Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2006

Leicester Select Board Meeting

Unapproved Minutes


Present:  Cecile Todd, John McDonough, Mark Stacey, Bob Oliver and Diane Benware


Also Present: Donna Pidgeon, Bucky Shackett, Don Scarborough, Lawrence A Felion Jr., Allen Pidgeon, Arlan Pidgeon, Roger Scarborough, Bonnie Johnson, Charlie Johnson, Julie Delphia, Ron Fisk, Barbra Bridgmon


The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m.

Pledge was recited.

Agenda was reviewed.


Approval of September 5, 2006 minutes

Discussion: none

Action:  Approval of minutes was postponed until the next meeting.


Review and Sign orders for bill payments

Discussion:  none

Action:  Bills were reviewed and signed.


Reports from Town Officials

Discussion: Arlan Pidgeon reported that one half of winter sand has been hauled.  He has started work on the Ferson Road culvert.  Work has to be completed by October 1, 2006.  David Lathrop was contacted. Arlan Pidgeon recommended that Rt. 53 be paved, the culvert patched and the area near Dunmore Acres pave a little bit.


Discussion: Cecile Todd asked Donna Pidgeon if the telephones had been updated with a push button system to leave messages on the answering machine for individuals.  Donna Pidgeon stated that she thought the monthly charge for this service is approximately $12.00 per month.  Donna Pidgeon had not been authorized to act on this matter.  Therefore, it had not been done.


Discussion: The board considered having the rails of the senior center made of composite rather than pressure treated wood.  If the railings were made of composite material, Paul Francoeur’s bid would be approximately $110 over the grant money.

Action:  Cecile Todd made a motion that the rails been made from composite material and that the additional funds of approximately $110 come from the general fund.  Bob Oliver seconded.  Motion passed.  5 ayes and 0 nays


New Business

Zoning Board Updates

Discussion:  Ron Fisk shared three areas of concern.  First, the Leicester Store permits are too vague to take legal action. Some clean up has occurred.  However, there are three parcels of land.  The unregistered cars are rotated to different lots. John McDonough stated that if they are in violation then you need to enforce it. He cautioned the zoning board to apply enforcement to everyone and not select individuals.  Ron Fisk shared that the zoning board was concerned about spending the money to go to court if the permits were not specific.  John McDonough stated that when he was on the zoning board, the permits were written specifically in such a way. The junk ordinance may be the way to address this issue.


 Second, the state in the past required that no one be able to build on a lot less than 1/8 acre.  This regulation is now up to individual towns and cities.  The zoning board is coming to the select board because there is a policy lacking. There is currently an application for building on a pre-existing 1/10 acres camp.  The septic is in the town right away. The permit was denied.

Action:  The zoning board will write a policy and return for approval.


Third, there have been complaints regarding a go-cart “track” and the noise levels it creates.  Ron Fisk stated that the zoning board felt this was a police issue and not a zoning issue. Neighbors of the go cart track expressed frustration regarding noise, dust and length of time in use.  Excavating has not been used to create the track. The owners see the go-cart track as a fun activity for fathers and their children. The track is not used at night.  The vehicles have mufflers.  Clay was laid on the track to help eliminate dust.  Cars do park on the road to watch the vehicles.

Action: John McDonough made a motion for the zoning board contact the town attorney regarding all three concerns, get advisement and report back to the select board.  Mark Stacey seconded.  Motion passed. 5 ayes and 0 nays.  Mark Stacey encouraged everyone to work toward a compromise.


Other: The board asked Ron Fisk if the minutes from the last zoning meeting were available.


Other: Concern was expressed regarding ATVs  and motorcycles on the road.  Bonnie Johnson stated that some of operators are young people (approximately 9 or 10 years old) without helmets.  She noted that they do not stop for stop signs.  Mark Stacey shared that the police have begun to implement a plan to try to stop these individuals. Julie Morrison asked for more patrols.


Other:  Bonnie Johnson asked if the no jake break and no thru signs had been purchased.  Dave Lathrop had advised the board that state funds would be jeopardized if the signs were enforced. The signs would cost approximately $20-$25 each. The signs could be posted if they stated: Please, no jake breaks and Please no thru trucks.

Action:  Arlan Pidgeon will purchase and post signs at the town line (east of the junction, past Ken Willard’s and up from the junction), before the stop signs. The signs will include the word please.


School Board

Discussion:  The school board does not have money in the budget to pay the select board for paving.  It was thought that donations would be able to cover the schools portion of the $3000 debt ($1470.90).


Paving on Route 53

Discussion:  John McDonough stated that he wanted to wait to pave route 53.  Mark Stacey asked if waiting would jeopardize the possibility of receiving 2 for 1 grant money next year.  It was thought that yes, it would jeopardize the board’s opportunity to get more grant money for the following year.

Action:  Diane Benware will get more information and report back on Oct. 2, 2006.


National Incident Agreement

Discussion:  The national incident agreement if an emergency response agreement that the board must sign for residents to be eligible to receive FEMA benefits if the area is declared a disaster/emergency.

Action:  The board signed the agreement.


Approval of Municipal Grant

Discussion:  Diane Benware asked the board for authority to sign the application for a grant to fund a Leicester/Salisbury Lake study.

Action:  Bob Oliver authorized the Chair to sign the application on behalf of the board.  Mark Stacey seconded. 5 ayes and 0 nays. Motion passed.



Discussion:  A citizen questioned whether or not her taxes were higher because of the increasing cost of the bridge.  It was explained that the tax increase is due to reappraisals and not the bridge.


Mowing Bids

Discussion: none

Action:  The topic of mowing bids was tabled to future meeting.


Seal Coating

Discussion:  Two options were discussed regarding seal coating the grey area in front of the town office (755 sq. yards). Volunteers could do the seal coating.  DNF had been contacted and made a bid of $2265.  Concern was expressed that falling leaves and cool weather affect ones ability to seal coat.  Cecile Todd expressed concern about the need to get more bids.  Others expressed to get the coating done as soon as possible to avoid weather and leaf concerns.

Action:  Bob Oliver made a motion to hire DNF to seal coat the grey area in front of the town office (755 sq yards).  Mark Stacey seconded.  3 ayes, 2 nays (Cecile Todd and John McDonough)


Other Old Business

Truck: Cecile Todd asked what the board was going to do with the truck.  She encouraged the board to think about whether the truck should be sold, used or stored.

Action: none


Route 53

Discussion: none

Action:  John McDonough made a motion to patch the hole on Rt.53 this fall. Bob Oliver seconded.  5 ayes and 0 nays.  Motion passed.



Discussion: none

Action:  Mark Stacey made a motion to authorize Donna Pidgeon to subscribe to the change in voice mail system as long as it was less than $20 pr month.  Bob Oliver seconded.  5 ayes and 0 nays.  Motion passed.


Limited Public Opinion

Discussion:  Charles Johnson asked about the honor roll.  Donna and Gary Whitman have photographed the honor roll.  Their workload is “out” four months. Mr. Johnson also asked about the sign his family donated.  It was taken down because of zoning regulations.  No one was certain as to the whereabouts of the sign.

Action:  Arlan Pidgeon will look in the garage for the sign.


Executive session

Discussion: none

Action:  Bob Oliver made a motion that the board enter executive session at 9:50 to discuss matters of pending litigation.  John McDonough seconded.  5 ayes, 0 nays Motion passed. John McDonough made a motion to come out of executive session at 10:02. Bob Oliver seconded. Motion passed.  5 ayes and 0 nays



Discussion: none

Action:  Cecile Todd made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Bob Oliver seconded.  5 ayes and 0 nays Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:05.


Respectfully Submitted,

Betty Wiedenbein


The next regular scheduled meeting is October 2, 2006 at 7 pm.