Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

July 17, 2006

Leicester Select Board Meeting

Unapproved Minutes


Present: Bob Oliver, John McDonough, Mark Stacey, Cecile Todd and Diane Benware


Townspeople Present:  Donna Pidgeon, Donna Wykes, Carol Leno, John Hughes, Mary Hughes, Jeff Hatch, Lynda Rheaume, George N. Fisher, Arlan Pidgeon, Deb Miner, Jack Beasley, Jerry Flint, Lawrence A. Felion Jr., Steve Hare, Neil Mackey, Bill McHugh, Mary McHugh and Ernie Miner


Meeting was called to order at 7:07pm.

Pledge was recited.

Agenda was reviewed.


Approve Minutes of July 5, 2006

Discussion: Page 2 New Business Outside Inspection, Line 12 change Mackowitz to Rakowitz.

Other Discussion:  Two phone calls have been received in regard to animal control position.  One person seemed interested.  Diane Benware will update the board on this matter.  Fuel bids have not all come in.

Action:  Cecile Todd made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Bob Oliver seconded.  Motion passed (5 ayes and 0 nays)


Vermont Sun

Discussion: Steve Hare asked to address the board.  Diane Benware stated that legal counsel had advised the board to hear representatives of Vermont Sun.

Action:  John McDonough made a motion to table the discussion regarding Vermont Sun.  Cecile Todd seconded. Motion passed. (3 ayes John McDonough, Bob Oliver and Cecile Todd to 2 nays Diane Benware and Mark Stacey) There was displeasure expressed by several townspeople.  They were reminded that there was a time for limited public opinion built into the meeting agenda.  Mark Stacey made a motion to move public opinion to the current point of the meeting.  Motion died for lack of a second.


Review and Sign Orders for bill payments

Discussion:  none

Action:  Bills were reviewed and signed.


Reports from Town Officials or Committees

Discussion:  Arlan Pidgeon reported that a catch basin had been ordered for the drain in the school yard.  The culvert by John Quelch’s residence needs a little gravel.  Roads have been graded.  The metal detector did not work to find the culvert near the town office.  A Rutland Northeast map had been given to Arlan Pidgeon, which shows an approximate location of the disturbed pipe.  Arlan Pidgeon reported that each individual he spoke to regarding the pipe that goes over and across the parking lot by the town hall suggests filling it with stone and not clay.  Dave Lathrop, AOT Dist 3 Manager, was to stop in on Wednesday to discuss a culvert on Hooker road that will flow into Lake Dunmore.  He did not stop, Mr. Lathrop is on vacation.  Perhaps Arlan Pidgeon will be able to meet with him the following week.


New Business

Set a Tax Rate for 2006

Discussion: The residential rates are: town ($.2633), highway ($.2797) and homestead ($2.1629).  The non-residential rates are:  town ($.2633), highway ($.2797 and non-residential ($2.3025). This is a 32-cent increase per $100 for both residents and non-residents.

Action:  Bob Oliver made a motion to accept the 2006 tax rates and to sign the paperwork.  Mark Stacey seconded. Motion passed. (5 ayes and 0 nays)



Discussion: Diane Benware reported that several complaints had been received about the mosquitoes at the cemetery.   The mowing at the cemetery had gotten behind.  Lynn Cameron had told Diane Benware that there had been family issues and personnel issues.  She assured Diane Benware that the cemetery would be mowed this week.

Action: none


ACRPC Alternate

Discussion: none

Action: Bob Oliver made a motion to appoint Charles Makovec as an alternate (to replace Tom Drew) to the ACRPC.  Cecile Todd seconded. Motion passed. (5 ayes and 0 nays)  Kathleen Ramsey will serve as the delegate.


Old Business

Junk Ordinance

Discussion: The board was reminded to treat everyone the same.  Mark Stacey reminded the public that some consideration would be given to those residents who seemed to be making an effort to clean up.  Lawrence A. Felion asked what is junk.  He noted that he had what some would call junk, but that he used it for his business. Good documentation was stressed.

Action: Coon residence is making an effort to clean up. No action to be taken.

The zoning board will address the infractions with the Leicester General Store.  Diane Benware and Cecile Todd will check the Carrol and Kimball residences.  Based on their findings, final letters may be written.  LaPorte residence had two dump truck loads taken out.  Sutton residence has made no improvement.  It will be sent to municipal court.  Donnie Foley residence is in court. 


Fires on Route 7

Discussion:  The state has a deed in lieu of bail on the Foley residence.  The fire chief is putting undue responsibility on the board in deciding when a fire needs to be responded to.  A letter to the victim’s compensation fund has been written.  Chris Pockett has been faxed all the fire bills.  As of June 15, 2006 the outcome was in the hands of the court.  Diane Benware tried to contact Dick Bubonis twice today. He did not return her calls.  State Police are hesitant to respond unless it is for traffic patrol or to support the firefighters.  Often the sheriff is not on duty and does not come to the fire scene.  Town Counsel advised the board that a rit of attachment would cost about $1500-$2000. It was suggested that small claims was a way to recoup funds.  Diane Benware is filling out forms. 

Action:  The state attorney will be contacted.  Each associated official will be faxed about the latest fire.


Limited Public Opinion

Discussion:  Bucky Shackett voiced his concern for the $5000 allotted for training a possible town clerk.  So far, the two candidates have volunteered about 15 hours each and have been paid a total of $200.for additional hours. Anyone can run for town clerk.  Mr. Shackett was assured that this matter was discussed in several times before it was placed in the budget.  It was voted on at town meeting.  Mr. Shackett was concerned that the board was spending money for training someone who may not even be elected.  Mr. Shackett also asked about the increase in the allowance for listers this spring.  It was explained that this was not a pay raise; rather it was for work done with appraisers.


Discussion:  It was suggested that bids for gravel be considered.

Action:  The board will investigate and get back to the public.


Discussion: It was asked whom you would contact if dump trucks are overloaded.  It was stated that the state has 3 or 4 individuals who are qualified and trained in this area.  The comment was made that this is why our infrastructure is so beat up.

Action: The board will research and report back.


Discussion:  It was asked whom you would contact if a road needs graded?  The answer was to call the road foreman (Arlan Pidgeon) or the road commissioners (John McDonough and Bob Oliver).


Discussion: none

Action:  Bob Oliver made a motion to pay Ken Leno $12.00 for work done on the senior center.  Motion was seconded.  Motion passed.  (5 ayes and 0 nays)


Discussion: Cecile Todd noted that the Vermont Sun petition called for four races this year and every year following.  She stated this is why she voted to table the issue.  She was reminded that the issue was tabled and not to be discussed by board members.

Discussion: none



Action:  John McDonough made a motion to adjourn.  Bob Oliver seconded.  Motion passed. (5 ayes and 0 nays) Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.


 Respectfully Submitted,

Betty Wiedenbein



The next regular scheduled meeting is August 7, 2006.