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Meeting Minutes - ZBA Hearing - Carroll

Town of Leicester

Zoning Board of Adjustment


Wednesday, March 25, 2008




** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:40 by Chair (Flint) for special meeting of the Leicester Zoning Board of Adjustment. 


Roll Call:  Gerry Flint, Donna Swinington, Heidi Schuerger (recorder)


    Absent:  Tom Drew, Shelley Glassner



Others Present:   Andrew Peterson, Zoning Administrator, David & Connie Carroll, Permit Applicants


Agenda:  Public Hearing Permit 07-08-ZBA

              Interview Secretary



Topic:  Public Hearing for Permit 07-08-ZBA.  Applicant:  David & Connie Carroll, 1970 Lake Dunmore Road, Leicester, VT  05733. 


Chair swore in under oath David & Connie Carroll.


Discussion:  Connie explained that there was a little bit of a misunderstanding from the original application.   Dimensions 20 x 15. 


The permit requires authorization for variance pursuant to section 410 paragraph 4, modification to existing structure already not in compliance with setbacks.  The permit does not seek to alter the current deviation from setbacks.


Action Taken:  Unanimous consent, refer to findings of fact on file with permit.


Topic:  Interview Secretary.


Discussion:  The interview of applicant Jenna Trudeau shall start after the ZBA permit hearing adjourns.


Action Taken:  Recommendations shall be forwarded to the Selectboard for further consideration.


Topic:  Scheduling


Discussion:  The PC meets on the last Tuesday of each month.  The ZBA convenes for hearings as needed, necessity generally determined by the Zoning Administrator having  identified compliance concerns regarding a permit.


Action Taken:  Next meeting scheduled for April 15, 2008.


Motion by Donna to adjourn hearing.  Seconded by Heidi.  All in favor.  Hearing Adjourned 6:55 p.m.



Minutes taken by Heidi Schuerger March 25, 2008.


Minutes transcribed by Sandra Trombley November 15, 2008.



Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary

Zoning Board of Adjustment