spring. D. Benware explained that this funding increases the town share available for any paving grants. Z. Saxe asked if this is resurfacing or new paving. T. Barker explained that it was for resurfacing. R. D’Avignon asked if the grant is offered every year. D. Beware responded that it was.
Article 3 was passed by unanimous voice vote.
  1. Discussion of articles to be voted by Australian ballot.
R. Reed reviewed Article 1.
J. Delphia explained that Item 2 was required because the Harvest Program is a new request. Only level funded appropriation are approved to be included in the regular budget. A. Young explained the program. H. Sessions asked if a request was on the Brandon ballot. A. Young indicated that it was. M. Lapidus asked how many kids are served. A. Young explained the different programs and kids served. C. Carroll, M. Pierpont, and J. Lee spoke in favor of the program.
  1. To do any further business that is proper to be done when met.
E. Martin expressed concern regarding wetland restoration and the threat of EEE/WNV mosquitos. H. Sessions explained the process as she is a landowner who sold wetland rights. M. Pierpont discussed mosquitos as her husband works for the BLSG board. Rep W. Jewett joined the discussion. Mosquitos, Wetland restoration, the VT Gas pipeline, and shoreline protection were discussed.
D. Benware thanked Ron Fiske for the sound system donation. She thanked the donor for the new signs.
D. Benware asked the voters how they would feel about changing the way the town report was made available. The majority of the voters indicated they would like to keep it in hard copy.
A motion was made (D. Callum) and seconded (D. D’Avignon) to adjourn Town Meeting. The motion to adjourn was approved by unanimous voice vote.
Leicester Town Meeting adjourned at 8:24PM.
Results of those elected by Australian Ballot Voting: (Ballots and results attached)
Of the 700 registered voters – 155 cast votes
March 4, 2014 - The legal voters of the Town of Leicester, Vermont are further warned and notified to meet at the Leicester Town Office in said town on March 4, 2014 between the hours of 10 AM and 7 PM when the polls will be open to vote by Australian ballot on the following articles:
Article 1: To elect Town Officers for the ensuing year
OFFICE                                                    CANDIDATES                                       TERM                                      VOTES
MODERATOR                                              RICHARD REED                                    1 YEAR                                    140
SELECTBOARD                                            KEN YOUNG                                       3 YEAR                                    133
SELECTBOARD                                            RON FISKE                                        2 YEAR                                    127
LISTER                                                     DIANE HARVEY                                   3 YEAR                                    135
LISTER                                                     VACANT                                            2 YEAR    OF 3 YEAR TERM                  
AUDITOR                                                  DOROTHY D’AVIGNON                           3 YEAR                                    143
DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR                      BETH RIPLEY                                      1 YEAR                                    144
FIRST CONSTABLE                                     JEFF McDONOUGH                               1 YEAR                                    134
SECOND CONSTABLE                                  MIKE RAKOWITZ                                  1 YEAR                                   137
GRAND JUROR                                          JEFF McDONOUGH                                 1 YEAR                                    136
TOWN AGENT                                          JEFF McDONOUGH                                 1 YEAR                                    134
TOWN CLERK                                           JULIE DELPHIA                                       3 YEAR                                    148
TOWN TREASURER                                    JULIE DELPHIA                                       3 YEAR                                    146
Article 2: Shall the voters of the Town of Leicester vote to appropriate $5,000 to Foxcroft Farm Harvest Program to be taken from town funds for the purpose of providing year around programming to support the growing needs of our local youth: educationally, socially, and in work readiness?
                                                Yes - 102 votes                                    No - 38 votes