Meeting Minutes - PC
Town of Leicester
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Donna Swinington, Chair, Pete Fjeld, Bethany Menkart
Members Absent: Kate Briggs, Jeff McDonough
Others Present: Linda Pitkin, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order & Roll Call: Donna called the PC Meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. with roll call.
Reviewed Agenda: Reviewed agenda
Approve Minutes of July 13, 2011:
Motion by Pete to approve minutes of July 13, 2011 as written. Second by Bethany. All in favor. So approved.
Claire Tebbs was on the agenda for Town Plan revisions, but did not show. She is expecting any day now, so she may not be coming after all.
New Business:
Donna reported she and Bethany and Linda met with Claire in Middlebury. They wanted to go over the surveys. They sorted through the surveys to find what people’s ideas were.
The idea is to get the plan done before Town Meeting, so the board can move on to the zoning regulations.
Bethany reported and brought Peter up-to-date on Adam Lougee’s training for chairs and board members. Peter missed the meeting. A power point of the presentation is in Pete’s mailbox.
Linda Pitkin submitted a letter of interest to Donna for a position on the Planning Commission Board. It is acceptable to the other board members. Donna will make sure to get it on the Selectboard agenda for September 19th for their consideration.
Adam Lougee will be coming to help and discuss the Land Use piece of the Town Plan. Linda will confirm the date and time and email everyone. Pete recommended we get a list of things to think about from Adam prior to our meeting. At our next meeting, October 12th, the board will review and edit the draft of the Town Plan.
There was discussion about edits to the revisions of the Town Plan. Kate wanted some wording changed and a look at inaccuracies. Grammatical things need to be reviewed; as well. Claire recommended we wait until January because she would like to be involved with the last pieces of the Town Plan.
Discussion of how and where Leicester would be developed. From the surveys they heard that many would like to see a common or central location in town. Some are unaware the playground is available to the public. Many thought the commercial area was too long and should be more defined.
Limited Public Comment: None
Motion by Pete to adjourn PC meeting at 6:50 p.m. Second by Bethany. All in favor. So approved.
Next regularly scheduled PC meeting October 12, 2011. A second PC meeting in October will be held to meet with Adam Lougee on Land Use. Date to be determined.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Planning Commission Secretary