Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

2010 Annual Town Meeting Minutes

Leicester Town Meeting Minutes

March 1, 2010


The legal voters of the Town of Leicester, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Leicester Meeting House in said Town on Monday, March 1, 2010 at 7:00 pm to transact the following business:


Jeffrey Wallin, Moderator, welcomed the 66 voters in attendance to the 249th Annual Town Meeting. Everyone was asked to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance


The Moderator explained that Town meeting will be run according to Roberts Rule of Order, all motions, remarks and questions should be directed to the Moderator.  Articles must be moved, seconded and restated by the Moderator before debate can begin. Voters should stand up, give their name and please speak loudly.  Unanimous consent will be used.  Non-residents cannot vote.


The Moderator called the Leicester Town Meeting to order at 7:06 PM and introduced the Selectboard and Town Clerk.


The reading of the warning was waived without objection; each article was done separately.


  1. To hear the auditor’s report.


A motion was made to accept the auditor’s report as printed.  Motion was seconded.  Article 1 was passed by unanimous voice vote.


  1. To see if the Town will vote to rescind the previously approved instruction to conduct a professional audit of the Leicester Town books every 5 years.


A motion was made and seconded to accept Article 2 as stated. 




M. VanAmberg asked why the article was being presented.  D. Benware explained that due to the expense associated with the cost of the professional audit, the exceptional results of the previous audit in 2004, and the work of the elected auditors, and the difficulty associated with acquiring auditing firms, the selectboard wanted to provide the people with the option to rescind.


M. Pierpont and A. Lynn questioned when another audit would be scheduled of if it would be on the warning each year.  D. Benware explained that the selectboard did not discuss future audits and that if rescinded today, an approved petition would be required to add it to a future warning.


M. Lapidus explained that the Town has already expressed its desire to have a professional audit.  D. Benware explained that due to the cost, the selectboard wanted to give the Town the option.  M. Lapidus explained that due to the change from 3 years to 5 years, the town should have had time to accumulate the money.


C. Reed asked if the money was included in the budget for the audit.  D. Benware answered yes.  D. Benware

H. Sessions asked what we learn from a professional audit.  D. Benware explained that the last audit showed that the books were very well maintained and there were no concerns regarding accounting practices. 


M. Brush asked if there was a concern that the cost could be higher than expected.  D. Benware said there was a possibility but until we contact firms, we will be unable to determine.


C. Morrison clarified the date of the previous audit and expressed her desire to have a professional audit.


J. Cameron asked if the selectboard considered doing a compliation of the books.  D. Benware stated that they had not.


D. D’Avignon expressed that she felt a professional audit should be done.


J. Delphia explained that as treasurer, she would prefer to have 2010 audited rather than 2009 as she was not the treasurer for all of 2009.  J. Wallin explained that J. Delphia could not make an amendment to the motion due to the wording of the article.


J. Wallin stated that he did investigate this with the VLCT and the Town did not have the right to bind the selectmen to future expenditures.  While the selectboard is not bound to follow the directive, it would be in their best interest to follow it.


J. LaRock stated that she felt that this was the perfect time due to changes in the treasurer’s office.


C. Reed stated that she felt that the town had indicated that they do want a professional audit.


J. Wallin explained that voting Aye would vote in favor of rescinding the audit.


Atricle 2 was defeated by unanimous voice vote.


  1. To see if the Town will vote to approve a sum of $448,941.00 to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of the town for the ensuing year, divided as follows:


General Town Expenses


Amount to be raised by taxes: $180,624.00

Highway Expenses


Amount to be raised by taxes: $142,671.00



Note: The amount to be raised will increase by the amounts voted on Australian ballot.  The Selectboard will set the tax rate at a later date.


A motion was made and seconded to accept Article 3 as stated.


M. VanAmberg asked if someone could show how the figures compare to the previous two years.  D. Benware explained where this information could be found in the Town Report.  She used the Auditor budget figures as an example.  M. VanAmberg asked if the totals were shown.  D. Benware clarified where the information could be found.  M. VanAmberg asked where the figures are for the taxes collected. 


J. Delphia explained that on page 7 of the Town Report it shows the amount raised by taxes.  Based on 2009 after the OV reconciliation $337,866.75 was raised by taxes, this year if all items are approved $335,231.10 would be raised by taxes.  This is a decrease of $2635.67.  The budget from last year was decreased due to the reduction in the OV obligation.


M. VanAmberg stated that due to the economy he believes that property tax rates should be decrease 10% from last year.  Property taxes are too high and the tax burden should be decreased so it’s back closer to 2008.  He requested to change the tax rate to the 2008 rates.  J. Wallin clarified that we are voting on the budget and not the tax rate. 


C. Todd commented that the state sets some of the tax rates not the town.


J. Delphia explained that the grand list value, common level of appraisal, budgets, and state education rates all factor into the determination of the tax rate.  Until we have the information on all of these items near the end of the summer, we can’t determine the tax rate


K. Briggs asked for the breakdown between education tax and the town tax for 2009.  J. Delphia explained that the education tax was approximately 85%.


M. Phenning stated that she lived on a dirt road and did not feel that she could afford to live here anymore due to taxes.


M. VanAmberg asked about the school tax rate.  J. Wallin explained that the school tax rate could be discussed at the following meeting.


C. Reed clarified that people should participate in the budget meetings.


D. Benware clarified that the current budget is only a couple hundred dollars more than the 2008 budget.


J. LaRock asked about the items to be voted on tomorrow.  J. Delphia explained where the information could be found.


A. Lynn thanked the selectboard for keeping the budget expense within a couple hundred dollars over the past two years.


A. Oullette asked who she can talk to about her assessment.  J. Delphia explained the process to contact the listers. 


Article 3 passed by unanimous voice vote.


  1. Discussion of articles to be voted by Australian ballot.


Article 1.  The Moderator read the list of Town Offices and named the candidates who would be running for that office on the ballot. Those who planned to be candidates were allowed to introduce themselves.


Article 2. Shall the Town of Leicester vote to raise, appropriate and expend the sum of$300.00 for the support of the Salisbury Feral Cat Program to provide services to the residents of Leicester?   J. Cameron explained the program


Article 3.  Shall the town increase the Veteran’s Exemption amount from $30,000 of appraisal value to $40,000 of appraisal value for qualified Veterans in accord with 32 VSA 3802(11) first effective for the 2010 tax year? 


D. Miner asked how many properties this affects.  C. Todd stated that there were 7.  J. Delphia stated that the current rate is $30,000.  There is one property that will not be affected by this.  C. Todd believed that there were two more being added this year.  She explained that each year the veterans have to supply us with information regarding their qualifications.  D. Miner asked how they are determined to qualify.  Is it service related or on service related?  Mr. Reed explained that he works for Veteran’s Affairs and service related disability is 50% and non-service disability is 100%.


Article 4. The Moderator read the list of appropriations and allowed individuals the opportunity to explain what each agency does.


M. VanAmberg requested that voters consider voting no to all the appropriations.


  1. To do any further business that is proper to be done when met.


D. Benware notified voters of a survey by the planning commission, the LDFLA Dunmore Dip, and the rabies clinic.

D. Benware thanked all the town officials and recognized Carol Morrison for the 30 years contribution to the town.  She thanked the auditors and clerk for the Town Report and introduced present town officials.


A motion was made and seconded to adjourn Town Meeting.  The motion to adjourn was approved by unanimous voice vote.


Town Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.


Results of those elected by Australian Ballot Voting: (Ballots and results attached)


March 2, 2009The legal voters of the Town of Leicester, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Leicester Town Hall in said Town on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 to transact the following business by Australian Ballot.


Polls opened at 10 AM and closed at 7 PM at the Leicester Town Hall. Of the 743 registered voters – 204 cast votes.


Article 1:  To elect Town Officers for the ensuing year

OFFICE                                     CANDIDATES                             TERM                            VOTES

MODERATOR                             JEFFREY WALLIN                       1 YEAR                          194

SELECTBOARD                           RONALD FISKE                          2 YEAR                          184

SELECTBOARD                           DIANE BENWARE                       3 YEAR                          179

LISTER                                      TIMOTHY JOHNSON                   3 YEAR                          165

LISTER                                      KATHARINE BRIGGS                  2 YEAR (FILL TERM)      176

AUDITOR                                  DONNA PIDGEON                      3 YEAR                          175

DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR   ELIZABETH RIPLEY                    1 YEAR                          189

FIRST CONSTABLE                     JEFF McDONOUGH                     1 YEAR                          180

SECOND CONSTABLE                 MIKE RAKOWITZ                       1 YEAR                         178

GRAND JUROR                           JEFF McDONOUGH                     1 YEAR                          184

TOWN AGENT                           JEFF McDONOUGH                     1 YEAR                          168



Article 2. Shall the Town of Leicester vote to raise, appropriate and expend the sum of$300.00 for the support of the Salisbury Feral Cat Program to provide services to the residents of Leicester?   YES – 113  NO - 80



Article 3.  Shall the town increase the Veteran’s Exemption amount from $30,000 of appraisal value to $40,000 of appraisal value for qualified Veterans in accord with 32 VSA 3802(11) first effective for the 2010 tax year? YES – 141  NO - 51



Article 4:  To approve or disapprove the following allocations from the General Fund. The total amount to be allocated is $11,351.00


Addison County Community Action Group*................................1,300.00      Yes –  130      No –   66

Addison County Home Health Care........................................... 1,138.00     Yes –  167      No –   32

Addison County Parent/Child Center.......................................... 1,200.00     Yes –  138      No –   59

Addison County RSVP................................................................. 285.00     Yes –  143      No –   51

Addison County Transit Resources............................................ 1,305.00     Yes –  146      No –   51

Champlain Valley Agency on Aging........................................... 1,100.00     Yes –  161      No –   36

Counseling Service of Addison County....................................... 1,050.00     Yes –  139      No –   58

Elderly Services, Inc................................................................... 500.00     Yes –  171      No –   28

Hospice Volunteer Services......................................................... 250.00     Yes –  166      No –   32

John W. Graham Emergency Shelter............................................ 725.00     Yes –  143      No –   55

Maple Leaf Farm.........................................................................625.00    Yes –  111      No –   81

Neighbor Works......................................................................... 200.00     Yes –  109      No –   82

Open Door Clinic........................................................................ 300.00     Yes –  140      No –   54

Otter Creek Natural Resources.................................................... 113.08     Yes –  124      No –   71

Vermont Adult Learning.............................................................. 450.00     Yes –  141      No –   56

Vermont Cares – Aids Resources................................................. 350.00     Yes –  123      No –   73

Vermont Center for Independent Living........................................ 145.00     Yes –  145      No –   50

Women in Crisis – WomenSafe ................................................... 600.00     Yes –  149      No –   50

*Now known as HOPE


Respectfully Submitted,                            Approved By:



Julie Delphia, Town Clerk                Jeffrey Wallin, Moderator               Diane Benware, Selectboard Chair



Recorded, March 8, 2009