Meeting Minutes
Nov. 20, 2006
Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Unapproved - See subsequent minutes for changes
Present: J. McDonough, R. Oliver, M. Stacey, C. Todd, D. Benware (recorder)
Others: Donna Pidgeon, Arlan Pidgeon, Mary Hughes, John Hughes, Bob Volk Sr.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Benware.
Flag salute recited. Agenda reviewed.
Minutes of Nov. 6
The following were changes or additions made to the minutes of Nov. 6, 2006:
-correct Al Smith to Harry Smith
-correct Bloe to Blow
-correct Carol Carrolson to Carolyn Carlson
-correct ABC of Natural Resources to Agency of Natural Resources
add removal of vehicles not simply removal
-correct Kimble to Kimball
-correct Blaize to Blaise
-correct Leno property to former Leno property (now Bensch)
Under Review and sign orders p. 2 should read approximately $10,000 for cement.
ACTION: motion by Bob, second by Mark to approve the Minutes of Nov. 6 with the above corrections, passed unanimously.
Bills were reviewed and orders signed.
Reports from Town Officials or Committees:
Arlan reported that he will have Herbie work on rough spots on all roads in the next few days. John asked about antifreeze in the grader and truck. Arlan noted the truck has a leak near the wing. Donna had nothing to report, except that the appraisal is about 60% complete.
Mowing Bids:
The one bid for the cemetery was not seen by the Cemetery Committee because it came to the office rather than to John Quelch.
ACTION: Philip Letourneau was the lone bidder. After discussion, Ceil made the motion, Bob the second to the motion to award the 2007 cemetery mowing to Mr. Letourneau, passed unanimously. ($150 per mow, $450 for cleanup)
Roadside Mowing: Lem Palmer was the lone bidder. After a phone call to him, placed by Mark ,to determine if he can arrange his schedule so that he is not mowing too early in the season.
ACTION: Mark made the motion to award the roadside mowing to Lem Palmer, with first mowing “June 15th, give or take a day”. Second to the motion by Bob, which passed unanimously.
Town Green:
There were three bidders: Cal Lovin, Busy Bee Landscaping, and Phil Letourneau.
Mowing Cleanup
Busy Bee $105 per $1,000
Phil $80-90 per $400
ACTION: Bob made the motion, second by Mark to award the mowing of the green to Cal Lovin for the 2007 season.
Chair will notify bidders in writing and will request that they submit a Tax ID# or Social Security Number, as well as proof of insurance.
VLCT limits of liability:
ACTION: After discussion, decision made to retain the $2 million dollar liability limits and not increase it at this time.
Deadline to submit letters of interest to Ron Fiske by Nov. 24. Ad has appeared in the local papers.
Agency of Natural Resources statute Re: junk burning:
Ceil had contacted Karen Horn at the agency, who was not able to give a clear answer.
Terry at ACSWD had confirmed to Diane that a municipal ordinance would be needed in order for town officials to issue tickets.
ACTION: Decision to leave the ticketing to the Sheriff’s Dep’t. If there are issues, persons should be directed to contact Dick Debonis.
In response to Donna’s observation that little white bags are found on
Junk Ordinance Enforcement:
Ceil reported that Jim Coons will check the Sutton residence and is prepared to serve him with a ticket. Ceil sent Jim a copy of our ordinance and copies of letters previously sent.
Al LaPorte property: Al also has received a letter regarding junk. Diane will send a copy of the letter sent to Mr. LaPorte to Jim Coons, along with information about the health issues at the Coons’ residence.
Health Issues Coons’ residence: According to legal counsel, the next step is to have the Sheriff’s Office serve the Health Order to the Coons. A copy of the Health Order, as well as the previous mailing (which came back to us unopened) will be sent to the Sheriff, as well as the fee for such a service. Diane authorized to do such.
Ceil will check the cars at the Bensch property. It was determined that the items at the Leicester General Store are a zoning issue, as the Certificate of Compliance has not yet been granted.
School request for signs: Carol Eckels has asked for 2 signs that say Exit Only with two times specified 7:40 to 8:00 a.m. and 2:20 to 2:45 p.m. to be erected at the westerly of the two drives into the office/schoolyard.
ACTION: After considerable discussion, especially about our concern for child safety, the motion was made by Bob, second by John to have two signs erected (one saying Enter here at the easterly drive, the other saying Exit Only at the westerly drive).
Those voting in favor were: McDonough, Oliver, Stacey, Benware. Voting nay was Todd. The focus here is on child safety. Diane will also contact ACT about the possibility of delaying their morning pickup until about 8:00 a.m. to minimize drivers not related to school children using the school drive at the same time parents are dropping children off. It was noted that the area where signs are to be placed is not school property. Also discussed was the need for the school to pay the balance of the driveway paving project.
A resident of
Executive Session:
Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss Funeral costs made by Bob at 8:52 p.m., second by John, passed unanimously.
Motion by Bob, second by Mark, to come out of Executive Session at 9:08 p.m., no action taken, passed unanimously.
Motion to adjourn at 9:08 p.m. by Bob, second by John.
Meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m.
Next meeting Dec. 4, 2006. Budget meetings will be scheduled at that time.
Respectfully submitted;
Diane Benware, Chair