Special Meeting Minutes - PC
Town of Leicester
Special Planning Commission Meeting
Thursday, December 8, 2011
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Donna Swinington, Chair, Pete Fjeld,
Absent: Jeff McDonough, Jim Russo
Others Present: Kate Briggs, Gerry Flint, Cecile Todd, Adam Lougee, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order & Roll Call: Donna called the PC Meeting to order at 6:12 p.m. with roll call.
Donna reported that there was not a quorum so they would have an informal meeting. Adam Lougee presented the revisions that were made to section 9. Future Land Use from his instructions from the last formal meeting.
Town Plan Revisions:
Adam Lougee, Director of Addison County Regional Planning Commission invited everyone to review the Land Use Maps.
Kate explained the maps that included elevations and where there should not be subdivision. The proposal is trying to protect property owners from subdivision and run-off above them and the impact on the Town in terms of the impact on town roads. They propose to change the contours of Lake 2 and go behind most of the properties and make it conservation district and cannot be subdivided. They don’t want to create non-conforming lots.
Adam explained the other changes on the map; the commercial district and shortening the Rt7 corridor and the Swinington Hill Road would be better as similar to the rural district around it.
Revisions on the written materials were made in track format and final format.
The Lake District sections highlighted in yellow. Mean water level is the average. It was decided as a recommendation at greater than 20% for steep slopes.
Public access additions to Branbury State Park were Fern Lake Access and Lake Dunmore Access on Indian Trail.
Decide on choice of description for private roads around the lake. Donna and Pete liked the second; “Associations should be required to create private road maintenance agreements to help improve access to the property they serve prior to any improvements being allowed on those properties.”
Route 7 Corridor looked good and it had been explained on the map.
Industrial District looked good with a spelling correction of Swinington Hill Road.
Conservation district Adam added some language that would allow expanding on the east side of Lake Dunmore and Fern Lake. Pete recommended using “down slope area” instead of “lakes area”.
Residential and Agricultural Areas, Adam added a paragraph relating to “Freedom to Farm”. Leave commercial and light industrial use in the last paragraph.
Donna feels that the Selectboard should be involved before the Plan gets too far. The Selectboard was here last meeting. Adam would suggest that the Selectboard take a look at the map at their next meeting and ask Kate to explain the rationale behind it.
Adam reported that Claire will be back in January.
Pete requested that Adam send the revisions by email to Sandy and Sandy send the revisions to the Selectboard for their next meeting.
Donna stated that they will keep the maps and have Kate go to the Selectboard and explain the maps because she was the one who was there with the maps and tell them that the PC wants their input on them on December 19th.
Donna and Pete thanked Adam for his work.
Adam sent information on personal liability that Jeff had asked for. It says that you are covered; as long as you are doing what you think is right and in the best interest of the town.
Planning Commission will meet second Wednesday in January. ZBA is canceled.
Meeting ended at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
PC Secretary