Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

January 16, 2006

Leicester Select board Meeting

Unapproved minutes


Board Members Present:  John McDonough, Cecile Todd, Mark Stacey, Bob Oliver, and Diane Benware


Townspeople Present:  Mary Hughes, John Hughes, Donald Felion, Ernest Miner, Lawrence A. Felion Jr., Al Watson, Arlan Pidgeon, Sid Glassner, Jeff Wallin, Bill McHugh, Lt. Thomas Noble, Francis Hanfield, Cynthia Van Amburg, Jeffrey Hatch and Donna Pidgeon


Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm


Pledge was recited.


Agenda was reviewed.  Order of agenda was revised.


Old Business

Vermont Sun

Discussion:  Diane Benware read a letter from the Town Counsel stating that the board has the authority to deny or give permission for the races.  The letter stated that the decision should be based on health, welfare, safety and convenience of the Leicester residents. Jeff Wallin, a former officer, gave a history of the events.  Mr. Wallin stated that there were complaints regarding the race and an effort to work with Steve and the State Parks was attempted.  Vermont Sun refused the suggestion to try other locations.  The State Parks were to honor the rights of citizens and if both towns agreed (Salisbury and Leicester) the Park Department would deny a permit.  Permits were granted because the two towns did not agree.  In January 2001, the Commissioner gave the select boards the power to deny or grant the permit.  Mr. Wallin provided a paper trail to support his historical account.


Jared Rushton from Vermont Sun stated that Vermont Sun had made adjustments.  He stated that the races are on Sundays instead of Saturdays, the time was moved (earlier), enforcement was increased. The Half Iron man race would grow in number.  The other races would not.  Mr. Rushton said that if the board suggested not allowing an increase in the numbers, Vermont Sun would accept its suggestion.  Mr. Rushton also stated that Vermont Sun was willing to make a donation to both Leicester and Salisbury.  He also expressed concern that advertising had already started. Lt. Noble reported that he had not received a complaint.  Lt. Noble had encouraged Jared Rushton to come before the board because of the increase in the number of racers for the Half Iron Event.  Mr. Rushton expressed that he never considered that all the races would be denied. Supporters of Vermont Sun stated that the race has a perfect fifteen year safety record, it promotes healthy, active lifestyles, “we” tolerate everyone else, and a compromise should be considered.  Support letters were provided.  Lt. Noble suggested that if the races were permitted a dialogue be in place prior to and after each race.  Others expressed their frustrations regarding the fifteen year history of the race.  Complaints were language, behavior, safety, obscene gestures, and an inability to use roadways. 

ACTION: John McDonough made a motion that the board reaffirm its previous vote to deny Vermont Sun use of the road due to safety and inconvenience. Bob Oliver seconded.  4 ayes and 1 nay(Diane Benware)


Minutes:  Minutes from January
will not be reviewed until Wednesday.


Bills were reviewed and signed.


Committee Reports:

Arlan Pidgeon had nothing to report.

Cemetary Committee had nothing to report.

Donna Pidgeon The computer is in need of repair. The computer will be checked tomorrow.  She will call the state to find out the process to get a new computer in case that is decided.


New Business

Leicester General Store needs to apply for a Class 2 liquor license.

Action:  John McDonough made a motion that the board approve both liquor licenses for 2005 & 2006 for the Leicester General Store.  Bob Oliver seconded.  5 ayes, 0 nays.


School Use of the Town Hall

Discussion:  Donald Felion reported that all parents have been notified, the school is cleaning the building, the students are to be always supervised, the fewest number of students utilize the building and that caution was to be used upon entering.  Heating and lighting costs will be paid for by the board for this school year.  This arrangement will be reviewed in June.


Action:  John McDonough made a motion to allow the school to utilize the town hall for educational purposes until June.  Bob Oliver seconded.  5 ayes and 0 nays


Grant Update:

1.Discussion:  One half of the park and ride grant money has been received. It is in a special escrow account.  It will pay for paving the parking lot.  This would provide paving for 10-12 parking spaces.


2.Discussion: The grant for the bridge work did arrive on time for submission. The board should know its status by Monday, March 6, 2006.

Action:  none


State Representatives:

Discussion: John Hughes asked if the board had contacted the state representatives.  Diane Benware had written to them in regard to the application for grant funds. 

Action: none


Fire Protection

Discussion: John Hughes asked if the board contact Brandon regarding fire protection. 

Action:  The board is to meet with the Brandon board and the town of Whiting regarding fire protection.


Blues Band and Community Event

Discussion: There will be a flea market on June 17th or June 24th. A blues band will be playing.  The band costs $300.  It was hoped that this would become a townwide event.  Perhaps, local artist will sell their creations. 

ACTION:  Cecile Todd made a motion to approve $150 donation to help pay for the band and related expenses.  John McDonough seconded. 5 ayes, 0 nays.  Sid Glassner suggested getting the information on the website quickly.


Inappropriate Language

Discussion:  Donald Felion brought Herbie Handfield to the meeting to tell the board what happened between Mr. Handfield and Mr. Arlan Pidgeon.  It was stated by Mr. Handfield that Mr. Pidgeon had apologized.  Bob Oliver restated his conversation with a member of the Handfield household.  Cecile Todd restated her conversation with Herbie Handfield.  John Hughes suggested that all personnel matters be handled in executive session.

Action: none



Discussion:  Sid Glassner suggested that the board show some physical improvements made to the community.  He suggested that the board set the leadership for building a bandstand and use local help to build it.  John Hughes stated that some fundraising may need to be done.  Sid Glassner thought this would be a start to developing community spirit.  This should then be reflected each year in the budget. As long as the bandstand is listed as a piece of town equipment, liability is covered.


Select Board Report

Discussion:  Cecile Todd suggested the elimination of using other local town specific names in comparison of road costs.  She stated that she did not want to unintentionally offend neighboring towns.  Diane Benware stated that the wording regarding the bridge grant would need to be changed. The board changed some wording in the document in an effort to convey accuracy. Donna Pidgeon stated that professional/ outside audits are good business practice.  The professional/outside audits are expensive. 

Action:  John McDonough made a motion to put an article in the report asking voters to rescind private professional audits every three years.  Cecile Todd seconded.  5 ayes and 0 nays.



Discussion: none

Action:  Bob Oliver made a motion to recess until Wednesday at 7pm. John McDonough seconded.  5 ayes and 0 nays

The meeting adjourned at 10:00pm


Betty Wiedenbein, Secretary