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Meeting Minutes - PC Hearing - Quenneville

Town of Leicester

Planning Commission Hearing Minutes

Tuesday, December 23, 2008




** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Donna Swinington, Chair, Gerry Flint, Shelley Glassner


Members Absent:    Heidi Schuerger


Others Present:   Lillian Quenneville, Gerry Leffler, Sandra Trombley, Secretary


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:12 by Chair and roll call. 


Agenda Review:  The only item on agenda is the public hearing on the application for zoning permit for a subdivision of land located on Route 7 in Leicester, Vermont Book 27, Page 477, Lot 020025 owned by Jean Guy & Lillian D. Quenneville.


Re:  38-08-PC Quenneville Subdivision


Donna read a memo from Andrew Peterson, ZA as he would not be able to attend tonight’s meeting.  Andrew’s memo referred to Section 210 of Leicester Subdivision Regulation #3. 

·        Andrew indicated the Board had no issues with the subdivision during the sketch plan review

·        Andrew met with Mrs. Quenneville November 13th, he advised her that he thought there was a question of road maintenance covenance and they may need a right of way to show a map for any proposed driveways.  That is a decision for the Planning Commission and as a function of good planning, he suggested it would be a good idea to have the driveway for lot 2 and 3 be accessed from the driveway of lot 1 and include this language as part of the right of way tied to the subdivision.  He also asked Mrs. Quenneville to have Mike Magoon put up boundary markers so the Planning Commission or public could see the actual new lines.


Chair swore in Gerry Leffler and Lillian Quenneville and opened it up for their comments.


Gerry wanted to be clear on what Andrew was talking about Lot 1 and Lot 2.  Gerry explained that she understands the issues with the State and about access of driveways on Route 7.   Brad Ramsey came up with the idea to use their existing driveway and came in back of these lots, then the people when they build would come in the back of their houses and we could still use this same road which also goes up to Pecor’s, it would be accessible.  There is a maintenance agreement on the Pecor road.


Gerry stated that they will put in deeds that there will be maintenance agreement; as there will be three parties involved.


Gerry asked if there were requirements how far away from the property line a driveway has to be.  The Board stated “no”, not for driveways.


Gerry indicated that they hadn’t put up the ribbons yet for the markers on the corners.  Donna indicated that this was not a problem.


The driveway would access 4 properties.


Motion to approve subdivision plan of the Quenneville land by Shelley.  Seconded by Gerry.  All in favor.  So approved.


Next Planning Commission meeting the 2nd Wednesday in January 14th.


Donna adjourned Planning Commission hearing and went into the ZBA and asked Gerry about December 30th meeting date for ZBA.   Consensus to cancel December 30th meeting.


Next ZBA meeting will be January 27, 2009.


Board thanked Sandy for her work.


Motion to adjourn by Gerry.  Seconded by Shelley.  So approved.  All in favor.


Adjourned at 6:36 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley

Planning Commission & ZBA Secretary